(Noun) geografia miasto w USA, znane z produkcji samochodów marki FORD, GM, CHRYSLER;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Secondly, Detroit highlights the importance of collecting data, but also of integrating and analysing it.
Po drugie, uwypukla on wagę gromadzenia danych, ale również ich integrowania oraz analizowania.
Andrew had moved to Detroit from Duluth, Minnesota.
Andrew przeprowadził się do Detroid z Duluth w Minnesocie.
Thirdly, Detroit highlights that the associates of al-Qaeda are in a position to launch attacks outside of what we would call their own territory.
Po trzecie zamach ten uświadamia nam, że terroryści powiązani z Al-Kaidą mogą przeprowadzać ataki poza obszarami, które są uznawane za ich terytorium.
Crucial to this process has been the slow death of physical music. Where scenes coalesced in the past, it was often round a record shop or a club where people could hear particular sounds. In the late 80s, for example, regulars at the Hacienda were able to hear the Chicago house and Detroit techno imports that underpinned Madchester. Right up to the mid-90s, people would ask their friends for recommendations and share mixtapes, even if those friends were obsessives like High Fidelity's Dick and Barry, championing anything obscure and ridiculing the ignorant. The internet, and all it entails â?? MySpace, social networking, file-sharing, blogs â?? has destroyed the importance of the physical ownership of music. Now, everyone has access to every kind of music, digitally and instantly. We no longer depend on other people and their imports, club nights and mixtapes to discover new sounds.She tells me about one occasion when she "went after" a Detroit woman she'd read about in the paper. Her 13th baby had just been taken off life support and she was refusing sterilisation because she wanted more children. "I said, no, she's not going to have any more kids, not if I've got anything to do with it. I called Detroit and asked my volunteers to find her. They offered her $500 to get tubal ligation. The day she had it, I celebrated."Awlaki, famous for his online sermons and video messages to Americans â?? in fluent English â?? is an official target for assassination by the US government because of his links to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian "underpants bomber" charged with an attack on a Dutch airliner over Detroit last Christmas Day, and to the Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad.Detroit was once the engine of America's automotive industry. Today it is a symbol of urban decay. But a daring bid to return the land to farming is sowing seeds of recovery â?? and could be a template for cities across the worldStrolling around his inner-city Detroit neighbourhood, Mark Covington pauses to take in the view. The houses and shops that existed when he was a child are gone, replaced by empty lots, the buildings either burned down or demolished. In their place is wilderness. Tall grass, wild flowers and trees. "Just look at that," he says. "It could be a country road."A familiar refrain from many of the thousands of people involved in urban farming in Detroit is that they are returning the city to its pre-industrial roots. Back in the late 18th century, Detroit was a small trading post surrounded by fields and farms. "You know, this area began as farmland and we are just going back to that," says Rich Wieske, who runs more than 60 beehives in inner-city Detroit and sells the resulting honey commercially. The middle-aged Wieske sports a white beard and a passion for his bees. What began as a hobby to provide honey for making mead has now turned into a profession.As he tends five of his hives, situated on a plot of land that used to house a grand brick mansion, but is now a pleasant patch of woodland, Wieske marvels at how suitable the environment of the inner city is for his tiny charges. Each year Wieske's apiary, Green Toe Gardens, produces about 3,000lb of honey and sells it in local Detroit markets. "Our harvests are as high as anywhere else in the US. There is so much forage, so much land for the bees," he says.Yet the fact remains that for the past 100 years Detroit was all about industry. It was where Henry Ford invented the production line, giving birth to the car industry. Detroit became the archetypal American 20th- century metropolis on the back of hundreds of huge factories, surrounded by solid middle-class houses and a thriving downtown filled with skyscrapers. It was a magnet for immigrant workers and produced vast industrial fortunes for grand American families, becoming a centre of culture and manufacturing where politicians could dream of one day rivalling New York.All have failed. Detroit is not being transformed by some massive top-down initiative, but by projects like the urban farm that has emerged on Linwood Street. It's a typical Detroit scene, with burnt-out shops, empty lots and houses, plus a few other buildings where residents are barely clinging on. It is busy with the roar of traffic, as well as the sound of a small John Deere tractor which is mowing the grass around a large plot of bare earth that has been prepared for planting. There are more bare fields on nearby lots. The smell of damp earth and fertiliser mingles with exhaust fumes. The Linwood Street urban farm is now in its fourth planting season, producing a bounty of corn, squash and potatoes for local residents to harvest, again for free. Developed by Urban Farming, which was founded by Detroit singer and former Prince prot?©g?© Taja Sevelle, the movement is dedicated to turning vacant land over to food production, providing a healthier diet to city people who either go hungry or have poor nutrition.Sevelle sees what is happening as a harbinger of urban development for the western world's declining inner cities, with Detroit at the cutting edge of the phenomenon. "I see the entire world looking different. Detroit will be number one in showing people how to pull a city out of a situation like this," she says.
You know, people in Detroit need to hear something good.
Wiesz, ludzie w Detroit Potrzebują słuchać dobrych rzeczy.
I've got a wife and two kids back in Detroit.
Mam żonę i dwoje dzieci w Detroit.
Do you think she had lots of money growing up in Detroit?
Myślicie, że miała dużo pieniędzy, kiedy dorastała w Detroit?
There is no lack of action - this has been made clear in Detroit.
Nie brakuje działań - stało się to jasne w Detroit.
Yeah,I bet you can't wait to get to your family and friends in detroit.
Ta, na pewno chcesz wrócić do rodziny i przyjaciół w Detroit.
I don't have to go to Detroit to know that it smells.
Nie muszę jechać do Detroit, żeby wiedzieć, że tam śmierdzi.
I just bet you are the pride of your department in Detroit.
Założę się, że jest pan dumą swego wydziału w Detroit.
But I should have taken care of you in Detroit.
Ale powinienem był się tobą zająć w Detroit.
We're off to a good start here in Detroit.
Czekamy na rozpoczęcie tu, w Detroit.
Your son is in Detroit and he needs you.
Twój syn jest w Detroit i potrzebuje cię.
Well, we'll have plenty of time to catch up on those flights to Detroit.
Cóż, będziemy mieli dużo czasu, aby nadrobić zaległości lecąc do Detroit.
I thought she said her sister was an invalid in Detroit.
Myślałem, że jej siostra jest inwalidką i mieszka w Detroit
I'm looking forward to having you out in Detroit, Bob.
Nie mogę się doczekać, kiedy będziesz w Detroit, Bob.
Then he'll come back through Chicago on his way to Detroit.
Potem wraca do Chicago. A potem do Detroit.
You go to Detroit and give the goddamn lamp to your kid.
Ty jedź do Detroit i daj dziecku tę cholerną lampę.
Do you think the free market has failed Detroit?
Czy sądzisz że wolny rynek zawiódł Detroit?
You want to go to Detroit and meet someone Friday morning?
Potrzebuję cię w Detroit człowiek w hotelu w piątek rano.
I'm not going back to Detroit without helping him.
Nie wróce do Detroit, zanim mu nie pomoge.
The defendant is in Detroit being examined by a psychiatrist.
Oskarżony przebywa w Detroit na badaniach psychiatrycznych.
The great city of Detroit represents an important precedent, gentlemen.
Wielkie miasto Detroit to bardzo ważny precedens.
Okay, we've been in Detroit for the last week looking for this man.
Jesteśmy w Detroit od tygodnia, szukamy tego człowieka.
This magnificent structure will be the seat of leadership for the new Detroit.
Ta wspaniała konstrukcja będzie miejscem pobytu przywódców nowego Detroit..
He came from Detroit to ask me to do him a favor
Przyjechał aż z Detroit, by mnie prosić o przysługę.
Ten thousand engineers in Detroit, you'd think they'd know how to design an automobile.
tysięcy inżynierów w Detroit. Jeszcze można pomyśleć, że wiedzą jak zaprojektować samochód.
And this is the Detroit airport in June 19th of2002.
To jest lotnisko w Detroit, 19 czerwca 2002 roku.
You think you can go to Detroit after that shit?
Myślisz, że możesz pojechać do Detroit po takim gównie?
After Detroit, to give you an example, the spotlight is on body scanners as the best solution.
Po Detroit na przykład mówi się, że najlepszym rozwiązaniem są skanery ciała.
Detroit takes over the football with excellent field position.
Detroit przejmuje piłkę na wspaniałej pozycji.
Five years ago, I was a successful businessman in Detroit.
Pięć lat temu byłem znaczącym biznesmenem w Detroit.
Look, there's a bus to Detroit in two hours.
Za dwie godziny mamy autobus do Detroit.
What does the Detroit Mafia have to do with us?
Co mafia z Detroit ma wspólnego z nami?
Including a little stop-off in Detroit to take care of your crap.
Wliczając w to przystanek w Detroit, żeby załatwić twoje sprawy.
How's that little bump on the head I gave you in Detroit?
Jak tam guz, którego zafundowałem ci w Detroit?
Another Springfield family moves to Detroit to find a better life.
Kolejna tutejsza rodzina przeprowadza się do Detroit, aby znaleźć lepsze życie.
It's back to Detroit for some old-fashioned street violence.
Wracam do Detroit po dawke staromodnej przemocy ulicznej.
Well, you know what they say about Detroit.
Cóż, wiesz co mówią o Detroit.
We will break the world tonight in Detroit.
Pobijemy dziś światowy rekord tu w Detroit
The rest of us go back to Detroit.
Reszta z nas wróci do Detroit.
Detroit in the '70s was a hard place.
Detroit w latach 70tych było ciężkim miejscem.
I used to be a cop in Detroit... but this is much better.
Przedtem byłem gliną w Detroit... ...ale to coś lepszego.
He came into Detroit and somebody killed him.
Przyjechał do Detroit i ktoś go zabił.
Does that mean Detroit should stop making cars?
Czy to znaczy, że Detroit powinno przestać produkować samochody?
Structurally, this is as sound as any building you'll find in Detroit.
Generalnie jest to budynek taki jak inne w Detroit.
Somebody who used to be your Detroit competition.
Twoja dawna konkurencja z Detroit.
And this one guy from Detroit inexplicably called him Steve.
Choć moja mama nazywała go ekscentrykiem, a jeden facet z Detroit- Stevem.
She's flyin' out from Detroit for a few days.
Przylatuje z Detroit na parę dni.
Hey, how about we go to Detroit for Christmas?
Hej, a może pojedziemy do Detroit na Święta?