odwołany, anulowany~ application anulowany wniosek o ubezpieczenie ~ premium anulowana składka
adj. odwołany, anulowanycancelled commission prowizja stornowana
anulowany, unieważniony
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But the tipping point came when someone who I thought I admired started announcing to me in 140 characters or less that Marvin Gaye was overrated. Pathetic, I know, but the mere fact I'd allowed myself to get annoyed by something so petty only hardened my conviction. It was obvious that I was the only one making myself angry. So I decided the best option was not to look, and cancelled my account. And then I just kept going. This need to wipe the slate clean, to de-clutter â?? or at least de-complicate â?? my life, took over. I needed a holiday from the world of stuff. So I decided on a very literal form of regressive therapy: I was going to go offline, to see if I could last a week without looking at a website or checking my email; to somehow re-connect by disconnecting.
Mournfully, I cancelled my order and made some toast. Waiting for it to pop, I gazed out of my window at the courtyard and the leafless tree, a blue carrier bag flying from its branches. I saw the sun sneak over the flats opposite and cursed myself for not upgrading to an internet-enabled phone. The adventures I could have had. Instead, I crawl back under my laptop and watch Twitter squeaking about Pineapple Dance Studios for a little while.
Most states oppose this and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has clashed with Berlin on the issue. The two leaders abruptly cancelled a Berlin summit this week because of Sarkozy's push to turn the leaders of the single currency countries into a European "economic government". Merkel insists the new regime apply to all 27 and not only to the 16 eurozone countries. The issue of penalising fiscal miscreants is also highly politicised. To try to minimize political interference in deciding how and who to punish, the commission is demanding to be referee and wants a "rules-based" system that would make the penalties almost automatic.
The package has also stoked the anger of Merkel's French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has accused the Germans of creating an atmosphere that will stifle growth in Europe at a time when it should be stimulated. Sarkozy arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel tonight â?? a meeting which the German leader cancelled at the last minute a week ago, adding to speculation that relations between the two politicians are at an all-time low.
The strain of living in these conditions has taken a toll and Haile is clearly struggling to cope with life. Immigration letters in brown envelopes (delivered to the Red Cross and passed on to him) lie strewn in between the clothes. Taken by his parents from Ethiopia to Tanzania as a baby, he came here as a stowaway on a boat in 2000. Several asylum applications have been refused, and he is under instructions to return to Tanzania. But he is not clear whether he would be accepted there, since it is not his original home. He has no capacity to get himself there, and one attempt to deport him forcibly was cancelled at the last moment several years ago, since when he has been left to forage for survival in central Birmingham.
Last week, it was revealed that US authorities are trying to make contact with Assange to press him not to publish information the Pentagon says could endanger national security. Assange cancelled an appearance in Las Vegas last Friday.
The strain of living in these conditions has taken a toll and Haile is clearly struggling to cope with life. Immigration letters in brown envelopes (delivered to the Red Cross and passed on to him) lie strewn in between the clothes. Taken by his parents from Ethiopia to Tanzania as a baby, he came here as a stowaway on a boat in 2000. Several asylum applications have been refused, and he is under instructions to return to Tanzania. But he is not clear whether he would be accepted there, since it is not his original home. He has no capacity to get himself there, and one attempt to deport him forcibly was cancelled at the last moment several years ago, since when he has been left to forage for survival in central Birmingham.
The British Medical Association has warned redundancies, recruitment freezes and service cutbacks are the "early signs of the impact of the economic crisis" on the NHS. The BMA said 72% of 92 doctors surveyed said their health trust had postponed or cancelled clinical service developments because of financial pressures.
Portland police said at the time that the woman's lawyer came to them with the allegations in 2006 but that the woman cancelled appointments with detectives.
For me, I Am Kloot's fifth album, Sky at Night, confirms singer/guitarist John Bramwell as the country's greatest "unknown" songwriter. The critically acclaimed Manchester band have won fans including Pete Doherty and Elbow's Guy Garvey, but are not remotely household names. In fact, like Garvey's north-west peers â?? who laboured for a decade and a half before breaking through with The Seldom Seen Kid â?? Kloot's history has been one of recurring disasters. In just over a decade, they have gone through seven managers and five record labels, seeing one single â?? 2005's Over the Shoulder â?? reach only No 38 in the charts, while others were cancelled altogether. It's enough to drive anyone to the bottle and judging from his lyrics, Bramwell may have been driven to several. But the northern soul has never given up on what is clearly a calling.
You let the show get cancelled, and we all died.
Pozwoliłaś, żeby anulowali program i wszyscy umarliśmy.
What if I was doing something that can't be cancelled?
A jeśli robiłem coś, co nie może być odwołane?
When they cancelled the project, it almost did me in.
Kiedy odwołano projekt, o mało się nie załamałem.
Have you cancelled Chicago and the rest of the weekend yet?
Czy odwołałeś już Chicago i resztę weekendu?
It was all set, but he cancelled at the last minute.
Wszystko było gotowe, ale w ostatniej chwili wszystko odwołał.
Oh baby I am so happy your flight got cancelled.
Kochanie, taki jestem szczęśliwy, że odwołali twój lot.
I was to have dinner with someone but the date has been cancelled.
Byłam umówiona z kimś na obiad, ale musiałam odwołać spotkanie.
For example, I never cancelled any of our wedding plans.
Na przykład... Nigdy nie odwołałam żadnych z naszych planów ślubnych.
Could you tell everybody that this afternoon meeting is being cancelled.
Powiedz wszystkim, że odwołuję naradę o 14-tej. Mam spotkanie w Radzie Narodowej.
Rob, what are you ever doing that can´t be cancelled?
Rob, czy robiłeś kiedykolwiek coś, co nie mogło być odwołane?
I was supposed to meet a girlfriend, but she cancelled.
Miałam spotkać się z dziewczyną, ale odwołała spotkanie.
It's because of me that those people cancelled his scholarship.
To przeze mnie tamci ludzie anulowali jego stypendium.
Our deal is cancelled then. I will disturb you every day.
Nasza transakcja jest anulowana wtedy. będę ci przeszkadzać na co dzień.
We're five minutes from and they've cancelled all flights into Denver.
Jesteśmy 5 minut od lotniska a oni skasowali wszystkie loty do Denver.
I know it's very sudden, but we cancelled your school trip.
Wiem że to nagłe, ale odwołaliśmy waszą wycieczkę.
Gavin cancelled at the last minute. I could make it after all.
Gavin odwołał w ostatniej chwili, więc udało mi się jednak dotrzeć.
Gentlemen, I want to know who did this or shore leave is cancelled tonight.
Panowie, chcę wiedzieć kto to zrobił albo nici z przepustki.
I cancelled on her the night before she died.
Odwołałem spotkanie z nią dzień przed jej śmiercią.
We've got cancelled cheques and he's practically ready to turn over the love notes.
Mamy anulowane czeki i jest gotowy ujawnić listy miłosne. - Lora.
My group proposes the signing should be cancelled until you have read the final text.
Moja grupa proponuje, aby podpisanie zostało odroczone do czasu przeczytania ostatecznego tekstu.
This does not, however, mean that forms of health protection and medical prescriptions are cancelled out.
Nie oznacza to jednak rezygnacji z różnych innych form ochrony zdrowia i wymogu wypisywania recept lekarskich.
I 'deserted before dessert', only to find the debate had been cancelled.
"Zdezerterowałam przed deserem” tylko po to, aby dowiedzieć się, że debata została odwołana.
However, three days ago, the new government there unilaterally cancelled our contract.
Jednakże 3 dni temu, nowy tamtejszy rząd jednostronnie zerwał nasz kontrakt.
Our round in the Far East was cancelled because of the war.
Pisze, że nasze tournée po bliskim wschodzie jest zwieszone z powodu działań wojennych.
His secretary called to say today's dinner was cancelled.
Dzwoniła jego sekretarka, by odwołać dzisiejszą kolację.
Um, you cancelled last week and never called to reschedule.
Anulowała pani je tydzień temu i nie dzwoniła pani, by je przełożyć.
I just called to say that boss has cancelled your leave
Dzwonię tylko żeby ci powiedzieć że szef odwołał twój wyjazd
I have a client at 2:15,and my watcher just cancelled.
Mam klienta o 1 4:15,a moja przyzwoitka mnie wystawiła.
My dad's still in the hospital, and my brother just cancelled. No.
Mój tata jest jeszcze w szpitalu, a mój brat właśnie został odwołany.
The House will know that 84 000 flights have been cancelled, affecting thousands of passengers.
Izba z pewnością wie, że odwołano 84 000 lotów, co dotknęło tysiące pasażerów.
I was going to go to Venice. But we cancelled at the last moment.
Miałem jechać do Wenecji, ale w ostatniej chwili zrezygnowaliśmy.
We both know that no such cancelled cheque exists!
Obaj wiemy, że taki czek nie istnieje!
It is very important that it has not yet officially been cancelled.
Bardzo ważnym faktem jest to, że delegacja ta nie została jeszcze oficjalnie odwołana.
Already they are saying the magician will be cancelled!
Już się mówi, że magik zostanie odwołany!
Officer Dai told me that your vacation has been cancelled from now on.
Oficer Dai powiedział mi, że twój urlop został anulowany.
Any improvement in each individual goods vehicle meant nothing, as simultaneous growth cancelled everything out.
Udoskonalenia w pojazdach ciężarowych nie mają żadnego znaczenia, ponieważ ich efekt jest niwelowany przez równoczesny wzrost.
In fact, it was cancelled by the Iranian authorities.
W rzeczywistości została ona odwołana przez władze Iranu.
Use the current channel to tell Elephant that action has been cancelled
Cheung. Użyj bieżącego kanału i powiedz Słoniowi, że operacja odwołana.
But 1 hour before air time, they cancelled.
Jednak na godzinę przed emisją odwołali spotkanie.
I thought you said they cancelled his run.
Myślałem, że powiedział pan, że anulowano jego uruchomienia.
They called to say the training was cancelled.
Dzwonili, żeby powiedzieć, że szkolenie zostało odwołane.
Following the coup d'état, meetings planned last week have been cancelled.
Po zamachu stanu spotkania zaplanowane na zeszły tydzień zostały odwołane.
They may be adversely affected, for example, if the merger is subsequently cancelled.
Mogą oni ucierpieć, na przykład w przypadku, gdy później dochodzi do unieważnienia takiej fuzji.
I cancelled it because, like you, it was overly sexual and impossible to understand.
Anulowałem go, bo jak ty, był nacechowany seksualnie i niemożliwy do zrozumienia.
The trip scheduled for tomorrow... is cancelled because of the rain.
Wycieczka zaplanowana na jutro... została odwołana z powodu deszczu.
We cancelled the trip and decided to stay home
Odwołaliśmy podróż i zdecydowaliśmy się zostać w domu.
I've cancelled everything past this afternoon... except the Rosenberg case next week.
Odwołałem wszystkie po dzisiejszym popołudniu... Poza przypadkiem Rosenberg w przyszłym tygodniu.
Today I've cancelled all meetings and come home.
Dziś odwołałem wszystkie spotkania i wróciłem do ciebie.
I wont say that the yearly subsidy of this club will be cancelled.
I nie powiem, że roczna dotacja dla tego klubu zostanie cofnięta.
Millie said that you cancelled your lecture next month.
Millie powiedziała, że odwołałeś swój wykład w następnym miesiącu.