im. Daniel
Daniel m pr
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The chaos has led commentators to refer to Merkel's administration as a "constipated institution". Writing in the S??ddeutsche Zeitung, commentator Daniel Br??ssler said: "Governments need to be steered, but the Merkel cabinet is no longer steering. It resembles a car where the only thing that's working is the brakes."
In the 1980s and 90s, Merchant Ivory turned period dramas, crammed with Britain's foremost actors, into cinematic gold. Its adaptation of Forster's A Room with a View, with Helena Bonham Carter, Daniel Day-Lewis, Judi Dench and Maggie Smith, made $60m. Although its style of period arthouse film started to fall out of fashion in the late 1990s, the partnership continued and they had begun developing Final Destination when Merchant died during surgery for abdominal ulcers in May 2005.
John Teggart's father, Daniel, was shot 14 times while fleeing an area close to a joint army-police station on the Springfield Road during the violence. Teggart said his father had been visiting his sister's house when the shooting started. An inquest later found that most of the bullets entered Daniel Teggart's back while he was lying on the ground after being wounded, his son said.
German police hold sons of David Gray after they disrupt speech of Daniel Ubani, who was struck off UK register
Daniel Ubani was challenged by Rory and Stuart Gray over why he was still working as a doctor in his own country. The brothers are now under investigation by police and prosecuting authorities in Lindau, Germany, after they interrupted his presentation and caused "a disturbance".
â?? Daniel Finkelstein in the Times says that cutting spending won't inevitably make the government unpopular.
A word about the search. It's been built thanks to our Open Platform initiative (you can read more on how the relationship works over on the Open Platform blog) by a developer called Daniel Levitt, who also runs the recipe search website WhatCouldICook.com, accessing user recipes as well as some of the Guardian and Observer's content.
Our archive is a treasure trove of recipes. We've accumulated thousands of them over the last decade from the Observer, the Guardian, their associated magazines and from guardian.co.uk. While the content is undoubtedly rich, this variety of editorial styles has made for a frankly troublesome archive and developing a search hasn't been easy, but a great deal of hard work and patience from Daniel has paid off - the search he has designed makes our recipes about 100% more findable than they were before.
It's important to say that this is just the start of the story. The search will constantly evolve as Daniel continues to develop and improve it with more filter options and other innovations. It will also become more efficient with use and feedback so we're extraordinarily keen to hear about the results you're getting.
You'd like your friend Daniel to take care of him.
I byłoby ci na rękę, gdybym się nim zajął.
He may be the only person who knows where Daniel is.
Może być jedyną osobą, która wie, gdzie jest Daniel.
And he wanted to make his way to you, Daniel.
On chciał jechać do ciebie, Daniel.
I know you and Daniel will be so happy together.
Wiem, że ty i Daniel będziecie razem szczęśliwi.
I want to stay close to Daniel until the judge makes her decision.
Chcę być blisko Daniela, dopóki sędzia nie podejmie decyzji.
You know, we haven't made love since Daniel got out.
Nie kochaliśmy się, odkąd Daniel wyszedł. Więc?
I got into a fight with Daniel the other day.
Parę dni temu pobiliśmy się z Danielem.
I mean, Daniel doesn't even know you as his father.
Daniel nawet nie wie, że ty jesteś jego ojcem.
Daniel, we have found a nice place where you can sleep tonight.
Daniel, znalazłyśmy miłe miejsce, gdzie możesz dzisiaj spać.
Doesn't Daniel know better than to work for a defense attorney?
Nie powinien wiedzieć lepiej, że nie pracuje się z obroną?
Daniel, maybe you don't know how it works these days.
Może nie wiesz, jak to aktualnie działa.
Daniel, you know I didn't came here for our deal.
Nie przyszedłem tu ze względu na naszą umowę.
Daniel, you're the only one who knows that there are really two of us.
Daniel, jesteś jedyną osobą, która naprawdę wie, że byłyśmy dwie. - Musisz mi pomóc.
Their leader was Daniel, he made it to the wall.
Ich szefem był Daniel, trafił na ścianę chwały.
I want it to be perfect for when Daniel gets back.
Chcę, żeby było idealnie na powrót Daniela. Rano miałeś jakąś sprawę.
Daniel, please start reading from the top of page 25.
Daniel, proszę zacznij czytać od strony 25.
Someone from your company asked Daniel about my father's investment.
Ktoś z twojej firmy wypytywał Daniela o inwestycje mojego ojca.
Daniel's about to find out exactly how bad his taste in women really is.
Daniel niedługo się dowie, jak kiepski jest jego gust co do kobiet.
You can't imagine what it was like being married to Daniel.
Nawet sobie pani nie wyobraża, co znaczyło być żoną Daniela. Opowiedz mi.
I don't understand what it has to do with Daniel being missing.
Nie rozumiem tylko, co to ma wspólnego z zaginięciem Daniela.
You know what, no normal woman would ever touch your Daniel!
Wiesz co, żadna normalna kobieta nawet nie dotknęłaby twego Daniela!
You and Daniel are going to be so proud of me.
Co? Ty i Daniel będziecie ze mnie dumni.
Daniel, before you go in there, please give us five minutes.
Daniel, zanim tam pójdziesz , proszę daj nam pięć minut.
Daniel was perfectly fine when he left my house this morning.
Daniel był całkowicie żywy, kiedy opuszczał mój dom tego ranka.
Daniel Moss would like to see you in his office.
Daniel Moss wzywa cię do swojego biura.
Daniel, I saw you in a demonstration with the police.
Daniel, widziałem cię na demonstracji z policją.
You led me to believe that Daniel was in danger all summer.
Przez ciebie całe lato wierzyłam, że Danielowi coś grozi.
Did you see the girl that Daniel was bringing him?
Widziałaś dziewczynę, którą przywiózł mu Daniel?
Daniel will be staying with us for a couple days.
Daniel trochę u nas zostanie.
It would make sense, if Daniel was looking to close down the networks.
Ale to ma sens, skoro Daniel tak bardzo chce zamknąć obecną sieć sprzedaży.
But killing yourself will not bring Daniel back, it just makes you both dead.
Ale zabijanie siebie nie przywróci Daniela. Tylko sprawi, że oboje będziecie martwi.
You have to convince Daniel to come to my book club.
Musisz przekonać Daniela by wpadł na spotkanie mojego klubu książki.
Pam and Daniel are going down there for a while.
Pam i Daniel wyjeżdżają na jakiś czas.
I also took a pill that Daniel gave me, you know, one of those.
Wiozłem też tabletkę, którą dał mi Daniel. Jedna z tych.
Daniel: It was nice of you to marry my mother.
To miło z twojej strony, że poślubiłeś moją matkę.
Unless we change that, you lose your shot at a seat next to Daniel.
Chyba że zmienimy to, a ty stracisz swoje miejsce zaraz obok Daniela.
Daniel and Kate, they stayed almost the entire night with you.
Daniel i Kate byli tu niemal całą noc.
Well Daniel would never willingly become one of them like that.
Daniel nigdy z własnej woli nie stałby się jednym z nich.
It must be hard for you though, Daniel, living up to your brother's reputation.
Musi ci być trudno, Daniel, żyć w cieniu.
Now the money that Daniel lost wasn't really yours, was it?
Pieniądze, które przegrał Daniel, nie były właściwie twoje.
I gave daniel brown money to,uh, to keep him quiet.
Dałem Danielowi Brown pieniądze, by go uciszyć.
Daniel was already in jail and on his way to death row.
Daniel siedział w więzieniu, był w drodze na stryczek.
Daniel, how do you know it's not good for us to go to Austria?
Daniel, skąd wiesz, że wyjazd do Austrii nie będzie dla nas dobry?
She says Daniel has some woman living with him pretending to be his sister!
Podobno Daniel mieszka z kobietą, która udaje jego siostrę!
Daniel Taylor, that asked me out on a few dates?
Daniel Taylor, który zaprosił mnie na kilka randek?
There's a part of me that cares for you, Daniel.
Jest pewna część mnie, której zależy na tobie, Danielu.
Salvador voted with Daniel, and the board did the same.
Salvador załosował wraz z Danielem, i zarząd zrobił to samo.
Or the killer was already outside Daniel's house, laying in wait.
Albo zabójca był już na zewnątrz domu Daniela, czekając na niego.
Daniel, how goes that creative writing class you were so excited about?
Daniel, jak idzie na lekcjach kreatywnego pisania którymi byłeś tak podekscytowany?