Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Dawid

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Speaking during a visit to Cheam, in south London, Tory leader David Cameron said: "We should have a society where we back commitment and where we recognise marriage and civil partnerships in the tax system. Would it be a good thing if more people came together and stayed together and showed commitment? I think it would."
There was further embarrassment for the Roman Catholic church in England yesterday, when it was reported that a paedophile priest was allowed to continue abusing victims despite being investigated by a child protection commission chaired by the archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols. Catholic officials denied that Nichols knew any details of the case involving the London priest, Father David Pearce, who was eventually arrested in 2008.
The results of Saville's hearing will be released to the public at 3.30pm on Tuesday when David Cameron announces its publication to the House of Commons.
Andrew Sparrow with all today's political news â?? including David Cameron in Afghanistan, Nick Clegg in Spain, and details of Frank Field's poverty review
11.40am: I'm just back from the Downing Street lobby briefing. David Cameron is due to talk to Barack Obama tomorrow about BP and other matters, but the prime minister's spokeswoman would not tell us what he would be saying, beyond referring us to the comments he and George Osborne made yesterday (see 10.41am). Otherwise, we learned that the Queen visited the Cabinet Office this morning to thank civil servants for their work on the transition from the last government to the new one and that the England flag will go up over Downing Street at 7am tomorrow.
The poor will be bit hardest by public spending cuts unless David Cameron abandons his pledge to protect middle-class benefits and spending on the National Health Service, a think-tank warns on Friday.
â?? Tim Shipman in the Daily Mail says David Miliband, the former foreign secretary, has still got a ministerial car for security reasons. "A Labour source said: 'It's ridiculous. He's swanning around in a Jag and the others, who were ministers as well, are trudging around on foot or in taxis at their own expense. It's not as if he's an obvious target.'"
10.41am: Having read now read the papers in a bit more detail, I can now explain why the FT and the Daily Telegraph have got splash headlines which contradict each other. The Telegraph concentrated on the comment that David Cameron himself made yesterday.
"They hinted at, and David Cameron has firmed up, the terms of reference for this job, that non-monetary aspects of poverty need to feed into the definition. This review is a continuation of what the Labour government began but didn't have time to complete," he said.
9.08am: British soldiers get David Cameron. And Spanish business leaders get Nick Clegg. The prime minister and his deputy are both out of the country this morning, but their visits don't have much in common. As my colleague Nicholas Watt has written, Cameron started the day with an uplifting speech about sacrifice and democracy.

And David said he wanted to take care of me.
A David powiedział, że się mną zajmie.

David, where have you been for the last eight years?
David, gdzie byłeś przez ostatnich osiem lat?

David, why did you stop going to church with me?
Dlaczego przestałeś chodzić ze mną do kościoła?

But you still have to think about national security, David.
Musisz myśleć o bezpieczeństwie narodowymn, David.

David, can't we just talk like two men who love their country?
Porozmawiamy jak ludzie, którzy kochają swój kraj?

You want the world to think that David is dead?
Chce pan, żeby świat myślał, że David nie żyje?

David knows I'm the best call girl in this town.
David wie, że jestem najlepszą prostytutką w tym mieście.

Everyone here know that David is a good boy, but.
Wszyscy wiemy, że David to miły chłopak, ale...

And David's mother's at the bottom with one of them.
A mama Davida spoczywa na dnie jednej z nich.

David probably knows it better than we do, don't you?
Davida prawdopodobnie zna to lepiej niż robimy, nie robimy ciebie?

David couldn't even tell you the color of our walls.
David nie mógłby nawet powiedzieć tobie koloru naszych ścian.

Why was it so important to see David that night?
Dlaczego tak ważne było zobaczyć się wieczorem z Davidem?

I know, the man that was with her, she called him David.
Już wiem... Mężczyzna, który z nią był... Nazywała go David.

The trouble with David is, he doesn't have to study.
Kłopot z Davidem jest taki, że on nie musi się uczyć.

I absolutely must find the doctor who sent David here.
Koniecznie muszę znaleźć lekarza, który przysłał tu Davida.

I have a message for you from your brother, David.
Mam wiadomość od twojego brata.

If you loved him so much, why stay with David?
Skoro tak go kochałaś, to dlaczego byłaś z Davidem?

You think David is responsible for what's wrong with the baby?
Uważasz, że David jest odpowiedzialny za to, co dzieje się z dzieckiem?

He also, David, said that we should be making $20 a day.
A także Davidzie, powiedział nam, że powinniśmy zarabiać 20$ więcej każdego dnia!

David, part of being a man is about taking responsibility.
David, być mężczyzną to brać odpowiedzialność.

David, one day you might have to be the man of this family.
David... być może pewnego dnia, ty będziesz musiał być głową tej rodziny.

David was part of this community, and he still has many friends here.
David był częścią tej społeczności, i wciąż ma tu wielu przyjaciół.

You're going to camp David to meet with the president why?
Jedziesz do Camp David, aby spotkać się z prezydentem?

Just stop David, that man is no longer in the world, my son.
Przestań David, tego człowieka nie ma już na świecie, synu.

I was so angry with David for what he did to me.
Byłam zła na niego za to, co mi zrobił.

David, give us 15 minutes and we'll get the truth.
David, daj nam 15 minut a wyciągniemy z niego prawdę.

I never had to dream, because David was always there.
Nie musiałam nigdy marzyć, bo David od zawsze tu był.

They're not moving him to camp David tonight, are they?
Nie przewo蕨 go do Camp David dzisiaj, prawda?

David, being younger than you doesn't make me a child.
David to, że jestem młodsza od Ciebie nie czyni mnie dzieckiem.

All right, David, we can always do it my way.
Jak chcesz. Zawsze możemy zrobić to moim sposobem.

St. David is the only place you'll be safe tonight.
Tylko w St. David będziesz dziś bezpieczny.

David and I got married in my last night's dream.
W moim ostatnim śnie, ja i David pobraliśmy się.

And worry about the world that you live in right now, david.
Zacznij się martwić światem, w którym żyjesz teraz. To, co robili...

David, I don't know what the hell is going on around here.
David, Nie wiem co tu do cholery się dzieje.

David's mother wants him to come into the police boat with her.
Matka Davida chce go mieć przy sobie w łodzi policyjnej.

That David would like to see at the hotel, first thing in the morning.
że David, chciał się z znią zobaczyć w hotelu, jutro o pierwszej.

King David lived to be 70, a long time in his era.
Król Dawid dożył 70 lat -- bardzo długo jak na jegoczasy.

Cause my father has his 'ways' and David had to prove himself.
Ojciec miał pewne wymagania, i David musiał się wykazać.

David, look, all I want is to be with you.
David, zrozum, ja tylko chcę być z tobą.

We're counting on David to be the guy he was.
Liczenie na to, że David będzie grał jak dawniej?

David picked up my pass. But now, he has to go.
Davida, żeby odebrał kartę pokładową, ale David już musi iść.

David came over to Charlie's to have dinner with us.
David przyszedł do Charliego, żeby zjeść z nami obiad.

David's picking me up out front on the way to the scene.
David zabierze mnie spod domu po drodze na miejsce. Na miejsce?

Maybe after David dumped her, she decided to leave town.
Może zdecydowała się tam wyjechać, gdy David ją rzucił.

David, what does your family usually do for the holidays?
David, jak twoja rodzina spędza ferie?

David Lilly and his wife are on their way up.
David Lilly z żoną zaraz tu będą.

Say something to David instead of always chewing on me.
Dlaczego nie pogadasz z Davidem zamiast wyżywać się na mnie?

Find out from David whether the passport is ready or not.
Dowiedz się od Davida, czy jego paszport jest już gotowy.

What do you really think of this David, the architect?
Co naprawdę sądzisz o tym architekcie, Davidzie?