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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The scene: Sub Pop, founded by Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman in 1986, was modelled on earlier, regional independents such as Motown. Producer Jack Endino used quick and cheap recording techniques, giving key early acts (Mudhoney, Soundgarden) their distinctive sound, while Charles Peterson's photographs documented the first gigs and gave the scene a defined aesthetic.
"It's a difficult high street, but the independents that are running their businesses professionally and well are certainly holding their own," said Halls. "The upside of being an independent bookshop is that booksellers can make their own decisions quickly â?? if something isn't working, they can change it. They can put themselves out there to find new authors, and they no longer think they have to compete on price. Instead, they compete in different ways."
This is a woman with a track record in sorting things out. Harvey Nicks, which she helped transform from fusty Knightsbridge grande dame to Ab Fab designer heaven, any number of high street chains via her retail consultancy, Yellowdoor, and now, in the latest series of Mary Queen of Shops, hapless independents like Chris and Juliet, who are quietly bleeding Â?6,000 a month from their corner shop in Corfe Castle. (Fear not: Portas soon puts a stop to that. Out go the Monster Munch and Toilet Duck; in come a Farrow & Ball paint job and game pie.)
Julia Gillard begins negotiations with independents as Australia faces first coalition government in 70 years
Gillard said she hoped to enlist support for her centre-left Labor party â?? which has ruled for three years â?? and had held preliminary talks with four independents and a Green candidate.
Independent Tony Windsor said he would talk to fellow independents Bob Katter and Rob Oakeshott today to decide on issues including whether to negotiate a power deal with the major parties as a group or individually.
The three were the only independents in the last parliament, and are former members of the National party â?? a coalition partner of the Liberals. All have said they are open to the prospect of supporting a minority Labor government.
An Australian government has not had to rely on the support of independents to rule since 1943.
Two independents had changed the government in the preceding three-year term by switching their allegiance from the conservatives to Labor.
Main parties in talks with Greens and independents to form first coalition government in 70 years

Moreover, women of all ages often care for young and elderly dependents.
Co więcej, kobiety w każdym wieku często opiekują się młodymi i starymi osobami zależnymi.

These dependents are generally the children of female prisoners.
Osoby te to głównie dzieci skazanych kobiet.

And this time on a budget and without dependents.
Tylko tym razem z budżetem i bez utrzymanków.

Inter-generational solidarity also involves responsibility with respect to our parents and elders and care for dependents.
Solidarność ta obejmuje także odpowiedzialność w stosunku do naszych rodziców i osób starszych oraz opiekę nad osobami niesamodzielnymi.

Paragraph 7 asks that age be taken into account as a criterion of excellence together with family situation, including the number of the researcher's dependents.
W paragrafie 7 jest propozycja, aby wiek wraz z sytuacją rodzinną, z uwzględnieniem liczby osób pozostających na utrzymaniu danego badacza, był brany pod uwagę jako kryterium doskonałości.

Many people of either gender care for dependents and yet, notwithstanding this, the input of such work is ignored by employment statisticians.
Wiele osób, niezależnie od płci, opiekuje się osobami uzależnionymi od pomocy, a pomimo tego wkład tego typu pracy jest ignorowany w statystykach odnoszących się do czynnika pracy.

The resolution emphasises the importance of pre-school child care provision, child-minding services and the provision of assistance to elderly persons and other dependents.
W rezolucji uwydatnia się znaczenie zapewnienia przedszkolnej opieki nad dzieckiem, usług w zakresie opieki nad dziećmi oraz pomocy osobom starszym i innym osobom niesamodzielnym.

The own-initiative report speaks of improving the existing situation as regards valuing women's role in inter-generational solidarity - caring for children, older people and dependents in the family.
W przygotowanym z własnej inicjatywy sprawozdaniu wypowiadam się na temat polepszenia obecnej sytuacji dotyczącej docenienia roli kobiet - polegającej na opiece nad dziećmi, osobami starszymi i innymi członkami rodziny uzależnionymi od pomocy - w tworzeniu solidarności międzypokoleniowej.

We do not want to wait another hundred years to find out that it is self-evidently the right of women to organise their lives independently of male decisions, despite having child dependents.
Nie chcemy czekać kolejne sto lat na udowodnienie, że mimo posiadania na utrzymaniu dzieci kobiety mają oczywiste prawo samodzielnego decydowania o swoim życiu, niezależnie od decyzji mężczyzn.

The lack of access to support services for their dependents, such as children, the disabled and the elderly, to adequate leave schemes and to flexible working arrangements, all impede women from working.
Brak dostępu do usług wsparcia dla ich podopiecznych, w tym dzieci, osób niepełnosprawnych lub starszych, możliwości odpowiedniego dostosowania planów urlopowych oraz elastycznych warunków zatrudnienia utrudnia kobietom pracę.

For their part, the social security systems of the Member States must recognise women's work in this sphere, both in terms of production and care, especially in the care of dependents and children.
Z kolei systemy ochrony socjalnej państw członkowskich muszą doceniać pracę kobiet w tej sferze zarówno pod względem wyników, jak i opieki, przede wszystkim opieki nad osobami pozostającymi na utrzymaniu i nad dziećmi.

Nevertheless, in the rural world, not only do they carry the work inside and outside the home, but at the same time they also care for dependents and, on top of this, these women do this under much worse conditions than in the urban world.
Niemniej jednak na wsiach kobiety nie tylko prowadzą prace w domu i poza nim, lecz również opiekują się rodziną i bliskimi, a nade wszystko kobiety te robią to w o wiele gorszych warunkach niż gdyby żyły w miastach.