im. Barak
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A tak zszedł Barak z góry Tabor, a dziesięć tysięcy mężów za nim.
So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.
I śpiewała Debora i Barak, syn Abinoemów, dnia onego, mówiąc:
Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying,
Mówiąc słowami Baraka Obamy: "Możemy tego dokonać, tak, możemy”.
To use the words of Barack Obama: 'We can do it, yes we can'.
I rzekł do niej Barak: Jeźli pójdziesz ze mną, pójdę, a jeźli nie pójdziesz ze mną, nie pójdę.
And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go; but if thou wilt not go with me, I will not go.
Proszę wybaczyć mi szczerość: ile jeszcze ofiar będzie kosztował wybór Cipi Liwni i Ehuda Baraka w lutowych wyborach?
Excuse my frankness: how many more lives will it cost to elect Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak in the February election?
"The King's Garden project, which has waited for 3,000 years, can wait another three to nine months if government policy considerations necessitate it," Barak was quoted as telling associates.
Barak said the municipal authorities had "shown a lack of common sense and sense of timing â?? not for the first time".
Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, joined about 4,000 Egyptians at a rare large-scale street protest today, in his most direct challenge to President Hosni Mubarak since returning to the country earlier this year.
ElBaradei, who has said he will consider challenging Mubarak for the presidency next year if conditions are free and fair, called the incident an "egregious humanitarian violation" and revealed a "lack of sanctity of human life".
ElBaradei and a group of other prominent opposition figureheads â?? including former presidential candidate Ayman Nour, who was jailed after his unsuccessful attempt to unseat Mubarak in 2005 â?? arrived in Alexandria earlier to meet Said's family. After Friday prayers, the protesters congregated at a mosque where they were met by a huge contingent of riot police.
ElBaradei is believed to have left the protest early after hundreds began chanting anti-Mubarak slogans. He was keen to avoid accusations that he was exploiting Said's death for political gain and had called for the protest to be a silent one.
Defence minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio: "We are continuing to operate. It will not be legitimate if they try to disrupt today, and we will have to respond."
Ashkenazi's evidence follows that of Barak and the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, before a five-man panel headed by the former supreme court judge Jacob Turkel.
"West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighbourhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours," Barak told the Israeli paper Haaretz. "The Arab neighbourhoods, in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live, will be theirs.
Mubarak will then meet the leaders for lunch, and the talks then move to Jerusalem tomorrow.
Today the Israeli court of justice ruled in favour of the government, i.e. Barak, as regards blocking and reducing fuel supplies.
Dziś izraelski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości wydał orzeczenie na korzyść rządu, tzn. ministra Baraka, jeśli chodzi o blokady i ograniczenie dostaw paliwa.
Excuse my frankness: how many more lives will it cost to elect Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak in the February election?
Proszę wybaczyć mi szczerość: ile jeszcze ofiar będzie kosztował wybór Cipi Liwni i Ehuda Baraka w lutowych wyborach?
The three leading Israeli representatives, Barak, Livni and Olmert, are currently at odds over the conditions and guarantees under which they are willing to implement a ceasefire.
Trzej wiodący przedstawiciele izraelscy - Barak, Livni i Olmert - kłócą się obecnie co do warunków i gwarancji, na podstawie których skłonni są wprowadzić zawieszenie broni.
I have said so to Hamas representatives in Gaza myself before now, but let us have no more sanctimonious talk from Israeli officials about the need to fight terrorism, because Palestinians being bombed could name terrorists and they would name Olmert, Livni and Barak.
Sam do tej pory mówiłem to przedstawicielom Hamasu w Gazie, lecz nie słuchajmy dłużej świętoszkowatych wypowiedzi izraelskich oficjeli o potrzebie zwalczania terroryzmu, ponieważ bombardowani Palestyńczycy mogliby nazwać terrorystami Olmerta, Livni i Baraka.
So yes, of course, a thousand times yes to an open capital, a shared capital, this form of sharing that, since the 2000s now, has been part of the Clinton Parameters for a negotiated peace, a principle that has been accepted by Ehud Barak in Taba, and by others too.
Zatem tak, po tysiąckroć tak dla otwartego kapitału, kapitału zakładowego, takiej formy jego wnoszenia, która od dekady jest częścią parametrów Clintona na negocjowanie pokoju. Zasada ta została zaakceptowania przez Ehuda Baraka in Tabę, oraz przez innych.