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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Mandelson also claims that one Liberal Democrat negotiator, Danny Alexander, now Treasury chief secretary, pressed Labour to agree to reforming the elctoral system without bothering with a referendum.
Head On succeeded in simultaneously sealing the Teardrop Explodes' legendary status while at the same time overshadowing their music, which struggles to make itself heard above the stories of drugged lunacy. But there wouldn't have been any stories of drugged lunacy had the Teardrop Explodes not been good at what they did in the first place. It's an infinitely more straightforward pop album than someone approaching it after reading Head On might expect, and Kilimanjaro gleams with concise jewels â?? only Sleeping Gas's cyclical motorik bassline hints at the weirdness to come. Five of its 11 songs were released as singles in one form or another, and listening to Treason or Bouncing Babies, you can see why Duran Duran got the fear. The tunes are uniformly fantastic (fantastic enough to overwhelm the production, even when it tends to early-80s chart-bothering smoothness), the words intriguing: long before he actually did create his own unique universe of megaliths, Odinism and krautrock, Cope was cramming his lyrics with enough off-kilter references to suggest he already had. And the sense of swaggering confidence never abates. It sounds like that most beguiling of things: a band at the top of their game. It sounds like a band that could have had it all. As it turned out, that was the last thing their frontman wanted.
I would go off on one now about the whole pig thing â?? bacon rind and crackling, slices of black pudding dotted with granules of fat like diamonds in a mine â?? but I think you know about that already. Suffice to say that a pig without its fat is like Angelina Jolie without the looks: not worth bothering with.
â?? Needs to be careful that its website does not crowd out the market. "The web is a very good area where the BBC needs to have clearer red lines about what it will and won't do. I mean, we all recognise that programmes need to have websites. But do we want Top Gear to have a strategy to say 'we're going to be the biggest motoring website in the country?' No, we don't, because that will put off anyone who's got an idea for a website to do with cars from bothering to invest in it."
But ministers are much mistaken if they think this will go unchallenged. Already an outcry, not just from Labour MPs but from Tories, too has forced a U-turnon their rape plans. And the Fawcett Society is right to fight unfair tax and benefit changes in the courts. Laws backed by all political parties require departments to promote equality of opportunity for women and men. Yet George Osborne is doing the opposite, without even bothering to assess the impact on women's lives.
MIA's fraught relationship with the Sri Lankan government has been well documented. She named her first album after her father, Arular, a key member of the Tamil separatist movement, and his links to the Tamil Tigers have earned her a "terrorist sympathiser" tag. She has spoken out against the events which last year saw Tamil civilians rounded up and placed in prison camps after the defeat of Tamil Tigers; she says she agreed to perform at the Grammys with Jay-Z, Kanye and Lil Wayne to bring international attention to the cause. She's also tweeted links to executions carried out by the Sri Lankan government. But it's when we direct her to YouTube that she really begins to vent. Type "MIA" into the site and her Clash-sampling, film-soundtrack-bothering global hit Paper Planes is the first video up. But it's hosted by US video channel Vevo, not by her own channel, or any of her fans.
This is all the more important now that the sinister word "triage" has been reintroduced into medical practice, reminiscent of Florence Nightingale and her nurses patrolling the tents in the Crimea in order to decide which of the wounded were worth treating, which should be attended to first and which were not worth bothering about because they were bound to die anyway. It may no longer be wise to show fortitude under stress if we want our ailments to be taken seriously.
If I find it painful getting out of bed in the morning, I am likely to find it harder still in five years' time. Then you have to add that, though that is undoubtedly so, it is also quite possible that you won't be there in five years. And given that it's pain you're thinking about, you're faced with a dilemma. Do you really want to be there having a much worse version of the pain that's bothering you now? Might it possibly be a relief not to be there?
One thing, I tell him, has been bothering me. He is not the only potential Labour leader who has made noises about rediscovering the party's soul and restoring its mission. Right up to taking over in 2007, his old boss and mentor Gordon Brown did a similar thing. And I wonder: given that he was so involved with the preparation for Brown's largely miserable time at Number 10, how did it feel, watching as all those hints came to so little?
One thing, I tell him, has been bothering me. He is not the only potential Labour leader who has made noises about rediscovering the party's soul and restoring its mission. Right up to taking over in 2007, his old boss and mentor Gordon Brown did a similar thing. And I wonder: given that he was so involved with the preparation for Brown's largely miserable time at Number 10, how did it feel, watching as all those hints came to so little?

Wanted to know if anything had been bothering him recently.
Chcieli ustalić, czy nic go ostatnio nie trapiło.

We won't be bothering you or your mother any more.
Nie będziemy już martwić pana ani pańskiej matki.

Sometimes I want to be alone but people just keep bothering me.
Czasami chcę być sama, a ludzie mi się narzucają.

It's best if you stop bothering me from now on.
Będzie lepiej jeśli przestanie mi się pan naprzykrzać od tej chwili.

Something you said this morning has been bothering me all day.
Dręczy mnie coś, co powiedziałaś dzisiaj rano

And why are you still bothering with that dead body?
I, dlaczego nadal martwisz się z tym martwym ciałem?

If he's bothering you, why not tell him to go away?
Jak ci przeszkadza, powiedz mu, żeby sobie poszedł.

She didn't want to, but I saw that something was bothering her.
Nie chciała, ale widziałem, że coś ją martwi.

I don't understand why this is bothering you so much.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego to Cię tak bardzo dręczy.

If it's really bothering you living here just move out.
Jeśli tak ci przeszkadza mieszkanie tutaj to się wyprowadź.

Look, there's something that's been bothering me for a long time.
Jest coś, co mnie męczy od dłuższego czasu.

He's hardly even bothering to cover it up any more.
Już nawet nie kłopoczą się, żeby to ukrywać.

Weather is not bothering me, I work where it doesn't matter.
Mi pogoda nie przeszkadza, pracuję tam, gdzie nikt na to nie patrzy.

Talk to your Dad if there's things bothering you, okay?
Rozmawiaj z tatą, jeśli coś cię trapi, dobrze?

He says ordinary water, and don't go bothering him again.
Mówi, że zwykła i żebym nie zawracał mu głowy.

I don't think that dog will be Bothering you anymore.
I nie sądzę, by ten pies więcej wam przeszkadzał.

If your conscience is bothering you, think of it like this.
Jeśli sumienie cię gryzie, pomyśl o tym tak:

Alex, if the older boys are bothering you, we need to address that.
Alex, jeśli starsi chłopcy cię dręczą, musimy zająć się tym problemem.

I don't have to be psychic to see that something's bothering you.
Nie trzeba być telepatą, żeby zobaczyć, że coś cię trapi.

Grandmother is pleased you've come and wants to know what's bothering you.
Babcia cieszy się, że przyszedłeś. Chce wiedzieć, co cię trapi.

Congratulations. I guess that means you won't be bothering me anymore.
To chyba oznacza, że nie będziesz już mnie nachodził.

Something has been bothering me since the minute I stepped in this apartment.
Coś nie daje mi spokoju, od chwili, gdy weszłam do tego mieszkania.

I'll not even be bothering you for me food.
Z jedzeniem też nie będzie kłopotu.

I want you to tell me if something is bothering you.
Jeżeli coś Cię gryzie, to chcę żebyś mi o tym powiedział.

He kept bothering me like that for several days.
Niepokoił mnie tak przez kilka dni.

I'm already late because of bothering with you, people.
Już jestem spóźniony przez to, ze opiekowałem się wami.

If my conscience was bothering me, it ain't no more.
Gdyby moje sumienie mi przeszkadzało pozbył bym się go.

I'll say it is. that cat keeps bothering the baby.
Właśnie to mówiłam. Ten kot ciągle naprzykrza się dziecku.

If something is bothering you, you can tell me about it.
Jeśli coś cię kłopoczę, to możesz mi o tym powiedzieć.

Well, the daughter stuff isn't the only thing bothering me about Zoey.
Więc, sprawa z córką nie jest jedyną przez którą mam problem z Zoey.

But he won't be bothering anybody for a while.
Ale przez jakiś czas nie będzie nikomu zawracać głowy.

I don't know, I just get the feeling that something's bothering you.
Nie wiem, tylko mam uczucie, że coś cię dręczy.

But if I ever catch you bothering my family again,
Jeśli jednak kiedykolwiek spróbujesz nękać moją rodzinę,

Just don't ever come around here bothering us anymore!
Tylko już nigdy więcej nas nie nachodź!

I mean, I want to know what the hell is bothering you!
Chodzi mi o to, że chcę, do diabła, wiedzieć, co cię dręczy.

Why are you always bothering me when I'm sleeping?
Mookie. Dlaczego zawsze mnie męczysz gdy śpię?

These questions that are bothering you, Larry, maybe they're like a toothache.
Te pytania, które cię dręczą, Larry... Może są jak ból zęba.

You know, there's an odd detail that's been bothering me.
Wiesz, jest dziwny szczegół, który mnie trapi.

You know, something actually has been bothering me lately.
Właściwie ostatnio coś mnie męczy.

In the countryside, they're not even bothering to dig graves.
Na wsi już nie kłopoczą się kopaniem grobów.

Brenda, you want to tell me what's really bothering you?
Brenda, powiedz co tak naprawdę cię dręczy?

Jerry, this lousy tooth hasn't been bothering me for two days now.
Ten wstrętny ząb nie męczy mnie już od dwóch dni.

I know that that other thing is bothering the hell out of you.
Wiem, że ta inna sprawa męczy cię jak diabli.

Look, I'm just saying, if there's something bothering you, you can talk to me.
Posłuchaj, ja tylko mówię, jeśli coś cię trapi, to możesz porozmawiać ze mną.

Says he's busy, and wants us to stop bothering.
Powiedział, że jest zajęty i chce, żebyśmy mu nie przeszkadzali.

I'm not interested in her, if that's bothering you.
Ona mnie nie interesuje, jeśli to cię martwi.

Is that fuss during the day still bothering you?
Wciąż cię martwi ta awantura?

I wanna go home too, but there's something else that's bothering you.
Ja też chcę, ale ciebie martwi coś jeszcze.