Wordnet polsko-angielski

1. (a localized swelling filled with blood)
hematoma, haematoma
synonim: siniak
synonim: krwiak
synonim: wylew
synonim: wynaczynienie

2. (an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration)
bruise, contusion: : synonim: siniak
synonim: krwiak
synonim: wylew
synonim: wynaczynienie

3. (any of various usually edible freshwater percoid fishes having compressed bodies and shiny scales
especially (but not exclusively) of the genus Lepomis)
freshwater bream, bream: : synonim: rozpiór

4. (any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae)
sea bream, bream: : synonim: rozpiór

Wielki słownik medyczny polsko-angielski 2011 r., Anna Słomczewska

bruise, body contusion with h (a) ematoma, ecchymosis, suggilation

ECTACO słownik polsko-angielski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy