Wordnet angielsko-polski

(of or relating to or being biography
"biographical data")
synonim: biographic

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Jason also meets the polyglot acting sensation that is ??dgar Ram?­rez, who plays the infamous international terrorist 'The Jackal' in Olivier Assayas' epic biographical film Carlos.


It comes freighted with about 300 pages of impeccable scholarly and biographical notes, an academic undertaking, led by Harriet Elinor Smith of the Mark Twain project, which seems proof of the notion that you can't say one thing without immediately having to qualify it with another.


A long queue of biographical films is set to be screened at American cinemas this summer.


Fisher, the comedian and former starlet who made her name in Star Wars, has agreed to turn her biographical show Wishful Drinking into a feature-length documentary.


The personal is on a different level than the biographical.
Osobisty jest na innym poziomie niż biograficzny.

Well, I imagine it's some kind of biographical piece.
Przypuszczam, że to jakiś kawałek biograficzny.

After a long flight it will help him reset his biographical clock.
Pomoże mu wyregulować po długim locie jego zegar biograficzny.

Every winner has to have a biographical profile.
Każdy zwycięzca musi mieć notkę biograficzną.

Computer, request all biographical information on fictional character Dixon Hill.
Komputer, proszę o dane biograficzne fikcyjnej postaci Dixona Hilla.

They envision some biographical sketch or interview perhaps.
Chcą mieć parę biograficznych szczegółów albo wywiad.