Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Boston;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Well, I did this at a school in Boston with about 70 seventh graders, 12-year-olds.
No cóż, zrobiłem tak w szkole w Bostonie z grupą 6-klasistów - 12-latków.


This is the work of the very smart people at the Office of New Urban Mechanics in Boston.
Jest dziełem inteligentnych ludzi z Biura Nowoczesnej Mechaniki Miejskiej w Bostonie.


It's the ICA -- the Institute of Contemporary Art -- in Boston, which is on the waterfront.
To ICA - Instytut Sztuki Współczesnej - w Bostonie zlokalizowany na wybrzeżu.


Shortly after, I went to a women's college in Boston, then Michigan.
Wkrótce później poszłam na uczelnie dla kobiet w Bostonie, potem w Michigan.


So this is one that they found, they called the Knife, the Carnival, the Boston Shuffler, Twilight.
Tak więc tego tutaj nazwali "Nożem", "Maskaradą", "Żonglerem Bostońskim", "Zmierzchem".


In the art deco cathedral home of the Chicago Tribune we watched in awe as a journalist summoned up rudimentary pictures and text on a flickering screen. At the time there were about 20 American newspapers online. Some (including the Boston Globe) had decided on an open internet route â?? available to everyone via early browsers like Netscape or Mosaic. The Tribune had gone down the proprietary route, forming a partnership with America Online (now AOL). You paid a subscription (around $9, or Â?6, a month plus $3.50 per hour for additional usage), in return for which the Tribune sent you a CD in a box to boot it up. They had 29,000 subscribers.
The files show the FBI was told almost immediately of the accident and Kennedy's involvement but kept his identity quiet at the start. The Boston FBI office relayed word to Washington headquarters on 19 July, 1969, after being notified by Dominic Arena, the police chief in Edgartown, Massachusetts. The report said: "Stated fact Senator Kennedy was driver is not being revealed to anyone."
Of the two, Union Atlantic is the more conventional, in that it is the sort of big picture, multi-character novel that we are accustomed to American authors producing â?? the kind of work Franzen himself might have written. At its centre is Doug Fanning, a former naval officer who, after quitting the service in the late 1980s (he was heavily decorated despite having been responsible for blowing up an Iranian passenger jet), pursues a stratospherically successful career at Union Atlantic, a Boston bank. When he joined, Union Atlantic made most of its money from "checking accounts to the public". But as head of its Department of Special Plans, Doug has spearheaded a rapid drive into casino banking, turning Union Atlantic into one of the four largest financial companies in the country. Exploiting the new climate of deregulation, Doug employs various not-quite-legal methods, including creating a holding company whose sole purpose is to facilitate "lending across the house", from the company's commercial to its investment arm. "This wasn't illegal, strictly speaking, but the lawyers and auditors knew enough to keep the details in the footnotes," Haslett writes. Doug isn't a Bernie Madoff, then, but he isn't far from being a Jeff Skilling.
In one study, scientists at Harvard Medical School and the Children's Hospital in Boston created a device that mimics a human lung, by incorporating lung and blood vessel cells into a microchip (see video, above). Meanwhile, at Yale University, scientists have grown lung tissue that carries out some of the basic functions of the organ, including exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Two more of the alleged agents passed themselves off as Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley, a married couple with children who had emigrated from Canada. They lived in Boston and one of their children attended George Washington university.
"I'm absolutely floored," Paul Hesselschwerdt, the president of Global Partners, told the Boston Globe. "He's a good person. He's lived in the US for a long time. We're just completely shocked."
First to appear at a court in Boston were a couple charged under their assumed names, Donald Heathfield and his wife, Tracey Lee Ann Foley.
The couple moved to the US in 1986, and Dines has taught at Wheelock College, Boston ever since, where she is professor of sociology and women's studies and chair of the American studies department. She is something of a lone voice in academia. Aside from what she says are "a handful" of colleagues across the US, most contemporary scholars are positive about pornography, and Dines thinks this is due to both a fear of being considered in alliance with the religious right and the view that pornography represents and champions sexual liberation.
Boston University researchers say they have uncovered the genetic markers associated with living to a ripe old age
Researchers at Boston University claim the test can identify those who can look forward to an exceptionally long life with 77% accuracy.

So you're alone because every man in Boston knows he can have you?
Więc jesteś samotna ponieważ każdy facet w Bostonie wie, że może cie mieć?

I think we should go back to Boston and figure this out.
Nie, to nie najlepszy pomysł, powinniśmy wrócić do Bostonu i pomyśleć.

Well, we hope you boys have a nice time here in Boston.
Mam nadzieję chłopcy, że miło spędzicie czas, tu, w Bostonie.

You car was made in Boston outside one of these people's houses.
Twój samochód widziano w Bostonie przed jednym z domów członków grupy.

We will stay the home of mine parents, in Boston.
Będziemy u moich rodziców w Bostonie.

My father, you should know, was a very successful doctor in Boston.
Mój ojciec, powinieneś wiedzieć, był odnoszącym sukcesy lekarzem w Bostonie.

Our two victims went to high school together right outside Boston.
Nasze dwie ofiary chodziły razem do szkoły na obrzeżach Bostonu.

You have much to learn about the ways of boston,my dear.
Musisz wiele się nauczyć o zwyczajach w Bostonie, moja droga.

Now let's see if we can find Boston on the map?
Przekonajmy się, czy potrafimy odszukać Boston na mapie?

We flew to Boston together, and then she put me in a car.
Przyleciałyśmy do Bostonu razem, a potem wsadziła mnie do samochodu.

We could drive down to Boston or to the cape.
Moglibyśmy pojechać do Bostonu, albo na przylądek.

They're in an ambulance on their way to Boston general.
Są w karetce w drodze do szpitala głównego w Bostonie.

John, there's not a person in Boston who doubts your education.
John, w Bostonie nie ma ani jednej osoby, która wątpi w twoje wykształcenie.

Because of you, some guy's life is ruined in Boston.
Przez ciebie zrujnowałam życie jakiemuś kolesiowi w Bostonie.

I faced a crisis up in Boston and got away with it.
Miałem kryzys w Bostonie i uszło mi to na sucho.

Dan, if you're here to argue- what were you looking for in boston?
Dan, jeśli masz zamiar się ze mną kłócić... - Czego szukałeś w Bostonie?

We are leaving you enough money for a plane ticket back to Boston.
Zostawiamy ci wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy, abyś mogła kupić za nie bilet powrotny do Bostonu.

She even qualified for the Boston marathon, which is not easy.
Zakwalifikowała się nawet do Maratonu Bostońskiego, co nie jest łatwe.

She's planning another trip to Boston, see how the city's been cleaned up.
Planuje kolejną podróż do Bostonu, by zobaczyć jak wyczyszczono miasto.

But you just said you knew he was in boston.
Ale powiedziałeś, że wiedziałeś, że on jest w Bostonie.

Tell you right now, youre never going to win Boston.
Mówię ci, że nie uda ci sie wygrać w Bostonie.

I have a friend in the Boston police department.
Tak. Mam kolegę w oddziale Bostońskiej policji.

I've been teaching in Boston at a private school.
W Bostonie uczyłam w szkole prywatnej.

What was the name of that play in Boston?
Jak się nazywała ta sztuka w Boston?

You have to believe that youre going to win Boston.
Musisz uwierzyć że wygrasz w Bostonie.

It began in 1985, in a town just outside Boston.
Historia ta zaczyna się w 1985 r. na obrzeżach Bostonu.

He said he was in boston on a business trip.
Powiedział, że był w interesach w Bostonie.

Susannah was to return to Boston on the morning train.
Susannah miała wyjechać do Bostonu porannym pociągiem.

He ran away to Boston to be with you.
Uciekł do Bostonu, by być z tobą.

In four days, our president will visit his brother here in Boston.
Za cztery dni prezydent odwiedzi brata w Bostonie.

We're going to be together in Boston, and I think we should get married.
Będziemy razem w Bostonie i myślę że powinniśmy się pobrać.

Boston is telling us American 11 is still in the air.
Boston przekazuje, że American 11 jest wciąż w powietrzu.

My son was born in Boston, so let's melt this ice.
Mój syn urodził się w Bostonie, roztopmy ten syf!

Boston just said they have another hijacked aircraft. United 175.
Boston przekazał, że mają kolejny porwany samolot United 175.

Boston grabs control and dumps it out of their end.
Boston przejął kontrolę i strzelił na koniec.

You wanted to know immediately about any unusual boston homicides?
Cześć. Chciałeś wiedzieć natychmiast o wszystkich niezwykłych zabójstwach w Bostonie?

You came to Boston to get it, though, right?
Jednak przyjechałas do Bostonu po niego, prawda ?

Three Boston restaurants imported them last year, and one private citizen.
Trzy Bostońskie restauracje przywiozły je w zeszłym roku, i jedna osoba prywatna.

We've gathered here to confirm the best vampire to lead Boston.
Zebraliśmy się tutaj, by wybrać najlepszego wampira na przywódcę Bostonu.

He was engaged to a girl up in Boston.
Był zaręczony z dziewczyną w Bostonie.

I got some advice for you: Stay out of Boston.
Mam dla ciebie radę: trzymaj sie z dala od Bostonu.

Many in Boston are unable to make their living.
Wielu bostończyków nie jest w stanie zarobić na życie.

Got a special tutor to read me books that were banned in Boston.
Miałem specjalną nauczycielkę, która czytała mi książki zakazane w Bostonie.

I thought all you guys from Boston were racist.
Myślałam, że wy z Bostonu jesteście rasistami.

Steve has to stand upon that stage in Boston.
A 13 lat potem Steve musi stanąć na tej scenie w Bostonie...

Boston College is looking a lot more inviting now.
Boston College brzmi teraz bardziej zachęcająco.

An off-duty cop from Boston caught in the wrong place at the right time.
Gliną z Bostonu po pracy w złym miejscu w odpowiednim momencie.

How did you like my show in Boston, liar?
Jak ci się podobał mój show w Bostonie? Kłamco?

I looked up the mortuary in Boston that assessed her body.
Sprawdziłem dom pogrzebowy w Bostonie, który zajął się jej ciałem...

American Airlines gave this information to Boston who called us.
American Airlines przekazało informację Bostonowi, a oni nam.