Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) sport dan;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Dan

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Early the next morning we were in a Chinook, hugging the contours of the rocky peaks and then sprinting across the landing zone to avoid getting shot at. I found big, brash 27-year-old Captain Dan Kearney, dubbed the Lord of the Korengal Valley, in the well-equipped medic's tent. On the bed sat a boy with blood-stained eyes, his face covered in gashes. He wouldn't or couldn't talk. The villagers said he was wounded by the American bomb that also killed two women. Two more women were wounded and outside the gate, but the villagers wouldn't let them be treated because the medic was a man. The women could die, said the medic. The men still refused. "Welcome to my life," said Dan. Taliban attack his soldiers from the villages. He retaliates. Afghan women and children die.
3am. Enemy territory. I'm on a mountain ridge with Dan and his command cell. Below, dozens of soldiers are spilling out of choppers around the villages. The insurgents are on their radios, getting ready to strike. Dan is not going to let them, and soon the night sky lights up with air strikes, gunships, rockets and bombs. Around dawn, Dan's lieutenant radios. He's with the village elder. There are five dead and 11 wounded women and children. Dan is depressed. He wants to go down and explain. He wants the villagers to know there were bad guys there. At one point he says, "I'll take any advice you got, Liz." Later I say, "Didn't you know this would happen?"
finally I left the soldiers and the mountains, though not before telling Dan what he already knew â?? that I was six months pregnant. It wasn't until I was back in civilian life in Kabul that I began to worry. I'd contracted some Afghan illness. "Time for you to go home," wrote my brother. "You are not built like Afghan women. We are from shtetl, not mountain people." But I was stubborn. My friend Najib, a doctor and journalist, took my blood pressure with a kit he'd ordered from the internet, and it read 70 over 40. "I'd be dead, Najib." "Well, you look horrible, and it's really low." What was worse, I couldn't feel the baby's flutters any more. He called a friend with a sonogram machine.
11.17am "I am rather dismayed to read your correspondent Chris Green's comment at 9.55am," writes the Evening Standard's Dan Jones. "Chaucer may take some getting used to, but he's certainly funnier and better at swearing than Shakespeare, although I'll allow that Shakespeare has left a deeper footprint on the landscape of the modern English language. Also, please stop talking drink before midday, I've got me the shakes already." Get yasel down to Earlsfield.
Back in South Africa, England fan Dan Hough said: "We've got hotels, hostels, flats all sorts. Transport is the one thing that has been an issue â?? logistically it's a bit of a nightmare â?? but everything else has been awesome.
Jordan Acker, twitter.com/JAcker2L, USA
The resultant half-time deficit of 14-0 seemed to defy the laws of physics. No team should be able to score points with their heads so far up their own backsides. Ben Daley put himself about in open play but he will not forget Dan Cole any time soon. A total of nine scrum penalties and two free-kicks came England's way, although the referee, Nigel Owens, did not reach for his yellow card until 12 minutes from time. He had no hesitation, though, in awarding two penalty tries, such rare truffles at this level that there is no precedent in a game between two major nations.
Racing For Change have said they would investigate the possibility of moving the Derby to a Friday. Would this automatically revitalise the race? "I'm not convinced it's that simple. I don't know the answer myself. We had a problem this year with a hyped-up horse, St Nicholas Abbey [trained by Aidan O'Brien]. Of course the press said he could be the successor to Sea The Stars [last year's magnificent multiple winner] because sometimes truly great horses come in twos."
11.31am: Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretary, has said that the OBR forecasts show that cutting spending now would be a mistake.
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said today's figures should serve as a "stark reminder to the government that the jobs market is still bleak". He added: "The worst possible response would be to slash spending which will cut demand in the economy and send hundreds of thousands of public and private sector workers on to the dole.

My name is Dan. you just come right on time.
Jestem jej bratem. Przyjechałeś w samą porę.

You might want to get out of here before Dan gets home.
Może chcesz stąd iść zanim Dan wróci do domu.

Dan, you're the only one small enough to go through.
Dan, tylko Ty jesteś na tyle mały by się wcisnąć.

Is there anyone else here from the board today, Dan?
Jest tu jeszcze ktoś z rady?

I know this must have been hard for you, Dan.
Wiem, że dla ciebie to też ciężkie, Dan.

And dan himself said there was nothing going on between them.
A Dan powiedział, że nic nie było między nimi.

This time, all she could do was talk about her and Dan.
Tym razem, wszystko można robić mówiono o niej i o Dan.

You need a gun to go talk to your mother, Dan?
Potrzebna ci broń, żeby porozmawiać z matką?

We need to find Dan before something happens to him.
Musimy znaleźć Dana, zanim coś mu się stanie.

Dan, I like this story even more than the last one you showed me.
Nawet bardziej niż ta, którą dałeś mi ostatnim razem.

Dan, you say one more Word and break your fingers.
Przysięgam, jeszcze jedno słowo, a połamię ci palce.

I feel so responsible for everything that happened with Dan.
Czuję sie odpowiedzialna za to wszystko co spotkało Dana.

Jack, Dan, go down to the corner market and get whatever you want.
Jack, Dan, wybierzcie się do marketu i kupcie, co będziecie chcieli.

I don't know how you turned out so sweet with a father like Dan.
Nie mam pojęcia, jak wyrosłeś na takiego słodkiego z ojcem takim, jak Dan.

Dan, I love you, but being there for people isn't your thing.
Dan, kocham cie, ale bycie tutaj dla ludzi nie jest twoja rzecza.

More dan enough time for me to find your girlfriend.
Do tego czasu bez problemu znajdę twoją dziewczynę.

I checked to make sure Dan was still at work.
Sprawdziałam dla pewności i Dan jest nadal w pracy.

Dan, we will have to take this car away to somewhere safe.
Dana, my będziemy musieli zabrać ten samochód dokądś bezpieczny.

What's this Dan, or whatever you call him, look like?
Jak wygląda ten Dan, czy jak mu tam?

I worked two jobs to put Dan through dental school.
Pracowałem na 2 etaty, aby sfinansować szkołę dentystyczną Dana.

So, what, is Dan the boss and you do everything he says?
To teraz Dan jest szefem, a ty robisz wszystko, co ci powie?

Dan, I think they're a little more complicated than that.
Myślę, że są trochę bardziej skomplikowani.

I don't know, but we have to do something, dan.
Sama nie wiem, ale coś musimy, Dan.

Ted said he was going directly to Dan first thing this morning.
Ted powiedział ze spotka się z nim z samego rana.

So, within minutes, Dan is back to his old self.
W kilka minut, Dan wrócił, do starego siebie.

What about this boy Dan, who works at the furniture store?
A co z tym chłopakiem, uh, Dan'em, który pracuje w tym sklepie meblowym?

It's good to have a man of your stature here, Dan.
Dobrze mieć tutaj człowieka twojego pokroju, Dan. Pewnie.

We're so lucky to have you to bring Dan's amazing words to life.
Mamy szczęście, że jesteś tu, by wcielić słowa Dana w życie.

It's on the internet that dan slept with a teacher.
To jest w internecie, że Dan spał z nauczycielką.

And Dan loves you so much he won't even notice.
Dan tak cię kocha, że nie zwróci uwagi.

He plays for one of the, the other teams in Dan's league.
Gra dla jednej z innych drużyn w lidze Dana.

Dan, if you're here to argue- what were you looking for in boston?
Dan, jeśli masz zamiar się ze mną kłócić... - Czego szukałeś w Bostonie?

Dan, I cannot believe you are the one responsible for all of this poison.
Dan, nie mogę uwierzyć, że jesteś odpowiedzialny za tę całą truciznę.

Dan stole your best friend. now you can steal his.
Dan ukradł twojego najlepszego przyjaciela, teraz możesz się odwdzięczyć.

Please bear in mind that our daughter loves him, Dan.
Proszę miej na uwadze, że nasza córka go kocha, Dan.

A warrior does not give up what he loves, Dan.
Wojownik nie rezygnuje z tego, co kocha.

I don't need to run to big brother Dan, the baby guru, for help.
Nie muszę biec zawsze do starszego brata po pomoc.

Dan, I want these two back at the consulate immediately.
Dan, tych dwóch ma natychmiast znaleźć się w konsulacie.

You guys are often called Dan so it's worth a punt.
Często nazywacie się Dan więc warto było spróbować.

Dan used to actually hold them but now he's got you forprotection.
Zwykle Dan je trzymał, ale teraz ty go chronisz.

I mean, no one except Dan has seemed even remotely interested in this project.
To znaczy nikt oprócz Dan'a nie wykazywał nawet śladu zaiteresowanie tym projektem.

He's part of me and Dan. I want to keep him.
Jest częścią mnie i Dana, chcę go mieć.

Brown is just a better fit for me, dan.
Brown po prostu bardziej do mnie pasuje, Dan.

My daughter is with one of the boys who works atyour store, Dan.
Moja córka jest z chłopakiem, który dla pana pracuje.

Dan put the coordinates in the puzzle box for a reason.
Dan umieścił te współrzędne w tamtej łamigłówce z jakiegoś powodu.

I told Dan and he said it was the funniest he'd joke ever heard.
Opowiedziałem go Dan'owi i powiedział, że to najśmieszniejszy dowcip jaki kiedykolwiek słyszał.

I mean, no matter what happens, At least Dan doesn't know where you are.
Znaczy, nie ma znaczenia co się stanie, w końcu Dan nie wie gdzie jesteś.

And nothing says serious like a small town slow dan under twinkle lights.
A nic tak nie mówi poważny związek, jak małomiasteczkowy przytulaniec w świetle migoczących lampek.