Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Bedford;

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Schools offering training in etiquette and fine dining in Bradford, compulsory Latin in London, and lessons for all children in a musical instrument in Bedford were approved today by the government as part of a radical experiment in English education.
Mark Lehain, an assistant head and maths teacher who is a spokesman for Bedford and Kempston free school, said one aim was to create an intimate atmosphere in which teachers dealt with small, familiar groups of children across a range of subjects. "We want to be flexible in how we employ our staff, we're looking at a longer school day â?? a small team of teachers for each [age group]. We've got to completely rethink how a teacher is. If you go to most countries, teachers teach two or three main subjects."
It is also the aim for every child at the Bedford school to play an instrument, an idea drawn from Venezuela's El Sistema under which many poor children have been taught music.
Gatiss, now 43, has his wish. He's playing Edwardian inventor Joseph Cavor in his own defiantly kidultish adaptation of HG Wells's 1901 novel The First Men in the Moon. Cavor is white-coated, facially hirsute and occasionally ditsy. Just before they set off for the moon, fellow astronaut Arnold Bedford inquires: "I say, Cavor, we will be able to get back, won't we?"
Following lift-off in Sussex, Cavor and Bedford settle back under a framed painting of Edward VII for the journey, the former reading Shakespeare, the latter Tit-Bits. Once in space, they draw back the porthole's blue velvet curtains to view what no one has seen before: Earth disappearing into the cosmos. But how, you'll be asking, was space travel possible in Edwardian England? Because of a substance called "cavorite", which deflects the force of gravity. Cavor coats his copper spaceship with it and equips the craft with rollerblinds. "We'll be able to tack like a yacht using the sun's rays," he tells Bedford. Moments later, they are planting the union flag on the moon.
Gatiss recognises that Wells was writing an allegory of imperialism: Bedford seeks to colonise the moon and plunder it for its vast deposits of gold, while Cavor, a naive man of science, seeks only knowledge. "Wells would have understood people like Donald Rumsfeld," says Gatiss. "We crash into places and bugger them up, sometimes with the best of intentions â?? and sometimes with pure evil in our hearts."
Gatiss was, he says, keen to have an "art nouveau" spaceship: "I wanted it to look like the entrance to a Paris metro station." Sadly, he had to drop the novel's lunar crops on budgetary grounds. Wells envisaged fast-growing vegetation in which Cavor and Bedford lose their way before finding sustenance with magic moon mushrooms. It's one of the novel's funniest scenes: the men gibber through a jungle â?? lost in space and out of their Edwardian gourds.

Are you saying that this Drew Bedford guy is involved?
Mówisz, że ten Drew Bedford jest w to zamieszany?

Well, the idea was to follow Bedford and catch him on the compound,
Miałem zamiar iść za Bedfordem i złapać go na placu.

Gotta be the best year we've ever had at Bedford Creek.
To najlepszy rok jaki mieliśmy tu, w Bedford Creek.

A guard who thought that Bedford had cheated him.
Strażnik, który myślał, że Bedford go oszukał.

We're here to discuss the incident on Bedford avenue.
Jesteśmy tu w sprawie zdarzenia z alei Bedford.

Think of the strange tides upon its inky surface, Bedford.
Pomyśl tylko o przedziwnych falach na jego atramentowej powierzchni, Bedford.

M, Bedford reports that Carver went down with his ship.
M, Bedford donosi, że Carver poszedł na dno ze statkiem.

The fact is, Colonel, Bedford traded with you and your men regularly.
Nie da się ukryć, że Bedford regularnie handlował z panem i strażnikami.

What will it fetch on the New Bedford market?
Co nam przyniesie na rynku w New Bedford?

The cottage has been in Mr. Bedford's family for years.
Ten domek jest w rodzinie pana Bedford'a od lat.

The only baptism he ever performed... in seven years as pastor at Bedford.
Był to jedyny chrzest, jakiego dokonał przez siedem lat jako pastor w Bedford.

When it doesn't contain human remains, Bedford Creek makes an excellent cab.
Kiedy nie zawiera ludzkich szczątków, cabernet z Bedford Creek jest wyśmienity.

Scott followed Bedford out through the night latrine.
Scott wyszedł za Bedfordem przez nocną latrynę.

But Archer and Bedford are dead for real.
Ale Archer i Bedford zginęli naprawdę.

Why it's 10 miles up to Mount Bedford.
Góra Bedford jest 15 km stąd.

I see thee art no New Bedford man.
Widzę, żeś nie z New Bedford.

I was part of his plan. I'm Drew Bedford.
Byłam częścią jego planu. Jestem Drew Bedford.

Well, you've got your wish now, Bedford.
Cóż, masz to o czym marzyłeś, Bedford.

Bedford, from now on, you stoke it.
Bedford, od tej chwili, ty będziesz w nim palił.

Lieutenant, you say that Sergeant Bedford sneaked out through a loose board beneath th.
Twierdzi pan, że sierżant Bedford wymknął się przez obluzowaną deskę pod piecem w baraku.

And Vic Bedford was one of them.
W armii zawsze znajdą się tchórze i Vic Bedford był jednym z nich.

Bedford kept those beside his bunk.
Bedford trzymał je przy łóżku.

And Bedford, don't be too long!
I, Bedford, nie zasiedź się tam!

Mac, Drew Bedford is our 333 guy.
Mac, Drew Bedford to nasz Trójkowiec.

Well, you're here, and I'm back in Bedford.
Ty jesteś tutaj, a ja z powrotem w Bedford.

Vic Bedford learned that tenet, too.
Bedford też się tego nauczył.

Thank you for the information, Mr. Bedford.
Dziękuję za informacje, panie Bedford. Jasne.

Spencer Holt was a big supporter of Bedford Creek wines.
Spencer Holt stanowił wielkie wsparcie dla winnicy Bedford Creek.

Yeah, but he loves Bedford Creek wine.
Tak, ale on uwielbiał wino z Bedford Creek.

It wasn't snow you saw, Bedford.
To nie śnieg widziałeś, Bedford.

But Mr. Bedford inherited it from his aunt.
Ale pan Bedford odziedziczył ten domek po swojej ciotce.

Bedford, the real Bedford, was a man unknown to us,
Bedford, prawdziwy Bedford, był nam nieznany.

Bedford, old man, isn't it magnificent? It's empyreal.
Bedford, stary przyjacielu, czyż to nie wspaniałe?

What about the owner of Bedford Creek Winery?
A co z właścicielem winiarni Bedford Creek?

Well done, Bedford, old man!
Dobra robota, Bedford, stary przyjacielu!

Jones, Bedford, go with him.
Jones, Bedford, idżcie z nim.

Mr. Bedford, I must tell the others.
Panie Bedford, muszę to przekazać innym.

This morning, day before Christmas, about 10:00 a.m. Bedford Falls time...
Dzisiaj, w wigilię Bożego Narodzenia, około 10 rano czasu Bedford Falls...

We got traffic cams on Commerce, on Bedford.
Mamy zapisy z kamer na Commerce i Bedford.

Our own Mr. Bedford, a real astronaut.
Nasz pan Bedford prawdziwym astronautą.

The Rachel, out of New Bedford.
To Rachela z New Bedford.

Word on who Danny contacted at Bedford Shriver?
Wiadomo z kim Danny kontaktował się w Bedford Shriver?

He was found at Bedford Creek Winery.
Znaleziono go w winiarni Bedford Creek.

Does Bedford Shriver make a product called Smooth Time?
Czy Bedford Shriver wypuściło produkt zwany 'Smooth Time'?

Who has Bedford's personal effects?
Kto ma rzeczy osobiste Bedforda?

We had no choice, Mrs. Bedford.
Nie mieliśmy wyboru, pani Bedford.

I came for Mr. Bedford.
Przyszłam tylko zobaczyć się z panem Bedford'em.

No, Mr. Bedford's gone to the village.
Nie, pan Bedford pojechał do wioski.

Oh, no, Bedford, old man, I insist.
Oh, nie, Bedford, staruszku, nalegam.