Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Duńczyk/Dunka; historia wiking duński, Norman duński;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n Duńczyk
Great ~ dog (rasa psa)

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Wojskowy słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Tadeusz J. Grzebieniowski)

s Duńczyk

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Between the 8th and 11th centuries, the Danes were known as the Vikings.
Od VIII do IX wieku mieszkańców terenów dzisiejszej Danii określano mianem Wikingów.


(DA) Madam President, I would like to address the Danes in particular.
(DA) Pani Przewodnicząca! Zwracam się w szczególności do Duńczyków.


The rebates which the British have, and which the Dutch and the Danes want, that is a bankrupt system.
Zwroty na rzecz Wielkiej Brytanii, których domaga się także Holandia i Dania, tworzą niewypłacalny system.


He must be protected 24 hours a day, not against Danes but against fundamentalists of an Islamic background.
Przez całą dobę musi on być chroniony - nie przed Duńczykami, ale przed islamskimi fundamentalistami.


ED: Now you've been to the website Dogs of Saint Louis in the late, in the mid-1930's, then you'd know that was a Great Dane.
Gdybyście byli na stronie Psy Saint Louis pod koniec lat trzydziestych, wiedzielibyście, że to jest dog niemiecki.


The sea-change that Della Femina was part of is portrayed in series two of Mad Men when Sterling Cooper hires two brash young creative types, Kurt and Smitty, who make the Ivy League old guard nervous. Doors for the likes of him were opened by the success of the brilliant Jewish firm Doyle Dane Bernbach, whose elegantly counterintuitive VW Lemon ads ("We pluck the lemons, you get the plums"), baffled Don and co in series one.
It's at the literary end of comics you sense a narrowing of the range, the main strand being a sort of studied Pekarian drabness. You could call it mundane realism. Direct or oblique autobiography is the mode, neurosis and alienation the dominant tone. Their archetypal hero is a morose and ill-socialised writer or collector of comics, often subject to sexual humiliation, sometimes sharing a name with the author. These are frequently comics, in one way or another, about comics. It's A Good Life, If You Don't Weaken, by Seth (the pen name of Gregory Gallant), is about his obsession with an old New Yorker cartoonist. Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan poignantly juxtaposes his shy hero's inwardness with caped-crusader fantasies.
Caravaggio's elevation of the mundane and degenerate is what makes him unique for his time. He succeeds in bringing beauty to subjects that are commonly dismissed. This is something I've attempted in works where I've taken creatures that are typically considered vermin and shaped them in appealing ways. To have your take on beauty challenged is reinvigorating.
Caravaggio's elevation of the mundane and degenerate is what makes him unique for his time. He succeeds in bringing beauty to subjects that are commonly dismissed. This is something I've attempted in works where I've taken creatures that are typically considered vermin and shaped them in appealing ways. To have your take on beauty challenged is reinvigorating.
These beliefs may involve gods, and may not. Many cultures espouse "civic religions" that encourage popular veneration of national icons and ideals. The most obvious example is the US, which fosters a shared community based on the values enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution. One might argue that belief in ideas such as justice, freedom and equality is more rational than belief in gods, but justice, freedom and equality are themselves fairly chimerical concepts. There is no mathematical model that can calculate how much more just one action is than another, or whether one person is truly another's equal. These are higher ideals that do not exist in absolute form in our mundane world.
I'd been inspired by French travel writers like Fran?§ois Maspero and Jacques R?©da, who make intrepid journeys to mundane places such as commuter suburbs and the undiscovered lands underneath elevated roads. I wanted to explore this place at the heart of the British motorway system that most motorists pass through in a few seconds.
Britain's eBay successes are unlikely to get as far as a flotation, but the leading players are enjoying rapid growth. Warren Blayds of Oldham set up Online4baby five years ago, swapping a "mundane office job" for a life selling prams, cots, play mats and other items that litter the average nursery. Although Blayds and his family already had a business selling discounted nursery products, they have shifted the whole operation online. It is now the biggest site of its kind on ebay.co.uk, with turnover of Â?4m expected this year.
In the mid-80s, Pierre pitched up in Spain, where, following the Robert Lenton affair, his debts, and the cocaine habit that helped cause them, spiralled out of control. He fled first to Australia, where his sister, Deirdre, lived. There were a few more wild years before he checked into rehab in 1991 at the end of what he calls his "11-year bender". His travels eventually took him to London. Still living in penury and haunted by his debts, he settled for a time in Balham, where he forced himself to submit to "a mundane routine of working, thinking and writing". It wasn't until 1999 that he began writing Vernon God Little. I ask him if it saved his life. He thinks for a long moment.
He takes a long drink of Guinness and wipes his mouth on his sleeve, looking slightly uncomfortable at the turn the conversation has taken. "I'm sceptical of the whole redemption narrative shtick that people come out with," he says. "For me, it was more a slow wising-up. A kind of reality check. I realised belatedly that the mundane rules apply and that is where you have to keep your attention. You work hard, you put a little money aside, you slowly get back on track. That's the way it is. There's no easy way through, but for a long time I convinced myself there was."
A picket was mounted outside the gates of the factory, and it lasted 44 weeks. Gradually support was garnered from workers in other industries, building towards the formation of a mass picket. The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers called on its members to show solidarity and swell the ranks.

But that don't mean the Dane's up to anything.
Wiem, wiem, ale to nie oznacza, że Dane coś knuje.

And Dane is not going today because his registration is next week.
Dane nie idzie dzisiaj, bo zapisy w jego szkole są za tydzień.

So. Dane will be home in a second.
Dane będzie za chwilę w domu.

There's coves north of here no Dane even dares to go!
Na północ stąd są miejsca, do których żaden Duńczyk nie ośmieli się wybrać.

I started realizing that Jack Dane may be the killer.
Zacząłem zdawać sobię sprawę, że Jack Dane może być zabójcą.

Dane, I say to come home by 4, not start home at 4.
Miałeś być w domu na czwartą, nie wracać do domu o czwartej.

You will attend no further classes with your sisters and Miss Dane.
Nie będziesz więcej uczestniczyć na zajęcia z siostrami i Panią Dane.

The Dane sells me out, makes pretend Bernie's still doing it.
Tak, Dane mnie sprzedaje udając, że Bernie to wciąż robi. Naprawdę ślicznie.

But Dane's helped us track her here to Los Angeles.
Ale Dane pomogły nam śledzić jej tutaj do Los Angeles

You met her at a Dane Cook show.
Poznałeś ją w Dane Cook show.

I think this is about Utopia and Mark Dane, the man that wrote it.
Sądzę, że tu chodzi o Utopię i jej autora, Marka Dane'a.

And the new name was Mark Dane.
A nowe nazwisko to Mark Dane.

He's already fighting like that Dane.
On walczy już jak Duńczyk.

You find yourself a good Dane, or even... an Irishman.
Znajdź sobie porządnego Duńczyka, lub nawet... Irlandczyka.

Tell me if Jack Dane is involved.
Powiedz mi jeśli Jack Dane jest zamieszany.

But then, so was Dane.
Ale on właśnie taki był.

That Dane Cook makes me do this.
Dane Cook zmusił mnie do robienia tego.

With my brother Dane, and my mom Susan.
Mój brat to Dane, a mama Susan.

The Dane know about it?
Dane o tym wie? - Tak.

No, it's just your old friend, Travis Dane.
Tu wasz stary znajomy, Travis Dane.

What, was it a Great Dane?
Nie. - Czy to był dog?

He was alright, old Dane.
Stary Dan był w porządku.

Does a Great Dane live here?
Czy wielcy duńczycy żyją tutaj?

If Eddie Dane finds out you got another amigo...
Jak Eddie Dane odkryje, że masz innego amigo...

A Great Dane bit Amanda, huh?
Dog niemiecki ugryzł Amandę, co?

That our forefathers murdered every man, woman and child... ... on the elizabeth dane?
Ojcowie założyciele zamordowali wszystkich mężczyzn, kobiety i dzieci na Elizabeth Dane?

McGinnis, Dane, served in the Navy.
McGinnis, Dane, służył w marynarce.

Super fingers... to you, Dane Cook!
Super palec... dla Ciebie, Dane Cook!

I'm... I'm Dane and the... I live in the house now.
Jestem Dane i mieszkam teraz w tym domu.

Pip Everett, the Earl of Grey, and his Great Dane, Chauncey.
Pip Everett, Hrabia Grey, i jego dog niemiecki, Chauncy.

called the 'Elizabeth Dane.' with part of his fortune....
Zwany 'Elizabeth Dane' z częścią jego losu...

I sympathise, of course, with the idea of protecting the environment in the Arctic and, as a Dane, I am extremely aware of the geopolitical situation.
Oczywiście jestem zwolenniczką idei chronienia środowiska Arktyki i jako Dunka jestem bardzo głęboko świadoma sytuacji geopolitycznej.

As a Dane, it strikes me as rather pathetic that Denmark is being used as one of the justifications for the EU's Arctic connections.
Jako Duńczykowi żałosne wydaje mi się posługiwanie się Danią dla uzasadnienia związków UE z Arktyką.

It is Combined Task Force 150, involving the US Fifth Fleet and warships from other NATO navies, led by a Dane at the moment.
To siły morskie CTF 150, włącznie z piątą flotą USA i okrętami innych marynarek wojennych NATO, obecnie pod przewodnictwem duńskim.