Wordnet polsko-angielski

1. (a formal public statement
"the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war"
"a declaration of independence")
announcement, proclamation, annunciation, declaration

2. (a formal public statement
"the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war"
"a declaration of independence")
announcement, proclamation, annunciation, declaration: :

Słownik polsko-angielski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Słownik polsko-angielski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n fem C proclamation

Uniwersalny słownik polsko-angielski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Andrzej Kaznowski)

f form. proclamation