ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the act of brushing your teeth
"the dentist recommended two brushes a day")
synonim: brush

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

On her advice, I've dropped the pretence that my husband is always working. Yesterday, when my daughter inquired about her father's whereabouts, I said he was staying with his friend. When she asked why, I said because he has his own room there. 'Oh yes, she said, because he does snore doesn't he?' and carried on brushing her teeth.
The wrecked city is full of Americans, college kids mostly, who've come down to pick coffee on the brigades. And there are Londoners, Glaswegians, a trade union group from Leeds, mingling some evenings in the garden of the InterContinental Hotel with European journalists and aid workers. One night a convoy of military vehicles roars up to the doors. Armed bodyguards take positions in the lobby. A short, chubby general strides into the restaurant, sitting alone at a table, delicately eating a piece of cake. He is Commandante Tomas Borge, one of the senior members of the ruling FSLN coalition. He was tortured by the dictatorship and spent years in solitary confinement. It is rumoured that, following the revolution, he found the National Guardsman who had tortured him, and said: "My revenge is that I forgive you." Nobody approaches him as he eats his cake, occasionally brushing the flies from his epaulettes.
As the importance of my brain declines, the focus on my physical appearance feels hawk-like. I am a mother with a young baby. Even at my most attractive, I feel frumpy, lumpy and overweight. When we were "papped" pushing the buggy, I was wearing no make-up and a breastfeeding T-shirt one size too big. After that day, with fears of the photo turning up in Heat above a comment about the "wonder" of Brian's dowdy, bovine wife, I went out and bought a ton of make-up. Now, at the very least, I put on a bit of mascara and some lipstick when I go out of the house with Brian. I've even started brushing my hair.
But as the boat edges closer, gliding over the tops of bushes and brushing over raised banks that were once roads, it is clear that this one is different. There are people here, pouring out of their rough shelters, streaming down to the water's edge, shielding their eyes from the sun, squinting to get a better glimpse of salvation.
Second, must that focus condemn complex historical figures to a month of hero worship? The original motive behind Black History Month was to redress the dishonest way history was taught in British schools: airbrushing out black people except for their role as slaves or colonial subjects. There is equally a dishonesty in elevating people such as Muhammad Ali and Mary Seacole into simplistic figures of black pride. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Labour raised the stakes when the party's deputy leader, Harriet Harman, said it was now time for the prime minister to take a detailed interest in the controversy, rather than brushing aside claims about one of his closest aides.

And then I could spend, like, all day brushing my hair.
Wtedy mogłabym spędzić cały dzień na rozczesywaniu swoich włosów.

See the guy in the yellow shirt brushing a white dog?
widzisz gościa w żółtej koszuli, który szczotkuje białego pudla?

The brushing of the teeth and the complicated way they cook things.
Czyszczenie zebow I ten skomplikowany sposób gotowanie posilkow.

We can finish brushing her hair after she's dead.
Możemy skończyć szczotkować jej włosy po jej śmierci.

But no, I was too busy brushing my hair.
Ale ja byłam zajęta szczotkowaniem włosów.

I don't even want to think about her brushing her teeth.
Ja nawet nie chcę myśleć o tym jak ona myje zęby.

And these cuddlies should definitely be brushing after every meal.
A te miluśkie? Powinny myć zęby po każdym posiłku.

Each layer has been revealed and highlighted by brushing, not digging.
Każda warstwa została odkryta i uwydatniona za pomocą pędzelka, nie kopania.

But I'm not a prostitute. I was just brushing my teeth.
Ale ja nie jestem prostytutką ja tylko myłam zęby

And here we have a waitress brushing her teeth with her finger.
A tu mamy kelnerkę, myjącą zęby swoim palcem.

For her, sticking herself was like brushing her teeth or going to the bathroom.
Dla niej, kłucie się było jak mycie zębów albo pójście do łazienki.

Why am I brushing my own hair?
Dlaczego czeszę moje własne włosy?

I don't even like brushing them.
Nawet nie lubię ich myć.

Want some before brushing your teeth?
Chcesz trochę zanim umyjesz zęby?

Brushing while the eye are shut?
Szczotkowanie kiedy oczy są zamknięte?

The UN has already twice called on both parties to carry out independent investigations, but fourteen months later, they are still brushing this call aside.
ONZ już dwukrotnie wzywał obie strony do przeprowadzenia niezależnych dochodzeń, ale czternaście miesięcy później to wezwanie pozostaje bez echa.

Flossing is just as important as brushing.
Czyszczenie nicią jest tak samo ważne, co szczotkowanie.

I'm brushing up on my French with the most charming man... - ...
Odświeżam swój francuski za sprawą najbardziej czarującego człowieka. ...Pierre z Avenu 5.

Okay, okay, okay, I get it. Is there anybody there? Anybody brushing their teeth?
Dobra, mam obraz, czy jest tam ktoś kto myje zęby?

When we sit down to negotiate economic or trade agreements with a country in which fundamental rights are violated, we cannot put figures, agreements and contracts on the table while shamefully brushing under the carpet the situation that its citizens are going through.
Kiedy przystępujemy do negocjacji porozumień gospodarczych czy handlowych z państwem, w którym naruszane są podstawowe prawa, nie możemy rozmawiać o pieniądzach, porozumieniach i kontraktach wstydliwie zamiatając pod dywan obywateli tego państwa.