ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Nolan is occasionally described as the inheritor of Stanley Kubrick's mantle, and there are allusions. The encounter between Cobb and Fischer in the weirdly long hotel bar with its undersea-lighting, feels like The Shining, and the impossible tsunami-explosions of water or tinkling broken-glass showers are also derived from its famous lift shaft blood deluge. Fischer's final encounter with his father (Pete Postlethwaite) bears a trace-memory of 2001. But I don't think Nolan is or wants to be the new Kubrick: Gaspar No?© has a much greater claim with his forthcoming film Enter the Void. It is tempting to say that Nolan is the new Lewis Gilbert, director of The Spy Who Loved Me. At the third dream-level, DiCaprio and Murphy find themselves skiing in naff white military snowsuit outfits â?? much less cool than the formalwear they modelled in the hotel â?? towards a perfunctorily imagined Dr Evil-style mountainside HQ. I expected Roger Moore to zoom up, raise an eyebrow, and take out these cyper-whipper-snappers with a single elderly karate chop.
Sharp said he hoped the gift would encourage more people to aspire to a university education. But students expressed disquiet that much of Sharp's fortune was derived from Trafigura.
"Our priority for the next 18 months is to make ITV a creatively dynamic and fit-for-purpose organisation while maintaining strict financial controls. Over time we expect to move to a position whereby half of ITV's revenue base will be derived from non-television advertising sources and today we are announcing our move into pay television with the agreement to make HD versions of ITV 2, 3 and 4 pay channels on Sky."
The revelation will be used by critics as an example of how food laws are failing to keep up with developments in breeding technology. Food derived from clones can be legally sold in the US but no applications have been made for similar moves in Europe.
Embryos from cattle cloned in the US began being imported into Britain three years ago but no official checks have been kept on their offspring. The European parliament called last month for a definitive ban on clone-derived food. The commission and council of ministers will now be under severe pressure to quickly consider the plea.
The history of the self-tan, the fastest-growing sector of the international cosmetics market, is streaky at best. We do know that the first product to come on the market arrived in the mid-1950s and was called Man-Tan. It contained dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a chemical derived from sugar cane and still the most effective ingredient for those seeking a sunless tan, as it causes a browning reaction with the amino acids on the skin's surface rather than simply staining the skin. The rumour goes that its tanning properties were discovered by accident in the 1920s when a nurse treating a diabetic patient with DHA accidentally spilled it on his chest while connecting his drip. The following day she noticed it had coloured his skin.
Khwārizmi was born around 780 and died around 850. His name suggests that he was originally from Khorezm, a province of Uzbekistan. He worked in the House of Wisdom as a mathematician, geographer and astronomer. Together with Kindi, he was instrumental in introducing the Arabs to the Hindu decimal numerals that we use today. But his greatest legacy is his extraordinary book on algebra. Indeed, the word "algebra" is derived from the title of this book: Kitab al-Jebr (The Book of Completion) in which he lays out for the first time the rules and steps of solving algebraic equations.
Khwārizmi was born around 780 and died around 850. His name suggests that he was originally from Khorezm, a province of Uzbekistan. He worked in the House of Wisdom as a mathematician, geographer and astronomer. Together with Kindi, he was instrumental in introducing the Arabs to the Hindu decimal numerals that we use today. But his greatest legacy is his extraordinary book on algebra. Indeed, the word "algebra" is derived from the title of this book: Kitab al-Jebr (The Book of Completion) in which he lays out for the first time the rules and steps of solving algebraic equations.
Part of the imagery in the painting is derived from a video game â?? which was withdrawn from sale â?? called Six Days In Fallujah, which aimed to recreate the notorious 2004 Iraq war battle from the point of view of a US marine. Dalwood also references the lush orientalism of Delacroix's Women of Algiers, with a section of the painting richly painted with images of slippers and fine carpets.
In the days when type was set by hand, a font was a complete set of letters of a typeface in one particular size and style â?? every different a, b and c in upper and lower case, each pound or dollar sign and punctuation mark. There would be many duplicates, the exact amount dependent on their common usage, but always more Es than Js. The word is derived from "fund", the fund (amount) of type from which the letters are selected. These days a font refers simply to a particular typeface, which may have 10 or 20 fonts, each weight and style on the page a little different. But in common parlance we use font and typeface interchangeably, and there are worse sins.

A culture derived from the nation with power and media control.
Kultura wywodzi sie z narodu z władzą i kontrolą mediów.

However, it can be derived from other sources as well.
Można ją jednakże wyprowadzić także z innych źródeł.

Did not interview questions derived from the person holding the camera.
Czy nie pytań do wywiadu pochodzi z osoba trzyma aparat.

We have a right to them, derived from our Maker.
Mamy do nich prawo, które pochodzi od naszego Stwórcy.

The requirements that you derived from this are therefore also met.
Z tego względu spełnione są również wymogi, które pan z niej wywnioskował.

All of the powers I have is derived from my master's flesh.
Wszyscy władze l być wywieść się z ciała mojego mistrza.

Buffalo and the hand washing thing could have been derived through observation.
Buffalo i mycie rąk można było wywnioskować.

Therefore they are different and charged with lots of expectations derived from the new European realities.
Z tego względu są one inne i wiążą się z nimi wielkie oczekiwania wynikające z nowej rzeczywistości europejskiej.

His toxin is derived from the organic compound found in our blue flowers.
Jego toksyna jest wytwarzana ze związku organicznego znalezionego w naszych niebieskich kwiatach.

We also voted in favour of Article 116, but this does not mean that mandatory legal consequences would be derived from it.
Głosowaliśmy również za art. 116, lecz nie oznacza to, że zostaną z tego wyciągnięte obowiązkowe konsekwencje prawne.

It creates deeper inequalities than those derived from the different purchasing power.
Prowadzi to do pogłębiania się nierówności początkowo wynikających jedynie z innej siły nabywczej.

The advances for those who protect animals are also significant, not least through the pooling of data derived from animal testing.
Znaczne korzyści odniosą także ci, którzy zajmują się ochroną zwierząt, zwłaszcza poprzez wymianę danych zgromadzonych w wyniku badań na zwierzętach.

Previously, this emphasis chiefly derived from socialist or liberal inspiration.
Wcześniej, akcent ten pochodził głównie z socjalistycznych lub liberalnych inspiracji.

It's about spiritual strength derived from many gods.
To siła duchowa, pochodząca od wielu bogów.

This solidarity, however, is directly derived from Christian teachings on the dignity of every human being and the moral imperative to help those in need.
Ta solidarność wywodzi się jednak bezpośrednio z chrześcijańskiego nauczania o godności każdej istoty ludzkiej i moralnego imperatywu pomocy potrzebującym.

It's possible that whatever affected that plane may have been derived from that work.
Możliwe, że cokolwiek zainfekowało samolot, mogło pochodzić z tych badań.

Derived from the Greek words for wing and finger, what is the genus...
Pochodzące z greki słowo, oznaczające skrzydło i palec, jaki rodzaj...

It is essential to have a system by which to monitor movements of timber and derived products from harvesting right up to export.
Posiadanie systemu umożliwiającego monitorowanie drogi, jaką pokonuje drewno i produkty z drewna od ścięcia do wywozu, jest konieczne.

Proposals have also been announced to improve the transparency and supervision of products derived from agricultural commodities.
Zaproponowano także zwiększenie przejrzystości i nadzoru nad produktami uzyskiwanymi z towarów rolnych.

Participants will also consider a fair and honest way of sharing the benefits derived from exploitation of genetic resources.
Będą się także zastanawiali nad sprawiedliwym i godziwym podziałem korzyści pochodzących z wykorzystania zasobów genetycznych.

Opium tincture, a product derived from the poppy flower.
Nalewka z opium, produkt pochodzący z kwiatów maku.

Scientific knowledge isn't derived from anything.
Wiedza naukowa nie pochodzi z czegokolwiek.

Better laws increase the benefits derived from modern and effective legislation whilst simultaneously reducing the cost of its implementation to a minimum.
Lepsze prawo zwiększa korzyści płynące z nowoczesnej i efektywnej legislacji przy jednoczesnym minimalizowaniu kosztów jego wdrażania.

Most of the criteria derived from VPA definitions have been met.
Spełniono większość kryteriów wynikających z definicji zawartych w dobrowolnej umowie o partnerstwie.

Its derived from the word Armageddon.
Nazwa wywodzi się od słowa Armageddon.

Ms Gomes has produced a truly exceptional report, whose findings are derived directly from her first-hand experience on the ground.
Posłanka Gomes przygotowała naprawdę wyjątkowe sprawozdanie, którego wnioski pochodzą bezpośrednio z doświadczeń, jakie zdobyła na miejscu.

(PL) Twenty per cent of energy used is to be derived from renewable sources by 2020.
(PL) W 2020 roku 20% zużywanej energii powinno pochodzić ze źródeł odnawialnych.

The main benefit derived by ordinary citizens from the renovation of heating systems in residential buildings is that their maintenance costs will be reduced.
Główną korzyścią, jaką zwykli obywatele odniosą z renowacji systemów grzewczych budynków mieszkalnych, jest obniżenie kosztu ich utrzymania.

Consumers must be informed of the origin of food derived from cloned animals and their offspring.
Konsumentów należy informować o pochodzeniu artykułów żywnościowych wyprodukowanych z klonowanych zwierząt i ich potomstwa.

Derived Works have to be possible
Muszą być możliwe prace pochodne.

It's derived from the wire fist.
Wywodzi się od drucianej pięści.

These loans are based on a banks reserves, and reserves are derived from deposits.
Te pożyczki bazują na rezerwach banków, a rezerwy są czerpane z depozytów.

It is a policy which undermines the economic foundations of those countries in which most energy is derived from coal.
Jest to polityka podcinania podstaw gospodarczych tych krajów, w których dominuje energia z węgla.

Magical acts derived from Oriental philosophy.
Magiczne praktyki wywiedzione z orientalnej filozofii.

The fluid is derived from werewolf toxin.
Ten płyn pochodzi od jadu wilkołaka.

The viral weapon from which Umbrella Corporation's T-virus was derived.
Broń biologiczna, z której wywodzi się wirus korporacji Umbrella.

It's like all knowledge. It's conjectural, guesswork,tested by observation, not derived from it.
Jak każda wiedza. Bazuje na domysłach, przypuszczeniach,doświadczalnych obserwacjach z niej nie pochodzących.

The pleasures derived from financially-procured female companionship.
Przyjemność czerpana... z towarzystwa kobiet, zdobytych pieniędzmi.

Democracy, is derived from the Greek demos
Słowo demokracja pochodzi od greckiego demos

I would like to inform you that we have established eight benchmarks, derived from the key priorities of the new Accession Partnership.
Chciałbym państwa poinformować, że na podstawie głównych priorytetów nowego układu stowarzyszeniowego określiliśmy osiem kryteriów.

Products derived from local raw materials are disappearing too. I am referring to products such as milk, meat, wool and leather.
Zamilkły dzwonki, szczekanie psów, ale także znikają produkty wykonywane z surowców rodzimego pochodzenia: mleka, mięsa, wełny, skór.

There is currently a new set of rules derived from Commission and Court case-law in need of codification.
Obecnie zachodzi konieczność ujednolicenia nowego zbioru reguł określonych w wyniku prac Komisji oraz rzecznictwa sądowego.

It has derived powers, which allow it to take measures to implement texts adopted through the ordinary legislative procedure.
Otrzymała uprawnienia, które umożliwiają jej podejmowanie środków służących wykonaniu aktów przyjętych w zwykłej procedurze ustawodawczej.

Numerous benefits can be derived from regional food products: lower transport costs and a lower risk of food perishing.
Wytwarzanie produktów żywnościowych na szczeblu regionalnym skutkuje licznymi korzyściami: niższymi kosztami transportu i mniejszym ryzykiem zepsucia się żywności.

On 2 February the Commission published a new, more global, communication on the commodities market and the financial markets that are derived from it.
Dnia 2 lutego Komisja opublikowała nowy, bardziej globalny komunikat na temat rynku towarów i rynków finansowych, które się z niego wywodzą.

Obviously derived from Caesar.
Oczywiście pochodzi od Caesar.

Tetrodotoxin is biologically derived from tetraodontidae- puffer fish.
Tetrodotoksyna jest biologicznie pozyskiwana z tetraodontidae. Rozdymki(grupa ryb).

The band was derived from the rates applied in practice in the Member States, where the standard rates had always varied between 15% and 25%.
Przedział ten jest pochodną stawek stosowanych w praktyce w państwach członkowskich, w których stawki podstawowe zawsze wahają się w granicach od 15% do 25%.

Parliament was calling for a credible solution: the labelling of all foodstuffs derived from cloned animals and their offspring.
Parlament wzywał do wiarygodnego rozwiązania: etykietowania wszystkich artykułów żywnościowych pochodzących od klonowanych zwierząt i ich potomstwa.

The report also grants support to organisations in Europe working to produce substances derived from coca leaves, for example, for therapeutic or other 'lawful use'.
Sprawozdanie udziela także wsparcia europejskim organizacjom działającym na rzecz wytwarzania substancji z liści koki na przykład do leczniczych lub innych "legalnych” celów.