im. Krzysztof
Krzysztof m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Police wanted the change after the case of Christopher Foster. He shot his wife and daughter before setting fire to their Shropshire mansion and dying in the blaze in August 2008. Foster had told his GP he felt suicidal.
During the second world war, German-Americans were arrested in the US for speaking German. Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, more than 300 languages were spoken in North America; now there are around only 175, of which 90% are effectively moribund. Today, more than half the world lives in a place where their mother tongue and the official language are not the same. Belgium's linguistic divide mirrors a reversal of economic fortunes whereby the once wealthy, industrial French-speaking Walloonia has now been eclipsed by a far more productive, hi-tech Flanders.
The Jamaican police have captured the once powerful gang leader, Christopher "Dudus" Coke, as he was on his way to surrender to the US embassy in Kingston weeks after leading a bloody urban battle to avoid deportation for trial to New York.
Jamaicans breathed a cautious sigh of relief today after the capture of Christopher "Dudus" Coke provoked no immediate backlash from his armed followers.
Shortly after the arrest authorities declared a curfew in large parts of Kingston and warned of a possible backlash. "I would like to appeal to the families, friends and sympathisers of Christopher Coke to remain calm," said the police commissioner, Owen Ellington. Security forces were "taking every step possible to ensure his safety and wellbeing while he is in our custody", he added.
The once powerful Jamaican gang leader Christopher "Dudus" Coke was extradited to the US tonight immediately after a court hearing at which he expressed regret for the fighting that claimed scores of lives last month as he evaded capture.
The adventure reignites, in fictional form, the rivalry between William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. The Great Lie sees 16-year-old Nick, the son of the late first Earl of Rokesby, run away with a troupe of travelling players who take him to London â?? where he soon comes to Marlowe's attention.
According to the US justice department, an 11th alleged spy, a man operating under the name of Christopher R Metsos, remains at large and is wanted by the FBI, accused of organising the financing of the group.
The alleged spies are in US custody, after being charged in court on Monday with conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government. Police in Cyprus yesterday arrested the ring's alleged paymaster and 11th spy, Christopher Metsos, attempting to catch a flight to Hungary.
All the while, the Murphys were said to be meeting Russian contacts to exchange information in train stations and using invisible ink to write messages. They were given fake bank accounts and took secret delivery of large cash payments. In meetings with another Russian agent, Christopher Metsos, in Moscow and Rome, Richard Murphy complained about his job. "Well, I'm so happy I'm not your handler," Metsos replied. Metsos was arrested and then released in Cyprus today.
He came to ask me whether something might be done for Christopher.
Przyszedł się mnie wypytać, czy jest coś, co można zrobić dla Christophera.
It's been a long day for little Christopher with all this attention.
To był długi dzień dla Christoffera przez całe to świętowanie.
Christopher just sat there in a corner, all skin and bones.
Christopher, sama skóra i kości, siedział w kącie.
Christopher, you're not still lying in that bed, are you?
Christopher, chyba wcišż nie leżysz w łóżku, co?
But Christopher left me a parting gift, a jewel like no other.
Ale Krzysztof dał mi prezent, klejnot jak żaden inny.
Christopher reported that he was held by two men.
Christopher zeznał, że przetrzymywało go dwóch mężczyzn.
Christopher, before we begin, remind me of the bride's name.
Christopher, zanim zaczniemy, przypomnij mi imię panny młodej.
I find it very amusing that Christopher is suddenly such a wonderful person.
Bawi mnie to, że Christopher jest nagle taki wspaniały.
I know why Christopher doesn't sleep at the hotel.
Wiem, czemu Christopher nie śpi w hotelu.
Christopher can scoff, but I know how hard you've been praying.
Christopher może szydzić, ale ja wiem jak bardzo się modliłeś.
Christopher, I need to put them somewhere with facilities.
Christopher, muszę umieścić ich gdzieś na terenie zabudowań.
Christopher Robin explained that it had all been a misunderstanding.
Krzyś wyjaśnił, że to wszystko było nieporozumienie.
Why? I would have bet on someone easier than Christopher.
Mógłbym założyć się o kogoś łatwiejszego niż Christofer.
Well, a delight to see you as always, Christopher.
Jak zwykle spotkanie z tobą było rozkoszą, Christopher.
It's been so hard since you brought Sharon back to me. Christopher, my love.
Nie radzę sobie, odkąd zwróciłaś mi Sharon. Christopher, kochany.
It is the room of one young boy in particular named Christopher Robin.
To jest pokój młodego chłopca konkretnie nazywającego się Krzyś
I wouldn't sleep with Christopher Columbus on the first date.
Na pierwszej randce nie spałabym nawet z Krzysztofem Kolumbem.
But now you have to talk to Christopher.
Ale teraz musisz porozmawiać z Christopherem.
So Christopher has taken an interest in me.
A więc, Christopher jednak się mną zainteresował.
Christopher, I know where you can get those.
Christopher, l wie gdzie możesz dostać te.
Uh, Christopher left his set of car keys here.
Christopher zostawił gdzieś tu kluczyki do samochodu.
I mean, when was the last time Christopher wanted to do anything for Rory?
Kiedy ostatni raz Christopher chciał coś zrobić dla Rory?
I´m talking about Christopher being an only child!
O tym Christopher będzie naszym jedynym dzieckiem!
Christopher, could you be more full of yourself?
Christopher, mógłbyś byś bardziej dumny ze siebie?
Does Christopher have a girl in this town?
Czy Christopher ma w tym mieście dziewczynę?
It is not too late for you, Christopher.
Nie jest dla ciebie za późno Christopher.
This is the last neighborhood Where christopher perez worked this morning.
To ostatni rewir w którym pracował rano Christopher Perez.
So this is where Father Christopher went to school?
Więc to tutaj ojciec Christopher chodził do szkoły?
Ruggles says Christopher's willing to sell his wife for money or favours.
Ruggles twierdzi, że Christopher jest gotowy sprzedać własną żonę za pieniądze lub przywileje.
I think Christopher will be interested in this.
Jak myślisz, Christopher będzie zainteresowany?
You are surely not in love with Christopher?
Na pewno nie zakochałaś się w Christopherze?
St. Christopher will kill you if he sees you.
Saint Christopher cię zabije, jeśli cię zobaczy.
You always did have a guilty face, Christopher.
Zawsze miałeś twarz winnego, Christopher.
Christopher, I could do without the colour commentary.
Christopher, mogę to zrobić bez barwnych komentarzy.
All men who see you want to attack you. Isn't that right, Christopher?
Jaki mężczyzna nie chciałby tego z tobą robić? Prawda Christopher?
They die Christopher, although they are Young, healthy and we need them.
Oni umierają, nawet jeśli są młodzi, przystojni i my ich potrzebujemy.
The south's made you go all soft, Christopher!
Robisz się coraz bardziej miękki, Christopher!
She took some pills and killed herself. It's because their son, Christopher, is handicapped.
Przedawkowała jakieś pigułki i zabiła się, bo ich syn jest upośledzony.
Allen Christopher, the Christian community welcomes you with great joy.
Allen Christopher, witaj w społeczności chrześcijańskiej.
Christopher is the last decent man in England.
Christopher jest ostatnim przyzwoitym mężczyzną w Anglii.
Christopher, this I've got to say, this course is really in top-notch shape.
Christopher, muszę to powiedzieć, ten turniej jest na najwyższym poziomie.
Christopher, don't make me call for a pizza.
Christopher, nie zmuszaj mnie, żebym zadzwonił po pizzę.
With me now is Christopher Mayo, a neighbor of the deceased.
Jest ze mną Christopher Mayo, sąsiad ofiary.
Good to see you’re balls finally dropped, Christopher.
Miło widzieć, że rosną ci jaja, Christopherze.
It turns out the sword belonged to Christopher Columbus and may be worth $200,000.
Okazało się, że miecz należał do Krzysztofa Kolumba i może być wart $200,000.
Christopher comes to see what has happened.
Christopher, chodź, zobacz co się stało.
Christopher Maynard was with his church group in New York for two weeks.
Maynard był przez dwa tygodnie z grupą kościelną w Nowym Jorku.
I think that Christopher Hawkins is a great addition to your club
Myślę, że Christopher Hawkins jest dobrym nabytkiem do twojego klubu.
That Christopher Bailey kid killed your family, not you.
Twoją rodzinę zabił Christopher Bailey, nie ty.