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The most recent major study, published in February, found that badger culling is unlikely to halt the spread of bovine TB. The research examined the disease in regions where culls had been trialled. While widespread and repeated badger culls reduced the numbers of infected cattle, the disease returned to its original level four years after the programme ended, scientists found. Managing badger populations to stop them spreading TB to cattle also cost more than the impact of the disease, researchers from Imperial College and the Zoological Society of London said.
How did this government respond? By ignoring the NAO altogether and haring off in entirely the opposite direction. Why? Because the very idea of joining up, co-operating, collaborating, and centralising is ideological anathema to them. Francis Maude, Eric Pickles, Michael Gove, Andrew Lansley and the other ideologues-in-chief have devoted all their efforts to reorganisations and quango culls designed for extreme decentralisation.
"Wayfaring Stranger" caused few ripples; then Woon went quiet. Nothing happened. But my thin, worn one-track CD of "Wayfaring Stranger" survived multiple culls of the CDs by other obscure artists on a hiding to nothing. Woon's "Wayfaring Stranger" was not like anything else being touted by record companies at the time, or even by hip leftfield sources. It was old-fashioned, but urban; catholic, but unsettling.
One country culls all their chickens, red meat goes into higher demand.
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