Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
10.47am I've just lost Â?5 to Scott Murray. He's doing the Korea/Greece game and announced "it's six World Cups in a row* for Korea, right?" It's usually safe to assume he's wrong, so I said I didn't think they made it in 1998 and would bet a fiver. Just as I was typing '1998 World Cup' into google I realised that they had assumed the position in front of Holland, Belgium and Mexico. Bah. That's one less slightly damp note in my left pocket.
Catsunstein: "World Cups are like Bond films. Even the rubbish ones are enjoyable. I would wager that with North Korea and New Zealand in action today and Spain getting going tomorrow, the goals average will rise a wee bit. Nothing to worry about just yet. Re: England - Beckenbauer is spot on, as usual. But our recent travails have been more to do with the fact that Barry is so important for us that his absence turns us back into long-ball merchants. Without our best passer - and most displined midfielder, he'll stick to his unglamourous "water-carrier" job all day - Lampard and Gerrard, who are looath to defend, are too high up the pitch and long balls from defence result. Also, because these long balls are aimed mostly at Heskey, Rooney has to drop deep to collect the knock downs, nullifying his worth."
9.05am: Now I've heard it suggested that, like a old-fashioned Volvo on a cold winter's morning, World Cups can take a while to gather momentum - and that initial matches are often more tentative because no one wants to lose their first game (something suggested by Northy and birdistheword below the line and Thomas Keep in an email to me). However the stats don't back this up. In 2006, 41 goals were scored in the opening sixteen games (an average of 2.56 goals a game); in 2002 it was 46 goals (2.88 goals a game); in 1998 it was 37 from 16 (2.31). So far there has been 18 goals in 11 games - an average of just 1.63 goals per game.
Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day decreases the risk of developing certain cancers, a study suggests
Mia Hashibe of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, pooled data from nine case-control studies of head and neck cancers, which between them compared the coffee-drinking habits of 5,139 cases with that of 9,028 controls. Her analysis showed that people who drank more than four cups of coffee a day had a 39% decreased risk of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx combined, compared with those who didn't drink coffee.
Hashibe's work adds to the growing body of evidence on the benefits of caffeinated drinks. Scientists at Imperial College London also found that people who drank more than five cups of coffee or tea a day had a decreased risk of a type of brain tumour called a glioma. And, last year, Harvard University researchers showed that men who drank coffee had a 60% reduced risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer compared with men who drank no coffee.
A short distance away is the Old City, 800 square metres of packed winding alleys just on the eastern side of the Green Line, where young Palestinian men barrel their way through the crowds delivering goods on handcarts to shops outside which an older generation sits on stools sipping tiny porcelain cups of strong sludgy Arabic coffee or glasses of sweet mint tea.
It got worse. For two weeks I felt neither ill nor well. Then, during a weekend at my parents' home â?? the house I was born in, the place I still love â?? I disintegrated. It was the weekend the clocks went back, and as we arrived I rippled with a sense of unease. I couldn't watch television or read. I started cups of tea but couldn't finish them, sat down to dinner but couldn't eat. The first night I roamed around, twitchy and unable to settle, heart hammering in my throat, ears full of white noise, a buzz in my stomach. At 5am, I couldn't take any more. I knocked on my parents' door and soon found myself wedged between them in bed, for the first time since I was born. The next night was worse. I was rocking back and forward, ranging, pacing, terrifying everyone. When I blurted out something about how it was all finished for me, my dad jumped into the car to find an out-of-hours NHS dispensary. "At least we're making the most of the extra hour," he said.
"It's also difficult on the people being told, because often they don't know what to say either," Bender Atik continues. "They don't know whether to refer to it as a 'baby' or a 'pregnancy'. Added to that, as a nation the British are not good at dealing with grief and tears and death. It's all cups of tea and brisk walks."
Organisers raced past the queues with trays laden with cakes and teacups while police joked with priests as they assembled in small groups.
Find him some plastic cups, and the class is all his again.
Znajdź jakieś plastikowe kubki i klasa znów będzie należeć do niego.
I know the little cups make you feel big, but it's not worth it.
Wiem, że z małą filiżanką, czujesz się większy, ale nie warto.
Because it would be sad if the cups were to break.
Ponieważ to byłoby przykre, gdyby się potłukły.
How do they even fit a pumpkin in those little cups?
Jak oni mieszczą tą dynię w tych małych filiżankach?
It was much easier when there were three plastic cups.
To było o wiele łatwiej kiedy były trzy plastikowe kubki.
Two cups of coffee and three aspirin, I'm almost human again.
Dwie filiżanki kawy, trzy aspiryny i prawie znowu jestem człowiekiem.
We've only got four cups, and we need five!
Tylko mieliśmy cztery filiżanki, i chcemy pięć!
Cut out those three to four cups of coffee.
Proszę wyeliminować te trzy do czterech kaw dziennie.
Give me some beer and take out the cups.
Dajcie mi piwa i zabierzcie szklanki.
Oh, the cups we won, my husband and I.
Och, wygramy puchar, mój mąż i ja.
What if she writes it on all the cups?
Co jeśli pisze tak na każdym kubku?
My husband seems only capable when he's in his cups...
Mój mąż wydaje się zdolny do tego tylko wtedy, gdy jest pijany.
Mom boils the cups and plates she's used in a big pot.
Mama gotuje używane talerze i szklanki w wielkim garze.
The cups may show her feeling for you.
Te kubki mogą pokazywać, co do ciebie czuję.
There's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups.
W jednym z kiszów jest niebieski paznokieć.
You gotta drink from these cups: someone stole the cup holders.
Będziecie musieli pić z tych kubków: ktoś ukradł uchwyty.
Vera? We got some paper cups for these gentlemen?
Mamy jakieś papierowe kubki dla tych panów, Vera?
Cups are in the other wastebasket. Baby's in your mind.
Kubki są w drugim koszu, dziecko jest w twojej wyobraźni.
You make it boil. Then you add six cups of flour with water.
Gotujesz, a potem dodajesz sześć szklanek mąki, zmieszanej z wodą.
I once drained six cups, and found myself in heated argument with imaginary cat.
Raz osuszyłem sześć kubków i wdałem się w żarliwą dyskusję ze zmyślonym kotem.
Just six plates and cups, but take the silverware.
Tylko sześć talerzy i filiżanek, ale weź srebra stołowe.
I think beginner's luck is very important in Cups!
Wiesz co myślę? Szczęście początkującego jest tu bardzo ważne.
No, she'il be way in her cups by now.
Nie, ona będzie sposób, w jej filiżanki teraz.
Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups, and there's gallons more coming!
Panie Buzzwell, właśnie przekorczyliśmy 3 filiżanki. A idzie jeszcze więcej!
You ought to get yourself some... paper cups or plates or something.
Musisz znaleźć sobie jakieś... papierowe kubki albo talerze czy coś.
Jack and I go It drink some cups.
Jack i ja idziemy się gdzieś upić, zrozumiałaś?
A dozen donuts, four cups of coffee, two black, two white, no sugar.
Tuzin pączków, cztery kawy, dwie czarne, dwie białe, bez cukru.
I'll drink three cups of wine as penance.
Jako pokutę, wypiję trzy lampki wina.
If they bring back cups reimburse them 10 cents
Jeśli przyniosą z powrotem kubki, oddaj im je.
She's got her purple cups and plastic forks.
Ma swoje fioletowe filiżanki i plastikowe widelce.
But I should warn you. I am very good at Cups.
Ale muszę cię ostrzec, jestem naprawdę dobry w Kubki.
I want nice hips and C cups.
Chcę ładne biodra i rozmiar C.
Two cups of tea and one bread pakoda.
Dwie filiżanki herbaty i jeden chleb pakoda.
Two cups of hot tea with milk.
Dwie gorące herbaty z mlekiem.
This two cups So3owieckiego for the monastery, Father.
To dwa puchary dla klasztoru Sołowieckiego, ojcze.
Now, put them on both cups.
Teraz połóż je na obu kubkach.
Well, two cups aren't just for me.
Te dwa kubki nie są tylko dla mnie.
How did you lose at Cups?
Jak mogłeś przegrać w kubki?
Those cups have a special meaning!
Te kubki mają specjalne znaczenie!
Some men play golf, some collect egg cups.
Niektórzy mężczyźni grają w golfa, inni zbierają kieliszki na jajka.
Andrenalone banned in Utah and Dakota south, do not consume more than 2 cups.
Andrenalone jest zakazane w Utah i Południowej Dakocie , nie więcej niż 2 szklanki.
There aren't any clean cups anymore.
Nie ma już czystych filiżanek.
Two cups for me, too.
Dla mnie też dwa razy.
You can spill cups of tea?
Możesz wylewać herbatę z kubka?
No more silent riddles! And no more empty cups!
Żadnych więcej niemych zagadek... i żadnych pustych miseczek.
Your coffee cups from the cafeteria.
Kubki po kawie z kafeterii.
We only need two cups.
Potrzebne nam tylko dwie filiżanki.
Three cups for your three chances.
Trzy kubki i trzy szanse.
No. Two espressos in separate cups.
Nie, dwie espresso w oddzielnych filiżankach.
Put double espresso in their sippy cups.
Postaw podwójne espresso w ich filiżankach.