(Noun) geografia Berkeley;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
We at Berkeley Bionics call these robots exoskeletons.
W Berkley Bionics nazywamy je egzoszkieletami.
Some of them who came to the labs, like in Madison, Wisconsin, or in Berkeley, did 20 to 40,000 hours of meditation.
Kilku z nich przyjechało do laboratoriów w Madison, Wisconsin czy Berkley. ~~~ Medytowali od 20 do 40 tys. godzin.
Every single high-speed video system in the biology department at Berkeley wasn't fast enough to catch this movement.
Każdy system wideo wysokiej prędkości na wydziale bilogii w Berkley nie był wystarczająco szybki by nagrać ten ruch.
And one of the things that I think is also interesting, is I have a friend up at UC Berkeley who's been doing risk analysis.
Jest jeszcze jedna rzecz, którą uważam za interesującą.
In 1994 he and his father had set up the William H Gates Foundation. Gates Sr ran it from his basement. Gates Jr wrote the cheques. The causes he backed were broader than before: birth control and reproductive health. As the foundation expanded, he and Melinda, whom he had met at Microsoft, both found themselves becoming more and more interested in the wider world. "I started to learn about poor countries and health, and got drawn in," Gates told students at Berkeley during a speaking tour this spring. "I saw the childhood death statistics. I said, 'Boy, is this terrible!'"Terry Hazen, the head of ecology at the Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory, who studied the spill for Noaa, said his teams could find no trace of oil on the surface or in the deep between 2km and 100km from the well site last week.Bloggers have called into question Zuckerberg's claims that Albright is not based on a real person. The website Gawker said his claim to have been with Chan throughout Facebook's early period was a "documented falsehood", and pointed to a book titled The Facebook Effect which suggests he dated a Berkeley undergraduate during a break in their relationship.But this charge can be levelled against both men. Since 1998, when Ramsay set up his first wholly owned eponymous restaurant in Chelsea, the pair have presided over a rollout of high-class eateries. Famous openings included Petrus at the Berkeley Hotel (run by Ramsay's former protege Marcus Wareing), and restaurants at the Claridge's and Connaught hotels in London. Ramsay's flagship Royal Hospital Road restaurant is one of only four in the UK to hold three Michelin stars. It was inevitable that they would turn their attention abroad, opening restaurants in Cape Town, Prague and Dubai. But the expansion came at a huge price, one that is becoming apparent only now.As the accounts acknowledge, 2008 and 2009 were "turbulent" years. Average spending per head in Ramsay's restaurants decreased by 11%. Closures included the Boxwood Cafe at the Berkeley Hotel and the restaurants in Cape Town and Prague. Ramsay also shut down his gastropub, the Devonshire, in Chiswick, west London, after three years in business, and closed the Michelin-starred La Noisette in Knightsbridge.
Your teachers at Berkeley do this kind of thing better.
Twoi nauczyciele w Berkeley robią takie rzeczy lepiej.
There must be somebody at Berkeley who knows what happened!
Musi być ktoś w Berkeley, kto wie co się tam stało!
You mean she doesn't know that you're coming up to Berkeley?
Chodzi ci o to że on nie wie że przyjeżdżasz dziś do Berkeley? Nie.
I heard you're going back to Berkeley to finish up graduate school.
Słyszałem, że wracasz do Berkeley żeby skończyć szkołę.
I was on my way to Berkeley when the tire blew out.
Byłam w trasie do Berkeley gdy opona pękła.
We know that you applied for a full-time job at Berkeley.
Wiemy, że starałeś się o pełnoetatową pracę w Berkeley.
I want to know why you're here in Berkeley?
Nie. Chcę wiedzieć czemu jesteś w Berkeley?
I'm going to Berkeley and I won't get to do this for a while.
Idę do Berkeley'a nie będę siedzieć w tyle nawet przez chwilę.
Not since he saw you at the Berkeley seminar.
W każdym razie odkąd zobaczył ciebie na seminarium w Berkeley.
Why don't we split and see if there's any action at the Berkeley Museum?
Może się rozdzielimy i zobaczymy czy dzieje się coś w Muzeum Berkeley?
Angie dameron is in a safe house outside of berkeley.
Angie Dameron jest w bezpiecznym domu poza Berkeley.
My mum's in Berkeley taking a class in alternative nutrition.
Moja mama w Berkeley bierze lekcje alternatywnego odżywiania.
I'm already responding to the backup call on Berkeley Place.
Odpowiedziałem już na wezwanie o wsparcie do Berkeley Place.
I mean - I've always wanted to see Berkeley.
Znaczy - zawsze chciałem zobaczyć Berkeley.
It spread beyond Berkeley and across the country.
Rozpowszechniała się poza Berkeley przez cały kraj.
You never finished your last semester at berkeley.
Nigdy nie ukończyłaś ostatniego semestru w Berkeley.
Was that snake Hollingsworth still teaching there when you went through Berkeley?
Czy ten przebiegły wąż Hollinsworth, nadal uczył gdy byłeś na Berkley.
No police report from Berkeley. Nothing at all about Salinas.
Raportów policyjnych nie ma ani o Berkeley, ani o Salinas.
I just start Berkeley in four days.
Za cztery dni Zaczynam semestr w Berkeley.
Little girl I knew at Berkeley sent it.
Mała dziewczynka którą znałem w Berkeley to wysłała.
Ben went to Berkeley and double-majored in business and botany.
Ben studiował w Berkeley przedsiębiorczość i botanikę.
Was it you who betrayed Colonel Berkeley's night attack?
Więc to ty zdradziłeś nocny atak pułkownika Berkeley?
Hey, d-d-d-do you have an agricultural school at Berkeley?
Macie szkołę rolniczą w Berkeley?
Mark O'Brien has been going to Berkeley since 1978.
Mark O'Brien uczęszcza na Berkeley od 1978 roku.
First in your class at Smith, Berkeley, and Stanford.
Pierwsza w klasie w Smith, Berkeley i Stanfordzie.
There was no Lisa Oberman when you were at Berkeley.
Nie było żadnej Lisy Oberman w Berkeley.
That something you studied up at Berkeley, Chris?
Uczyłeś się o tym w Berkeley?
Two and a half semesters at Berkeley.
Dwa i pół semestru w Berkeley.
Oh, say, Elaine gets down from Berkeley on Saturday.
Elaine wraca ze szkoły z Berkeley w sobotę.
That you're coming up to Berkeley?
Nie wie, że przyjeżdżasz dziś do Berkeley?
You save me a dance, Berkeley.
Zatrzymaj dla mnie taniec, Berkeley.
I'm saying you didn't study at Berkeley
Mówię, że nie studiowałeś w Berkeley.
I love Berkeley. People there are so wacked.
TaK kocham Berkley... ...tzn. ludzie są tam sztywni
All those with families in Berkeley, Oakland and Elizabeth.
Wszyscy ci z rodzinami w Berkeley, Oakland i Elizabeth.
I'm a journalism student from Berkeley.
Jestem studentem dziennikarstwa z w Berkeley.
You get your scholarship to Berkeley. She's off to the University of Colorado.
Ty dostajesz stypendium do Berkeley, ona wyjeżdża na uniwersytet w Kolorado.
One question: does Berkeley play?
Jedno pytanie: grają w Berkeley?
I hold degrees from Berkeley, and Cambridge.
Posiadam tytuły z Berkley i Cambridge.
Berkeley is going to farm.
Berkeley będzie się zajmował farmą.
Next up, ladies and gentlemen, from Berkeley, Dan Millman.
Proszę państwa, Dan Millman z Berkeley.
You're beaming cargo down to a penal colony, Mr. Berkeley.
Przesyłacie ładunek na dół, do koloni karnej, panie Berkeley.
This time at Berkeley.
Tym razem w Berkeley.
Went to Yale, taught at Berkeley.
Był w Yale, uczył się w Berkeley.
I go to Berkeley.
Ja jestem w Berkeley.
Hey, Ben, Elaine's coming down from Berkeley soon.
Elaine wraca niedługo z Berkeley.
How could you betray Colonel Berkeley?
Jak mogłeś zdradzić pułkownika Berkeley?
I'd like to make an appointment... ...to see the house on Berkeley.
Chcę się umówić... ...na obejrzenie tego domu przy Berkeley.
and Berkeley... and the first time that you took me flying.
I o Berkeleyu... I o pierwszym razie, gdy mnie zabrałeś samolotem.
Vodka from Berkeley, California.
Wódka z Berkeley, California.
Masters in Criminology from Berkeley.
Mistrz w kryminologii z Berkeley.