Słownik medyczny angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler

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Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.




Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The actresses involved in this film, Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson, did the film, I'd imagine, because Winterbottom is a good director and it will allow them to be perceived as "serious" actresses. The fact that talented and serious actresses would do such a film is no surprise to me, but their roles are underwritten and depressingly thin, which is true for most films that are seen by the critical establishment as "serious". "Serious" films are films about men. Films about women and their concerns are seen as frivolous, limited and, most damaging of all, niche. You only have to look at the recent Oscar contenders such as There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, The Departed, The Hurt Locker or, more recently, The Bad Lieutenant to see what constitutes a "serious" film.
Why? For one, it's an excellent film, and there is far more to it than violence, including a suspenseful narrative and a spellbinding performance from Casey Affleck. Did I want to see him beating Jessica Alba to a pulp? No, I certainly did not. But I wanted to understand his character, and discover the resolution. I would have drawn the line considerably earlier than Winterbottom, and this remains one of my criticisms. He may be trying too hard to shock. But the nature of this protagonist's aggression is crucial to his characterisation, and while Winterbottom has gone over the top, he's right to show something of the hideous process so we can appreciate just how brutal he is.

And you will be the chairman of our company, Alba Calzature.
A ty będziesz prezesem naszego przedsiębiorstwa, Alba Calzature.

Cardinal Alba found the name... of the only living priest who knew the location.
Kardynał Alba znalazł imię... jedynego żyjącego księdza, który znał jego lokalizację.

But you mustn't be afraid of death, Alba.
Ale nigdy nie bój się śmierci, Albo.

Oh, hello, Jessica Alba in a trench coat and nothing else.
O, cześć, Jessica Alba w płaszczu i niczym więcej.

Was it really necessary to amputate a second time on Alba Bewick?
Czy to było naprawdę konieczne amputować po raz drugi nogę Albie Bewick?

Alba Varden is a ship, not a woman.
Alba Varden to statek, a nie kobieta.

Some Tyto alba with gleaming armor and battle claws, the moon rising behind him?
Tytan z błyszczącą zbroją i pazurami Walczył i wznoszący się księżyc za nim?

And we'll not be taking Alba to L'Escargot to film her decay?
Zabierzemy teraz Albę do l'Escargot, by sfilmować proces jej rozkładu.

Is this the Duke of Alba's sword?
Czy to jest Duke miecza Alby?

This is Alba Brunetti, the commendatore's daughter. Our new business associate.
To jest Alba Brunetti, córka brygadiera Brunetti. ...nasz nowy wspólnik.

Let us take the example of the Roşia Montană mining development in Alba County.
Weźmy przykład projektu wydobywczego Roşia Montană w regionie Alba.

Cardinal Alba is flying into Santa Fe. He wants to meet with you tomorrow.
Kardynał Alba chce się z tobą jutro spotkać.

Alba, Varela, Sessa and don Fadrique now oppose him.
Alba, Varela, Sessa i don Fadrique są teraz przeciwko niemu.

Cardinal Alba and I came to the U.S. to find Father Molina.
Kardynał Alba i ja, przybyliśmy do by odnaleźć Ojca Molina.

I spoke with Isabel Ordonez and Ryan Alba, so I understand why you're here.
Rozmawiałem z Isabel Ordonez i Ryan Alba, więc rozumiem, dlaczego tu jesteś.

Alba Varden, Thursday. Alba Varden?
Alba Varden, czwartek. Alba Varden?

Populist Ecuador is also making noises now, joining Mercosur in spite of joining the anti-US, Venezuelan-led Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) trade initiative.
Populistyczny Ekwador także powoduje zamieszanie, przystępując do Mercosuru pomimo przystąpienia do antyamerykańskiej inicjatywy handlowej pod nazwą Boliwariańska Alternatywa dla Ameryk (ALBA), której przewodzi Wenezuela.