Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) sperma;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract)
sperma, ejakulat, nasienie
synonim: semen
synonim: seed
synonim: seminal fluid
synonim: ejaculate
synonim: come

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The confrontation with Ubani happened on Saturday, the day after Ubani was struck off the General Medical Council (GMC) register over the death of 70-year-old David Gray in Manea, Cambridgeshire, in February 2008. The doctor, on his first UK shift as a locum GP, administered Gray 10 times the recommended dose of the painkiller diamorphine and improperly treated two other patients.
Facebook is in court to defend yet another claim to ownership, this time from a web designer cum wood pellet distributor who says a previous contract entitles him to 84% of the company.
Figures released under a Guardian Freedom of Information request show mistakes in England and Wales continue at a high level despite the publicity that followed the Guardian's revelation in May last year about the death of David Gray. The 70-year-old died at his home in Cambridgeshire when he was injected with a tenfold overdose of diamorphine by Daniel Ubani, a locum GP who had flown in from Germany that day.
This famed venue was known for its maple sprung dancefloor and a balcony that circled it on three sides. There were record stalls placed strategically around the club with dealers selling seven-inch import singles at eye-watering prices. By now, mod fashions had been replaced by brogue shoes, flares, vests, tank tops, and much longer hair. The girls wore long skirts, which were handy for sashaying across the floor, and many brought holdalls containing talcum powder which would be sprinkled on the floor to make it easier to dance. With only soft drinks available at the bar, again amphetamines helped fuel the scene, keeping the faithful going through the night.
Preach on brother department "How wonderful it's been to see the balance between bat and ball swing back in the bowler's favour," says Andy Stiff. "I've enjoyed this series a damn sight more than any in recent summers, bar both Ashes. Best of all, I'm working in Reading and have been watching festival scum getting drenched for the last three days. It's all upside."
If so, she was in for a disappointment, as her husband's early promise soon began to unravel into bit parts, punch-ups, too much resting and raucous partying. Born in Hackney in 1957, the son of a fruit-and-veg market stall trader, Winstone had been a schoolboy boxing champion but got just a single CSE in drama, and was expelled from drama school for vandalising the head's car. His performance in Scum began to look like one of those rare, mercurial moments of unrepeatable inspiration â?? and he admits that, in truth, "technically and all that, I wasn't good enough".
Knowing everything he knows now, if Winstone could go back to back to Scum and 1977, I wonder what would he do differently. He doesn't even pause to think about his answer.
Both are extremely funny, which comes as a relief. Cave, in particular, trails a reputation for prickly relations with the press that's perhaps a little out of date â?? yes, he did once write a song called Scum in which he colourfully decried Mat Snow, then of the NME, as "a miserable shitwringing turd who reminded me of some evil gnome" and yes, he did once punch a journalist in the middle of an interview, but that stuff all happened decades ago, at the height of his heroin-sozzled dissolution. Judging by his more recent cuttings, Cave takes umbrage at journalists depicting him as a former hellraiser now living a life of domestic contentment with his family in Hove, but there's no doubt his life is more settled than it once was. You could argue that it's virtually impossible to imagine how Cave's life could be any less settled than it once was, but, nevertheless, his current arrangement seems to suit him. At 52, his productivity is torrential: by contrast, even Sclavunos â?? who balances the Bad Seeds and Grinderman with his own band, the Vanity Set, and a burgeoning career as a producer for, among others, the Horrors and the Jim Jones Revue â?? is taking it easy.
Carolina Lobos, 26, daughter of Franklin Lobos, the football star cum miner trapped in the San Jos?© mine, said her father was looking very well. "We told him that when he gets out, we are going to have a huge party, a blowout!" she said. "He looks great." She thanked the technicians for installing the fiber optic video connection: "It was like he was in the living room, right here."
Put the chicken breast-side down in a large casserole and pour in enough water to cover. Bring to a gentle simmer and carefully skim off the scum that rises to the top. Simmer gently for 30 minutes â?? it's important to simmer gently, or the chicken will be tough.

Why does she punch him in the face just as he's about to cum?
Dlaczego uderzyła go w twarz w chwili gdy miał dojść?

These movies are mostly made so that those who can't get laid can cum.
Głównym celem tych filmów jest umożliwienie spuszczenia się tym, którzy nie mogą sobie poruchać.

You're a real blue-flame special, son: Young, dumb and full of cum.
Jesteś jak prawdziwy żółtodziób, synku... młody, tępy i pełen zapału.

I was too cerebral to make her cum.
To było zbyt wysublimowane żeby doprowadzić ją do orgazmu.

I look up on the screen and this actress is up there, Judy Cum.
Patrzę na ekran, a tam ona jako aktorka. Judy Organ.

Dammit, is that blood or cum?
Cholera, to krew czy sperma?