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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Are men more body conscious now than they were 10 years ago? Apparently yes. Infinitely more. They're certainly subject to increasingly proscriptive and exaggerated notions on the physical ideal. Rootstein's spindly Homme Nouveau shop window mannequin (27in waist, 33in chest), and Burberry's fit model, cast according to the equally slender proportions of male model Davo, are merely the latest, most headline-grabbing manifestations of the mounting pressure on men to be a certain â?? diminished â?? shape. Consider, for example, that the average British man has a waist size measuring 39in, and yet American Apparel â?? spiritual home of anyone hoping they might be even the teensiest bit hip â?? doesn't sell its signature Slim Slack trouser with a waistband larger than 30in. Consider a significant proportion of contemporary male cultural icons: Russell Brand, Pete Doherty, Matt Smith and David Tennant, Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys, Johnny Borrell of Razorlight, nearly all of the Kings of Leon, Nicholas Hoult, any one of the men with whom Kelly Osbourne periodically dalliesâ?? Thin, thin and thinner.
Police are believed to have narrowed down their review of unsolved murders and disappearances linked to Tobin to nine cases. These may include the murders of art student Jessie Earl, 22, whose body was found in 1989, and Louise Kay, 18, whose body was never found after she vanished after a night out in Eastbourne in 1988.
Education Started her arts and law degree at the University of Adelaide, later transferring to Melbourne University.
Personal life Unmarried, in a long-term relationship with Melbourne hairdresser Tim Mathieson.
In fact, there are no major neurological differences between the sexes, says Cordelia Fine in her book Delusions of Gender, which will be published by Icon next month. There may be slight variations in the brains of women and men, added Fine, a researcher at Melbourne University, but the wiring is soft, not hard. "It is flexible, malleable and changeable," she said.
Home birth is certainly not for everyone. Most of my friends have birthed in NHS hospitals and, with a few exceptions, had good experiences. They've felt more comfortable and reassured in a medical environment, and I respect that. But I was born at home, as were two of my four brothers, and it never occurred to me that I'd birth anywhere else. I'm not macho, hippy, anti-establishment or out to prove a point. On the earth mother scale, I reside somewhere between Sharon Osbourne and Supernanny.
The Swedish soprano Nina Stemme, whose Isolde has thrilled British audiences at Glyndebourne and Covent Garden, made her debut in the title role, her voice potent and lustrous as ever. It's a pity she doesn't yet feel confident without a score, copies of which had to be hidden on lecterns none too effectively draped with jailbird rags and used by all the cast except Kaufmann. Stemme will know it by the time she sings the role in London next spring.
The Formula One driver had been caught by police executing a "burnout" and "fishtail" â?? tricks in which wheels are intentionally spun and skidded â?? in front of fans two days before the Melbourne grand prix back in March.
They include Mark Fabbro, an Australian who says he was sadistically raped by a priest at a Jesuit school in Melbourne in 1971, when he was 11. Also planning to speak is Sue Cox, who recently broke a 50-year silence over the sexual abuse she endured from a priest, detailing her trauma in a public letter to the Archbishop of Westminster.
But the omissions will attract almost as much comment as those that were included. Tsolkias's book, for example, which follows the consequences of a young child being slapped at a Melbourne barbecue, has divided readers.

What if bourne didn't have anything to do with this?
Może Bourne nie miał z tym nic wspólnego.

I think can be pretty certain that Bourne is not your source, then.
Myślę, że możemy być dość pewni, że to nie Bourne jest źródłem.

And marshall wants to know what's going on with bourne.
Kopią w papierach Abbott'a, a Marshall chce wiedzieć, co z Bourne'm.

This is not a clean phone. They can't prove anything without bourne.
Ten telefon nie jest czysty. Nie udowodnią niczego bez Bourne'a.

Bourne showed up on our surveillance and we had very little time to react.
Bourne się pojawił i mieliśmy bardzo mało czasu na reakcję.

Seriously, has anybody looked at this stuff on Bourne?
Poważnie, czy ktoś patrzył na te materiały o Bourne'ie?

I'm not having Jason Bourne destroy any more of this agency.
Jason Bourne nikogo więcej w tej Agencji nie zamorduje.

From now on, you´il be known as Jason Bourne.
Od tej chwili bêdziesz znany jako Jason Bourne.

Timeline it with what we know about Bourne's movements.
Porównaj z tym, co wiemy o ruchach Bourne'a.

You think that Jason Bourne was the whole story?
Jason Bourne to nie cała historia.

Turns out the assassin was one of our own - Jason Bourne.
Okazuje się, że zamachowiec jest naszym człowiekiem. To Jason Bourne.

So now Bourne is claiming even to be Carlos?
Więc teraz Bourne wręcz podaje się za Carlosa?

Koenig says Bourne has sent the money to Paris.
Koenig mówi, że Bourne przesłał pieniądze do Paryża.

Bourne asking about his relationship with Carlos?
Bourne dopytujący się o swe relacje z Carlosem?

Bourne went to Paris, to the apartment.
Bourne pojechał do mieszkania w Paryżu.

Not part of our deal, Bourne.
To nie jest część naszego planu, Bourne.

Get a team to after Bourne.
Wysłać za Bournem drużynę do

Are we talking about protecting Nicky or killing Bourne?
Chodzi nam o ochronę dla Nicky, czy zabicie Bourne'a?

Maybe Bourne wants that we know.
Może Bourne chce, żebyśmy wiedzieli.

Bourne was trained to kill like Carlos.
Bourne uczył się zabijać jak on.

They can't prove anything without Bourne.
Bez Bourne'a niczego nie udowodnią.

Bourne was his number one.
Bourne był numerem jeden.

Jason Bourne is armed and extremely dangerous.
Jason Bourne jest uzbrojony i niebezpieczny.

I am so the next Jason Bourne.
Jestem kolejnym Jason Bourne.

You killed two people, Bourne.
Zabiłeś dwóch ludzi, Bourne.

Bourne is here, in New York.
Bourne jest tutaj, w Nowym Jorku.

You sound like Jason Bourne, man.
Brzmisz jak Jason Bourne, człowieku.

Why does Bourne want to destroy Carlos?
Czemu Bourne chce zniszczyć Carlosa?

Bourne comes back for revenge, tapes Abbott´s confession and Abbott commits suicide.
Bourne wrócił‚ by się zemścić, nagrał wyznanie Abotta, a ten popełnił samobójstwo.

Bourne dead gives me nothing.
Martwy Bourne nic mi nie da.

Mm, he's more like Jason Bourne. Oh, what's there to be jealous about?
On jest bardziej jak Jason Bourne. O co niby mam być zazdrosny?

They were killed by Jason Bourne.
W jej trakcie zabito dwóch agentów.

Matthew Bourne did Swan Lake with all boys.
Matthew Bourne zrobił Jezioro łabędzie z wszystkich chłopców.

It is early Treadstone identity registered to Jason Bourne.
To jedna z pierwszych tożsamości Treadstone zarejestrowanych na Jasona Bourne'a.

You chose right here... to become Jason Bourne.
Dokładnie tu dokonałeś wyboru, by stać się Jasonem Bourne.

Now Bourne's gunning for us.
Teraz Bourne na nas poluje.

from now on it will be known like Jason Bourne. Welcome to the program.
Od teraz będziesz znany jako Jason Bourne. Witamy w programie.

You were... you were like Jason Bourne, riding up on the sidewalk.
Byłeś... byłeś jak Jason Bourne, jadący po chodniku.

Jason Bourne is in Manhattan.
Jason Bourne jest na Manhattanie.

Colour Sergeant Bourne, what's that shooting?
Sierżancie flagowy Bourne, co to za strzelanina?

So I'm definitely Bourne.
Więc zdecydowanie jestem Bourne.

Like Jason Bourne.
Jak Jason Bourne.

We find Parsons, we find Bourne.
Znajdziemy Parsons, to znajdziemy Bourne'a.

It's finished. Bourne.
Bourne jest skończony.

Where is Bourne now? ' (Ward) 'Dead.
A Bourne? Gdzie jest teraz? - Martwy w rowie.

Bourne... ...was in Marseilles just before the assassination.
Bourne był w Marsylii tuż przed zamachem.

Hi there, I'm Jason Bourne.
Cześć, jestem Jason Bourne.

Mr Bourne, I'm John Nevins, Consulate.
Panie Bourne, jestem John Nevins z konsulatu.