ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Now, though, Arcade Fire are being hailed as the biggest indie band in the world. The venues they play are no longer intimate but festival sites and huge concrete indoor arenas. (They arrive in Britain this week for a tour that includes two shows at the 02 in London.) The group are negotiating that dangerous hinterland where bigness often means a diminution of character, where nuance and intimacy are often sacrificed to the demands of the thousands that fill the stands.