Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) bawarski;
the bavarian alps - Alpy Bawarskie;

(Noun) Bawarczyk, Bawarka;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Słownik internautów


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj., geogr. bawarski

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. bawarski

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"Either we get things sorted out in Berlin, or it will soon be the end for the coalition," said Jorg-Uwe Hahn, head of the Hessen branch of the Free Democrats (FDP), the junior coalition allies of the Christian Democrat Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU. Renate K??nast, leader of the opposition Greens, said: "The phrase 'new elections' is in the head and the heart of anyone who is thinking in a politically responsible way."
Right now, the Worishofer is that shoe. An orthopaedic demi-wedge with a cork sole born 70 years ago in the Bavarian spa town of Bad W??rishofen, it is currently enjoying popularity in the trendier enclaves of downtown Manhattan.
A couple in a people-wagon finally saved the day. They planned to drop us at a service station where we could hitch a lift into Austria. We talked and joked about small things â?? the scenery, the baptism that they'd been to. I told them about my year as a parish administrator and the reverence that the baptism register commanded. By the end of that conversation they had decided I was a girl with an unambiguous calling who had put faith on hold to struggle against climate change. It turned out the man was a Protestant priest, and rather than drop us at a service station to pitch our tent in the rain, they offered us a night in their spare flat in the Bavarian mountains â?? hot water, fresh towels, beds all to ourselves, and for free â?? bliss.
There is no reception, no bar, no restaurant and no room service, but Berge, at the foot of the Bavarian Alps, is the ultimate mountain retreat
It's been raining for days. The sky is a murky grey and the mountains, rising steeply just a few hundred metres away, are a blur. After a 90-minute train journey from Munich, I am standing outside the tiny station of Aschau, at the foot of the Bavarian Alps, waiting for Nils Holger Moormann, the celebrated and somewhat eccentric furniture designer, to pick me up.
Moormann's design plays with typical Bavarian clich?©s, as with the lodge's Janus-faced exterior. The roadside facade with neat, square windows is not dissimilar from the ubiquitous mountain lodges that scatter the Bavarian and Austrian Alps, while its mountain-facing fa?§ade is a harsher, darker grey interrupted by a series of rectangular windows with single shutters. "It's a wonderful game," is how he describes it, "with the Alps and the Bavarian baroque set against the minimalist design."
While she stressed in the same speech that immigrants were welcome in Germany and that Islam was a part of the nation's modern-day culture, her remarks positioned her closer to Horst Seehofer, the Bavarian state premier of the Christian Social Union, who last week called for an end to immigration from Turkey and Arab countries.
Horst Seehofer, Bavarian state premier
Of course, even if Progress featured Take That and Robbie Williams exploring the outer limits of acid folk or Bavarian oompah music, it would still sell millions. Ever since they reformed in 2005, Take That have fielded questions about whether their most famous and errant member would ever join in, but even without him, their last tour was the fastest-selling in UK history: 600,000 tickets gone in five hours, yet another commercial accolade to file alongside the fastest-selling album of 2008 (The Circus), the fastest-selling music DVD of all time (The Circus Live, which toppled the previous fastest-selling music DVD of all time, Take That's Beautiful World Live), the Ivor Novello Award for the most-performed song of the year (the omnipresent Shine). In a volatile music business, a Take That album and tour with Robbie Williams on board is as close as you can get to a guaranteed success.
"They are being recaptured because their presence in the wild is illegal and because their welfare may be at risk," a spokesman said. "There was no consultation with local people; there was no licence issued for their release; there is no monitoring of their welfare; and there is no certainty that they are the appropriate species or type of beaver for Scotland." That claim was contested by Lister-Kaye, a former chairman of SNH's Highland regional board, and by Ramsay. They said their beavers were Bavarian and from a much stronger and more varied genetic stock than the Norwegian beavers released at Knapdale.

A Bavarian gave me his address, to visit him when the war is over.
Bawarczyk dał mi swój adres, abym go odwiedził po zakończeniu wojny.

Thank you also to the rapporteur, in your Bavarian costume.
Podziękowania także dla sprawozdawcy odzianego w bawarski strój.

In this little town, Bavarian by blood, lived my parents...
W tym małym miasteczku, żyli moi pochodzący z Bawarii rodzice.

You know, he's Bavarian and he likes the beer.
Wiecie, że on jest Bawarczykiem i lubi piwo.

We wish that the Bavarian Government also knew how to respond to this situation with a great sense of responsibility.
Pragniemy, by również i rząd bawarski umiał w sposób wysoce odpowiedzialny reagować w obecnych warunkach.

We are playing Bavarian pool rugby and now I'm in the lead.
Gramy w bawarskie wodne rugby i teraz ja prowadzę.

This is what's left of my imported Bavarian snowman.
To zostało z mojego importowanego bałwana.

This Bavarian glass alone is Worth a thousand dollars.
Jedna taka bawarska szklanka warta jest tysiąc dolarów.

Say, how about a treat, with bavarian cream.
Mówi, jak o wielka przyjemności, z bavarian śmietanką.

I hope the Bavarian national dress he is wearing here this morning is not indicative of a change in political direction.
Mam nadzieję, że bawarski strój narodowy, który dziś przywdział nie oznacza zmiany orientacji politycznej.

The Bavarian election campaign casts a long shadow.
Daje się odczuć wpływ bawarskiej kampanii wyborczej. Panie pośle Radwan!

Just like in the bavarian fairy tale.
Dokładnie jak w bawarskiej baśni.

You are standing for election to the Bavarian State Parliament on Sunday.
Kandyduje pan w niedzielnych wyborach do parlamentu Landu Bawarii.

I'm a Bavarian, I'm very proud to be called German.
Jestem Bawarczykiem i jestem dumny z bycia nazywanym Niemcem.

th Bavarian were in the line next to us.
Szesnasta Bawarska była w linii obok nas.

I'd rather go to the Bavarian People's Theater.
Wolę iść do Bawarskiego Teatru Ludowego.

Do your Bavarian alpinists... look anything like German heroes?
Czy twoi bawarscy alpiniści... wyglądają jakoś na niemieckich bohaterów?

Hey, something cold and Bavarian, barkeep.
Coś zimnego i bawarskiego, barmanie.

Bavarian, that casserole always more.
To Bawarczyk, oni zawsze śmierdzą najgorzej.

No, I prefer the Bavarian stein.
Nie, Ja wolę brawarski kufel.

And now, folks... that gal you've all been waiting for... the Bavarian bombshell herself.
A teraz, panowie, gwiazda, na którą wszyscy czekacie... Bawaryjska Bomba we własnej osobie!

I'm from a little Bavarian village called Lickin Zee Dickin.
Jestem z małej bawarskiej wioski zwanej Obciągarnia der Paruwen.

Like the Bavarian cream-filled donut
Jak pączek z bawarskim nadzieniem.

The Bavarian CSU Members will be voting against the report tomorrow because they are against the increase.
Bawarscy posłowie z partii CSU będą jutro głosować przeciw przedmiotowemu sprawozdaniu, ponieważ są przeciw zwiększeniu kwot.

Bavarian Farm Girl Has Religious Visions!
Dziewczę ze wsi ma wizje religijne.

I voted against the report because, like my Bavarian CSU colleagues, I am against raising milk quotas.
Zagłosowałem przeciw sprawozdaniu, ponieważ, podobnie jak moi koledzy z bawarskiej CSU, jestem przeciwny wzrostowi kwot mlecznych.

That disgraceful statement evoked the justified anger of the Bavarian Minister of European Affairs Markus Söder.
To haniebne stwierdzenie wzbudziło słuszny gniew bawarskiego ministra spraw europejskich Markusa Södera.

It is not acceptable for the Bavarian Interior Minister, Joachim Hermann, to say: 'Everyone who is held in Guantánamo must have committed a crime'.
Nie do przyjęcia jest fakt, że minister spraw wewnętrznych Bawarii, Joachim Hermann powiedział: "Każdy, kto jest przetrzymywany w Guantanamo, popełnił przestępstwo”.

They can even, as is the case in the common trans-border National Park of the German Bavarian and Czech Bohemian forests, be a symbol for European cooperation and integration.
Mogą one być nawet, jak w przypadku wspólnego transgranicznego Parku Narodowego Las Bawarski w Niemczech i Szumawa w Czechach, symbolem europejskiej współpracy i integracji.

I am wearing my Bavarian national costume today and a good old Bavarian term comes to mind here: it is 'hinterfotzig' and it means something like 'through the back door'.
Dziś mam na sobie bawarski strój narodowy i przypomniało mi się stare dobre bawarskie określenie: hinterfotzig, co znaczy coś w rodzaju "tylnymi drzwiami”.

We specifically addressed the judgment issued in June by the European Court of Justice in the Bavarian Lager case as well, which moved the debates on transparency out of its dead end.
Zajmowaliśmy się w szczególności wyrokiem wydanym w czerwcu przez Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości w sprawie Bavarian Lager, co pozwoliło na wyjście z impasu, w jakim utknęła debata w sprawie przejrzystości.

I know that we also need some tasty products to keep on the market like Bavarian and Czech beer, but I think in general, again, free trade promotes wealth in Europe as well as in the world.
Wiem, że musimy utrzymać na rynku także niektóre smaczne produkty, jak bawarskie lub czeskie piwo, ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc uważam, że wolny handel pobudza dobrobyt w Europie oraz na całym świecie.

Now, I know Mr Posselt that your Bavarian party knows something about this, but I think that we should instead follow Mr Brok and talk about continuing with the One China policy.
Teraz wiem panie pośle Posselt, że pańska bawarska partia coś o tym wie, jednak uważam, że powinniśmy raczej zgodzić się z posłem Brokiem i rozmawiać o kontynuacji polityki "jednych Chin”.

Franz Josef Strauß, the great Bavarian European, once said that we will only be able to remain Bavarians, Basques, Germans or Britons if we become Europeans in time - Europe not being a centralising factor, but a common roof against the rain of globalisation and standardisation.
Franz Josef Strauß, wielki bawarski Europejczyk, powiedział, że będziemy mogli pozostać Bawarczykami, Baskami, Niemcami lub Brytyjczykami, jeżeli staniemy się Europejczykami - Europa nie jest bowiem czynnikiem centralizującym, lecz wspólnymi korzeniami w dobie globalizacji i normalizacji.