Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Dominik

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Dominik m pr

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

10.35am: More on the news that Wayne Rooney has missed training with an ankle injury. However, as my colleague Dominic Fifield reports: "The injury is not believed to be too serious and Rooney is expected to start in England's second match of the tournament against Algeria on Friday, but, nonetheless, his absence from training comes at a particularly precarious time for Fabio Capello's team."
9.35am: More news from Dominic Fifield in the England camp: Rooney took a kick on his ankle on Saturday. Ledley being assessed on a "daily basis".
9.20am This tweet from my colleague Dominic Fifield: England putting Jamie Carragher up today. Potentially now a key World Cup player in King's anticipated absence. May talk about Liverpool, too
The files show the FBI was told almost immediately of the accident and Kennedy's involvement but kept his identity quiet at the start. The Boston FBI office relayed word to Washington headquarters on 19 July, 1969, after being notified by Dominic Arena, the police chief in Edgartown, Massachusetts. The report said: "Stated fact Senator Kennedy was driver is not being revealed to anyone."
Johnson also saw enough to persuade him some fringe candidates are making genuine cases for World Cup squad inclusion. Dominic Waldouck and Dave Attwood both did their causes no harm, although an ankle problem forced the Wasps centre Waldouck off the field after just 28 minutes.
"Our solicitor Gareth Peirce has made urgent fresh representations to the attorney general Dominic Grieve, asking the UK coalition government to immediately stop Babar's extradition and put him on trial in Britain so he has the chance to prove his innocence before a jury of his peers."
The "restricted: management" document is a draft submission on the 2010 spending review from the CPS for discussion with the attorney general, Dominic Grieve, last Thursday. The formal submission is due to be delivered to the Treasury on Friday , with negotiations due to continue over the summer and a final settlement to be reached in October covering the next three years.
They are not the only ones who feel something has gone awry. There's parish priest Dominic Barrington, who penned a protest letter with Khan. He signed the letter with a heavy heart. He likes his MP. But something needed saying. "Philip has been a good MP in many ways," he says. "We just need to show him that this is wrong."
Hopes for a new inquest have been raised by the change in government. Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, said in April, when he was shadow justice secretary, that the Tories would consider a new inquest into Kelly's death. He also called for a review of the government's decision not to release related medical records and postmortem documents.
Howard's intervention comes as the attorney general, Dominic Grieve, and the justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke, are said to be exploring how best to allay concerns over the official version of Kelly's death.

I did not know Dominic had friends with police forces.
Założę się, że Dominic ma przyjaciół w policji.

She's with Dominic, and they're trying to take over the world.
Ona jest z Dominikiem i razem próbują przejąć kontrolę nad światem.

Dominic doesn't even remember him. I prefer it that way.
Dominic go nie pamięta i lepiej, żeby tak zostało.

For you information, my brother Dominic die of lung cancer.
Dla twojej wiadomości, mój brat Dominik umarł na raka płuc.

Dominic? There's someone who looks like you spying on us.
Dominic, szpieguje nas ktoś, kto wygląda, jak ty.

Dominic went bye-bye, so that leaves more room at the top for just me.
Dominik zrobił pa pa, więc teraz ja jestem u szczytu władzy.

Everybody knows that St. Dominic's is in a bad way.
Wszyscy wiedza, że święty Dominik jest w kiepskiej kondycji.

Dominic, you're not working on the Jarvis case, are you?
Dominic, nie pracujesz nad sprawami Jarvisa, prawda?

If, as dominic says, the suit was out in space,
Jeżeli, jak twierdzi Dominic, kombinezon był w przestrzeni,

I'm trying to be your friend, Dominic, all right?
Dominic, staram się być twoim przyjacielem.

Dominic, give me the bracelet, and I'll do the spell for your machine.
Dominik, daj mi bransoletkę, a ja wypowiem zaklęcie na twoją maszynę.

Dominic wants to sign me as a solo artist.
Dominic chce podpisać umowę ze mną jako solowy artysta

Dominic my son stay with me a moment.
Dominic, mój synu, zostań na chwilę.

I don't want Dominic to pay for it.
Nie chcę, by Dominic za to płacił.

And you had no idea that it was Dominic Calcutta?
Nie wiedzieliście, że to Dominic Calcutta?

Not in the sense that you mean, Dominic.
Nie w sensie, o którym myślisz, Dominic.

Dominic. With her, you use your real name.
Dominic. Przy niej używasz prawdziwego imienia.

Dominic is a person, Lauren, not a stock portfolio.
Dominic to osoba, a nie akcje na giełdzie.

Well, what's the bet that Dominic Greene has friends in the police force?
Założę się, że Dominic ma przyjaciół w policji.

Dominic was staying with relatives until his family got settled in New Mexico.
Mieszkał u krewnych, dopóki rodzice nie urządzą się w Nowym Meksyku.

I'm thinking of them, Dominic, about as much as they've ever thought about me.
Myślę o nich, Dominic, mniej więcej tak samo, jak oni myślą o mnie.

From now on Dominic's my partner in crime.
Od teraz jestem w umyśle Dominika towarzysze mu w zbrodniach.

Dominic didn't give you any trouble, did he?
Dominic sprawiał kłopoty? - Nie.

Michael said Dominic is a really amazing chef.
A Michael powiedział, że Dominic świetnie gotuje.

On the contrary, mr. Dominic, everything that happens under this roof is my fault.
Wręcz przeciwnie, Panie Dominic, wszystko co stanie się pod tym dachem to moja wina.

Dominic had her in his crosshairs for months.
Dominic miał ją na celowniku od miesięcy

Dominic was like a father to me.
Dominik był dla mnie jak ojciec.

I know you were close to mr. Dominic.
Wiem, że byliście blisko z panem Dominikiem.

Dominic, that would make me very, very happy.
Dominic, to uczyniłoby mnie bardzo, bardzo szczęśliwą.

Dominic hires my own wife to clip me?
Dominic wynajął moją własną żonę, żeby mnie sprzątnęła?

Dominic put out a contract on me.
Dominic zlecił, żeby mnie sprzątnięto.

And Lost's Dominic Monaghan is our big star in a small car.
I Lost's Dominic Monaghan jest naszą wielką gwiazdą w małym samochodzie.

What about that Dominic Barone guy who runs production?
A ten Dominic Barone z produkcji?

Did Dominic give you my number?
Dominic dał pani ten numer?

Dominic, you don't have to be here.
Dominic, nie musisz tu być.

I lead t other with Dominic and Jones.
Ja poprowadzę innych z Dominikiem i Jonesem.

I used his body as my canvas-- au Dominic.
Jego ciało posłużyło mi za płótno au Dominic. Są piękne.

Time, Dominic, we are running out of time.
Czas, Dominic. Zaczyna brakować nam czasu.

Dominic Barone has assigned that right to me.
Dominic Barone przypisał mi to prawo.

The most popular theory held Dominic Palazzolo to blame.
Najbardziej popularna teoria obwiniała Dominica Palazzolo.

You came here to talk, Dominic.
Przyszedłeś tu, żeby rozmawiać.

It's got a fogger system and a T4 turbo, Dominic.
System na podtlenek azotu i turbo T4, Dominik.

It was either him or dominic.
on albo Dominic.

Come, Dominic, join me in this work.
Przyłącz się do mnie w tej pracy.

Bring a mirror to me, Dominic, please.
Przynieś mi lustro, Dominic. Proszę.

I saw him, it was Dominic.
Widziałem go to był Dominik.

I hope you and Dominic rot.
Mam nadzieję, że ty i Dominic zgnijecie.

I trusted you with a gift, mr. Dominic.
Zaufałam panu z darem, panie Dominic.

Then this incident - the Dominic Farnham death.
A potem ten wypadek... śmierć Dominica Farnhama.

Dominic tried to straighten her out.
Dominik próbował ją z tego wyciągnąć.