(Noun) Kain;
im. Kain
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The aides also criticise leading politicians, including Senators John McCain and John Kerry, for turning up in Afghanistan, criticising Karzai and then getting back to Washington for the Sunday talk shows.
By any standards this is extreme stuff. Yet Hayworth, far from being out on the edge of Arizona politics, is a politician on the rise. He is challenging Senator John McCain in a right-wing rebellion that could turf the Republicans' most recent presidential candidate out of the Senate seat he has held since 1986. That this even seems possible shows just how powerful the fear over illegal immigration has become in Arizona.
The Tea Party activists had hoped to claim their biggest scalp of the Republican primary season but McCain - seeking a fifth term as senator - saw off JD Hayworth, a former congressman and conservative radio talkshow host.
Within 20 minutes of the polls closing, both the Associated Press and CNN projected McCain would win. Based on the early results, but before the final tally was announced, the Phoenix-based newspaper the Arizona Republic, too, declared victory for McCain.
With 20% of the votes counted, McCain was on 59% to Hayworth's 30%.
Conscious of the danger posed by the Tea Party, McCain fought hard to ensure his political survival. Although Hayworth was a weak candidate, McCain took no chances, spending $20m (Â?13m), much of it on advertising blitzes, to beat him.
McCain was helped, too, by a public appearance on his behalf by Sarah Palin, his vice-presidential running mate in 2008. A Tea Party favourite, her support for McCain saw some of Hayworth's supporters peel away. Some Tea Party activists had been ambivalent about Hayworth anyway, sceptical about his rightwing credentials and his past political performances.
Rise to fame She gained national and international recognition in August 2008 when John McCain surprisingly chose her has his running mate in the White House race, a role for which she was unready. Her lack of knowledge of domestic politics and international affairs was cruelly exposed by the media. She resigned as governor of Alaska in 2009 and has since concentrated on writing books, being a Fox News commentator and making profitable speeches. Later this year, she is to star in a documentary called Sarah Palin's Alaska.
A 15-year veteran of Arizona's sheriff's department, Puroll, 53, was awarded a purple heart and was congratulated by Republican senator John McCain when he suffered a gunshot wound in April, a week after the state's governor signed a new law making it a crime for foreigners to fail to carry valid immigration documents at all times.
Puroll's boss, sheriff Paul Babeu has been a regular guest on chat shows, discussing his county's battle with immigration, and appeared on a campaign advertisement for McCain discussing the importance of completing a border fence.
Cain has some followers here and war is bad for business.
Cain ma niewielu zwolenników tutaj a wojna nie jest dobra dla biznesu.
My men just told me that wyatt cain is alive.
Moi ludzie właśnie mi powiedzieli, że Wyatt Cain żyje.
You turned down Cain's offer without talking to us.
Stary, odrzuciłeś ofertę Caina bez rozmowy z nami.
You have a long time spent in solitary confinement, Cain.
Spędziłeś w izolatce dużo czasu, Cain.
Cain, the drugs are not only for pain management.
Cain, pigułki nie są tylko żeby zniwelować ból
Oh, you can make a face, cain, but it's true.
Możesz się krzywić, Cain, ale to prawda.
Dean Cain wants to see you in his office.
Dziekan Cain chce was widzieć w swoim biurze.
You'd better get out of here before Dean Cain gets home.
Lepiej stąd zniknij znim Dean Cain wróci do domu.
'And Cain rose up against his brother and killed him'.
"I Kain powstał przeciwko swojemu bratu i zabił go”.
Sometimes, cain, you make me feel just like those ladies at the dance did,
Czasami, Cain, czuję się przy tobie tak, jak przy tych damach na balu.
And my forehead, it's like the mark of Cain.
A moje czoło, jest jak blizna Kaina.
Now the only one who can help us is Stradivarius Cain.
Teraz może nam pomóc tylko Stradivarius Cain.
Will you be Cain and kill your brother?
Czy będziesz zabijał braci jak Kain?
Rickert went into Cain's office and identified himself as your informant.
Rickert wszedł do biura Caina i sam się przedstawił jako informator.
Hey, Dean Cain think he can kick me out the school that easy?
Dziekan Cain myśli, że może mnie wykopać ze szkoły tak łatwo?
Cain, I ask you again, where is thy brother Abel?
Kain, pytam cię ponownie, gdzie twój brat, Abel?
My slave Cain found iton the barren hill where nothing grows.
Mój niewolnik, Cain, znalazłto na pustym wzgórzu, gdzie nic nie rośnie.
And I know that you work for Cain.
I wiem, że pracujesz dla Kaina.
I am the one who dwelt within Cain!
Jestem tym, który krył się w Kainie!
Monsignor Cain then suggested I talk to the diocesan attorney.
Monsignor Cain zasugerował żebym zwrócił się do prawnika z kurii.
So was Cain and Abel, and we've played it often.
Tak samo jak Kain i Abel... co często graliśmy.
I speak to Cain. - Where are you going, slut?
Muszę pogadać z Cainem - A ty gdzie idziesz, suko?
Son, Cain lied about killing his brother.
Synu, Kain skłamał o zabiciu swojego brata.
Damn, homie, Cain is something like a legend here
Cholera ziomuś, Cain jest tu legendą
Cain, you have to take medicines.
Cain, musisz brać te pigułki
No, the first vampire was Cain.
Nie, pierwszym wampirem był Kain.
It's a great day for you, Cain
To jest twój wielki dzień, Cain.
And Eve brought forth Cain in sweat and blood.
I Ewa wydała na świat Kaina w pocie i krwi.
I have a question about Maureen Cain's admitting intormation.
Mam pytanie dotyczące danych z przyjęcia Maureen Cain's.
Mr. Laird, admiral Cain ordered me to give you this.
Panie Laird, admirał Cain kazała to przekazać.
You can see immediately why it cannot be translated because it says 'and Cain said' but it does not say what he said.
Natychmiast państwo widzą dlaczego nie może on być przetłumaczony, ponieważ mówi "i Kain rzekł”, ale nie mówi co powiedział.
My baker has prepared an edible monument to Cain's demise. (crowd chatters.
Mój piekarz przygotował jadalny pomnik na cześć zgonu Caina. W
Forgive me the soot and Cain and this sideboard.
Wybaczcie mi sadze i Kaina i ten kredens. - W porzadku.
Cain didn't go to Queens and shoot James Sullivan.
Cain nie pojechał do Queens i nie zastrzelił Jamesa Sullivana.
Is Ellie Cain having an affair with Senator Ross or not?
Czy Ellie Cain ma romans z senatorem Ross'em czy nie?
The second occurs soon after, in the first great tragedy that overcomes the first human children Cain and Abel.
Druga pojawia się wkrótce, w pierwszej wielkiej tragedii, której doświadczają pierwsze dzieci człowieka, Kain i Abel.
Bigger than you. It was Cain.
Był wielki.. większy od ciebie..
What's Cain got to do with Grendel?
Co ma Kain do czynienia z Grendelem?
Fielding made that casing for Cain.
Fielding zrobił ten nabój dla Caina.
Do not worry about Doctor Cain.
Nie martwcie się doktorem Cainem.
So that's what the Lord done said to Cain when he done killed Abel.
Tak powiedział Pan do Kaina, kiedy ten zabił Abla.
Cain and Abel is in the Bible.
Kain i Abel są w Biblii.
Cain and Abel were brothers.
Cain i Abel byli braćmi.
Worked for Cain for years.
Pracował dla Kaina od lat.
Cain, you clumsy idiot!
Cain, ty niezdarny idioto.
Yeah, but if Dean Cain find out about this shit, he gonna be mad
Taa, ale jeśli dziekan Cain dowie się o tym, będzie zły jak matkojebca.
About how Cain killed Abel.
O tym, jak Kain zabił Abla.
Yo, Dean Cain, look who's back!
Dziekanie Cain, zobacz kto wrócił!
Damn it, Hob, Cain needs us!
Do cholery Hob, Cain nas potrzebuje..