Słownik prawniczo handlowy angielsko-polski Anna Słomczewska

żebractwo n

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Wordnet angielsko-polski

(a solicitation for money or food (especially in the street by an apparently penniless person) )
synonim: beggary
synonim: mendicancy

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

przen. chleb apostolski

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

żebranie n

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

błaganie; adj. żebrzący
~ for mercy - żebranie o litość; adj. żebrzący o litość

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

By the early 90s, Bill Gates had started giving money to local schools and charities. But the donations were small compared to the billions he was earning, and he was too focused on Microsoft to pay much attention to the growing number of begging letters that his wealth and fame attracted. His parents, privately, and Seattle journalists, publicly, began to suggest that he should be more civic-minded. Then in 1995 he published The Road Ahead, a book he had co-written about the future of computing. Its sometimes bland corporate prose, Microsoft's domineering reputation and Gates' then unloved public persona meant that it received mixed reviews. Yet, read now, with the subsequent establishment of the foundation in mind, the book contains striking digressions about the world's "sociological problems" and "the gap between the have and have-not nations". There is a sense of Gates becoming curious about the world's non-software needs and how he might help address them.
Noboru, meanwhile, spent the next three months working in his school, just beside his family home, which became a hospital, morgue, crematorium and cemetery. He watched many people die in what had been his classroom, begging for water. He spent most of every day searching for wells and springs because the mains had been destroyed and the river was choked with wreckage and bodies.
In a statement that Akaili made during a claim for compensation, he described the moments before his friend died. "The soldier with the gun then started pushing us towards the edge of the jetty," he said. "Said and I were very afraid and started begging the soldier to stop. The soldier continued to push us towards the edge. He seemed to get agitated that we would not jump in and, at one point, I thought he was getting so angry he would shoot us. The soldiers were laughing. The soldier with the gun suddenly pushed us into the water."
Karen returns to Africa, and drifts into a romance with Denys. In real life, she still had syphilis. In the film, she has miraculously recovered. It's here that Out of Africa begins to sag â?? partly because Karen's endless drippy soul-searching makes it feel like a historical version of Eat Pray Love, and partly because Redford can't be bothered to act. In an attempt to liven things up, the screenplay gets inventive, fantasising all sorts of romantic nonsense. There is a particularly way-out scene after Karen loses the rights to her land in which she pleads with the British governor, Sir Joseph Byrne, for the rights of the Kikuyu people who live on her farm. In real life, though Byrne probably did grant territory to those Kikuyu as a favour to Karen, there is no record of her dropping to her knees and begging him publicly at a garden party.
A gruff but genial man, Stylian is another recent arrival in the village from France, where he had been living near the Belgian border on and off since 2002. He repeatedly dodges questions about how he managed to earn enough to support his wife and children; it is admitted that many residents end up begging or working in illegal activities.
"Please, sir, I am begging you."
Like so many things these days, the book is vulnerable to built-in obsolescence â?? particularly as I have a perverse interest in already-ghostly figures such as Cyril Fletcher and Ruth, Lady Fermoy (whose name, for some reason, always makes me titter). Her full index-entry is "Fermoy, Ruth, Lady: rejoices at the Queen Mother breaking wind 112 (and footnote); begs like dog 182; plays 'Any Old Iron' 212-13." Needless to say, all those jokes are based around the idea of their unlikelihood â?? but who, in a few years time, will be able to recollect that Ruth, Lady Fermoy would have taken a fierce pride in not breaking wind, or begging like a dog, or leading cockney sing-songs?
It was at this point that I recalled the disciplines taught so fortuitously at the unarmed combat course at Rodmell village hall in which Vita & I enrolled last year. I set my fingers in a V and, leaping up from the kitchen floor, I poked them into Nelly's ill-formed, damp & porcine eyes. She howled her lower-class howl & fell to the ground, begging for a mercy which, in my present state, I had little inclination to offer. I remarked upon how underbred, illiterate, insistent, raw & ultimately nauseating she was before retiring from the room to my bed, therewith to restore myself with a little George Eliot.
As Jamshed Dasti, a brash young Pakistani politician, drives through the flood-devastated farmlands of southern Punjab, a crowd swarms around his gleaming black Jeep. Desperate faces press against the glass, begging for help. Dasti leaps out.
Rafe gets all my time and attention when I'm not travelling, but when I'm away he sometimes goes noticeably quiet. "Say, 'How happy are we!' " I asked him recently on the phone from Kabul. "Can't if you're not here," he answered. We all screw our children up somehow: I may not lose my temper or withdraw my love or fill him with guilt, but I go away a lot, often to places that aren't very safe. "You wait till he's 10," my cameraman said to me grimly, "and stands there with tears in his eyes, begging you not to go."

I am begging you for help, in the name of God.
Ja was błagam byście mnie przyśli z pomocą , W imieniu Chrystusa.

I wrote for eight years begging him to tell me.
Pisałam przez osiem lat, błagając żeby mi powiedział.

I mean, he should be here right now begging you to stay.
Powinien być tu teraz i błagać cię na kolanach żebyś została.

Now, you go on back to your mother and stop begging.
Wracaj teraz do matki i przestań mnie prosić.

Despite his wife begging, he never wanted to see him.
Mimo próśb żony, nigdy nie chciał go zobaczyć.

I never should have let Paul go without begging him to stay.
Nigdy nie powinienem pozwolić mu odejść bez błagania go, żeby został.

She had you sitting up and begging in no time.
Wrobiła cię i zlitowała się w tym samym momencie.

God has nothing to do with it and I'm begging you!
Bóg nie ma z tym nic wspólnego i to ja Cię błagam!

Not that long ago, you were begging me to stay.
Nie tak dawno temu błagałeś mnie, abym została.

Soon it will be you who comes begging to me.
Już wkrótce to ty przyjdziesz błagać mnie.

You know, begging for our place at the white man's table.
Wiesz, żebranie o nasze miejsce przy stole białego człowieka.

For all these reasons, I am begging you to give me your body.
Z tych powodów, błagam cię, żebyś mi się oddała.

You should have seen me today, begging, trying to get that movie back.
Powinieneś mnie dzisiaj widzieć, proszącego i błagającego, próbując odzyskać twój film.

Here I am today, begging you not to make such good cars.
A dziś błagamy Japończyków aby nie robili tak dobrych samochodów.

I'm begging you to have a baby I don't want.
Błagam cię o dziecko, którego nie chcę.

In a week, you'll be begging to get out of here.
Po tygodniu, będziesz błagał, żebym cię stąd wypuścił.

Then I'm begging you, please allow me to see my daughter one last time.
Więc błagam cię, proszę pozwól zobaczyć mi się z moją córką po raz ostatni.

A minute ago, you were begging me to take this.
Przed chwilą mnie błagałaś, żebym to zabrał.

By the end of the evening, she'll be begging for it.
Pod koniec wieczoru będzie cię o to błagała.

I heard by the end that you're begging them to kill you.
Słyszałem, że na koniec prosisz żeby cię zabili.

You don't have to come here begging these folks for a job.
Nie musicie przychodzić tu i błagać o pracę!

But that didn't stop people from begging to join up.
Ale to nie powstrzymywało ludzi przed dołączeniem do nas.

Or maybe begging me in her own proud way to like it.
Albo może błagających w jej dumny sposób do polubienia.

And now I'm begging you to keep your hands off my shit.
A teraz błagam, byś trzymała łapska z daleka.

I'm getting tired of begging her to spend some time with me.
Mam dość błagania jej o to by spędziła ze mną czas.

And every town in northern England is begging for help.
Każde miasteczko w północnej Anglii błaga o pomoc.

I'm begging you, please don't take her away from me.
Błagam Cię, nie zabieraj mi córki.

I'm on my knees begging you not to kill me.
Jestem na kolanach błagam, żebyś mnie nie zabijał.

He wouldn't want me to do this, but I'm begging you.
Nie chciałby, żebym to robił, ale błagam cię.

Well, I was wondering how long it would be before you came begging me.
No, zastanawiałem się jak długo będę czekał nim przyjdziesz mnie błagać.

Please, I'm begging you, pay for your dinner and go home.
Proszę i błagam, zapłać za twój obiad i idż do domu.

Once again, I came to the king, begging him to surrender.
Przyszedłem do króla raz jeszcze, błagając go, by się poddał.

Kid's got a lot of evil in him just begging to come out.
Dzieciak ma w sobie dużo zła... które aż się prosi, żeby wyjść na wierzch.

Well, with copy like that, they should be begging you to stay.
Taką copywriterkę jak ty, powinni błagać by została.

They'd be begging for a body bag if it means a ride home.
Będą błagali o worki na zwłoki, w których mogliby wrócić do domciu.

I just remember hearing Lindsay begging for him to stop.
Słyszałem, jak Lindsay... go błaga, żeby przestał.

I banged her five times, and she was begging for more!
Stuknąłem ją pięć razy, a ona prosiła o jeszcze!

He says his daughter's been begging him for a Porsche.
Mówi, że jego córka prosiła go o Porsche.

Lost faith in your principles of truth that you come begging for a win?
Straciłaś wiarę w swoją zasadę prawdy, że przyszłaś błagać o zwycięstwo?

Begging your pardon, sir, but if you gave a man another chance.
Proszę o wybaczenie. Może, gdyby dał mi pan jeszcze jedną szansę.

Some of the women are wailing and begging to go back home.
Kobiety lamentują i błagają, żeby odesłać je do domu!

You just had to give in to my incessant begging.
Przy tobie czuję się po prostu tak bezpiecznie.

Wailing and a guy begging for God to kill him.
Zawodzenia i kolesi proszących Boga, żeby ich zabił.

Just what the admiralty has been begging us for some information on.
Ich dowódca błagał nas o informacje. Skąd to masz?

I could see my father and mother, kneeling there, begging her to do it.
I widziałem jak mój ojciec i matka... klęczeli tam, błagając ją by to zrobiła.

I'd just end up whimpering and begging her not to leave me.
Skończę skomleć i błagać ją żeby została.

Always so much going begging, everyday must be a real loyalty test.
Zawsze tyle razy błaganie, każdy dzień musi być dla ciebie testem lojalności.

And you will go begging to have him exempted from the army.
I będziesz błagać o jego zwolniony z armii.

And it always ends the same, with you begging for your miserable lives.
Zawsze kończy się to tak samo. Błagacie o darowanie nędznego życia.

After she dates a couple of losers, she'll be begging you to take her back.
Po tym jak się umówi z kilkoma nieudacznikami, będzie cię błagać żebyś wrócił do niej.