Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Michael;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Michał

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Baylee Almon had a smile like a spring daisy, and before she and the 167 others were killed by the ensuing explosion, this city of the plain was wrapped in glorious pear blossom, as it is this Eastertide, time of Resurrection in this deeply religious city, and of birth on the land beyond. In 1995, 19 April followed Easter Sunday by three days. But that smiling infant was not the child the world came to know â?? it was the baby cradled in a fireman's arms, lifeless, in what emerged as the enduring image of the attack. "That photo took on its own life," says Almon-Kok in her official video-recording at the memorial, "which was horrible for me, because after a while I couldn't ever remember Baylee being alive." Now, says Almon-Kok, "we tried to get a handle on it in the courts, get it off of T-shirts and things, but we were turned down because the judge said Baylee was not a public figure before the attack" â?? thereby not protected by privacy laws. "If she'd been Michael Jordan, we'd have been OK," says her husband, Stan Kok. "That is not my child, in the picture," insists Almon-Kok. "My child was a beautiful little girl who loved to play."
They say Greenfield is a victim of sexism and want to impose a completely new "transitional council", made up of their own members, on the institution, which is based in Albemarle Street, Mayfair. They claim the move would save the organisation â?? whose directors have included Michael Faraday and Humphry Davy â?? from ruin.
"This is a nightmare that keeps getting worse every week," said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, the biggest grassroots environmental organisation in the US. "We're finding out more and more information about the extent of the damage â?? Clearly we can't trust BP's estimates of how much oil is coming out."
The name: Credited to a joke by Michael Quercio of the band the Three O'Clock.
Zeta Jones is married to Hollywood royalty Michael Douglas and won a best supporting actress Oscar for her role in Chicago, but regularly returns to her native Wales and was appeal patron for the Children's Hospital for Wales.
A diplomat with one of the toughest jobs representing Britain abroad, Tom Phillips, UK ambassador to Israel, joins the Order of St Michael and St George.
9.30am So, the England team for tonight's match against the US. There seem to be only two decisions for Fabio Capello to make: the goalkeeper, and the central or left midfielder (depending on where Steven Gerrard plays). I don't really see the point of playing Gerrard in central midfield for a game or two if you are going to push him back to the left when Gareth Barry is fit, so I would play Michael Carrick in the following 4-2-3-1 system, which worked so well in qualifying: Green; Johnson, King, Terry, Cole; Lampard, Carrick; Lennon, Rooney, Gerrard; Heskey.
As Packer put it in his recent collection of essays, Interesting Times: "The press redeemed in Baghdad what it had botched in Washington." Reportage, long-form reporting â?? call it what you will â?? has left the novel looking superfluous. The fiction lobby might respond: it's too soon to tell. A decade of literary silence followed the armistice of 1918. It wasn't until 1929 that a novel appeared that made imaginative sense of the first world war. Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front answered an unspoken need and helped to create the conditions in which other war novels might, in the words of the hopeful Richard Aldington "go big". Since then, however, the lag between a given war and the appearance of books about it has shrunk. Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead appeared in 1948. In terms of its timing, Joseph Heller's Catch-22 (1961) was a strange and fortuitous case: a novel about the second world war that seemed to anticipate the absurdity of Vietnam. The defining prose work to come out of that conflict was a book of reportage, Michael Herr's Dispatches (1977), while the first Gulf war received its most memorable prose expression in Jarhead (2003), Anthony Swofford's account of his time in the marines.
The biggest question mark about this proto-book concerns the way in which it is illustrated. As Packer wrote in the essay quoted earlier, the press may have excelled itself in Baghdad, but "Iraq has not been a photographer's war". Really? When there are so many strong pictures coming out of the current wars by Sean Smith, Michael Kamber, Tim Hetherington and others? (Hetherington was with Junger in Afghanistan and co-directed their forthcoming documentary Restrepo.) Perhaps these are the exceptions that prove the rule, for Packer, it's important to note, is talking about photographers, not photography. In Iraq and Afghanistan we are perhaps glimpsing the end of the era of the combat photographer as a special category of occupation, the twilight of the photographer as novelist in the way that Capa (whose famous photo from the Spanish civil war is now believed to be a fiction) and Eugene Smith were visual novelists. Current photography from the frontline is defined absolutely by what it is of rather than who it is by. No photographer has been able to stamp a visual identity on what he depicted in the way that Capa or Tim Page managed, respectively, on D-Day or in Vietnam. Perhaps photographs are now simply too ubiquitous for that. So ubiquitous that, in a passage of Finkel's book, "photographs" refers not to actual physical records of the kind collected by Wilfred Owen (who carried photos of the dead and injured in his wallet) but a way of seeing, a state of damaged mind. Suffering from post-traumatic breakdown, one of the most heroic of Finkel's soldiers explains that he keeps seeing "photographs . . . Like a picture of Harrelson burning, in flames. I can't get that out of my head . . . It's just a slideshow in my head."
There is a quietness to Hall, and to her acting. Perhaps the most obvious example is Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Whereas Pen?©lope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson burned up the screen, Hall made her impact with a sober intensity. It may be the stage of her career, but often you remember her characters by their relationship to others. So in Starter For 10 she's the bright girl who eventually gets James McAvoy's studious geek, in Frost/Nixon she's Michael Sheen's jet-set girlfriend, and in Einstein And Eddington she's David Tennant's devoted sister. Even when Hall does shocking, she does it with subtlety, notably in Red Riding, in which she plays the traumatised mother of a missing girl seeking solace in casual sex; last weekend, that performance won her a TV Bafta.

Oh, Michael, you certainly know how to make a girl feel wanted.
Michael, dokładnie wiesz jak zrobić by dziewczyna czuła się chciana.

I know you heard what Michael said at the table.
Wiem, że słyszałaś to, co powiedział Michael przy stole.

Michael is more man than you can ever hope to be.
Nigdy nawet w połowie, nie będziesz takim mężczyzną jak Scofield.

He just want ask you a couple of questions, Michael.
Ona chcę ci zadać tylko parę pytań, Michael.

College is going to be different experience for you, Michael.
Uniwersytet będzie dla ciebie nowym doświadczeniem, Michael.

The thing Michael wants most in the whole world is a baby.
Ze wszystkich rzeczy na całym świecie Michael najbardziej pragnie dziecka.

George, all she does is talk about her and Michael's future.
George, ona mówi wyłącznie o przyszłości swojej i Michaela.

How long have you known Michael was married to his daughter?
Od jak dawna wiesz że Michael jest mężem jego córki?

They're not the first family to pay the price for what we do, Michael.
To nie jest pierwsza rodzina, która płaci za to, co robimy, Michael.

Just call me if you hear anything about Michael, please.
Zadzwoń do mnie, gdy będziesz coś wiedzieć o Michaelu. Proszę.

Michael wouldn't tell me who these people are or what their story is.
Michael nie chciał mi powiedzieć kim są ci ludzie ani jaka jest ich historia.

I have to get back to Michael at the hospital.
Muszę wracać do Michael`a do szpitala.

I really don't know what you want from me, Michael.
Naprawdę nie wiem, czego ode mnie chcesz.

You know, sometimes, Michael, people get used to the wrong things.
Czasami ludzie przyzwyczajają się do złych rzeczy.

Michael told us to wait in here. We don't know why.
Michael kazał nam tu czekać, nie wiemy dlaczego.

Michael has seen her too, and she's coming for us.
Michael też ją widział i ona chce nas dopaść.

I thought that you didn't want me to know, michael.
Myślałam, że nie chcesz, żebym wiedziała, Michael.

Well, Michael, will you tell me before we eat or after?
Więc, Michael, powiesz mi przed jedzeniem, czy po?

At the hospital,Michael's doctor wanted to put me in bed.
W szpitalu lekarz Michaela chciał mnie położyć do łóżka.

Michael, I just want you to tell me what really happened up there.
Michael, chcę, żebyś mi powiedział, co tam się naprawdę stało.

Michael, I've got a game you cannot say no to.
Michael, proponuję grę, której się nie możesz oprzeć.

I don't believe that Michael just let you have it.
Nie wierzę, że Michael tak po prostu ci to dał.

I just don't think we should live our lives in fear like Michael.
Po prostu myślę że nie powinniśmy żyć w strachu jak Michael

Look, Michael, we're both getting what we need out of this situation.
Posłuchaj, Michael, w tej sytuacji wszyscy otrzymują to co jest im potrzebne.

Oh, Michael, things are really going to change for you, now that were here.
Och, Michael, rzeczy na prawdę się dla ciebie zmienią skoro tu jesteśmy.

You know, we're also concerned about our other son, Michael.
A my musimy się martwić także o drugiego syna, Michael'a.

Michael, we have to stick together now more than ever before.
Michael, musimy się teraz trzymać razem, bardziej niż kiedykolwiek.

I think it's great that Michael's back in your life.
Myślę, że to wspaniałe, że Michael jest z powrotem w twoim życiu. Czyż nie?

Aren't you going to stay and say hello to Michael?
Nie zostaniesz i nie przywitasz się z Michaelem?

I decided to accept your offer to bring Michael out.
Zdecydowałem się przyjąć twoją ofertę, by wyciągnąć Michaela. Dlaczego?

Michael, he took the Company's deal to save your life.
Michael, on poszedł na układ z Firmą, żeby ocalić ci życie.

Look at it this way, you did change the future, Michael.
Spójrz na to w ten sposób. Zmieniłeś przyszłość, Michael.

I know what you mean, Michael, but apparently he has.
Wiem co masz na mysli, Michael, ale widocznie on tego chce.

I guess it's getting dark out and Michael's not home yet.
Chyba dlatego, że ściemnia się, a Michaela nie ma jeszcze w domu.

Did anyone ever tell you Michael is an unusual name for a woman?
Czy ktoś ci mówił, że Michael to niezwykłe imię jak dla kobiety?

Michael says that if you can't take care of this, I have to.
Michael mówi, że jeśli ty nie możesz, ja mam to załatwić.

Michael asked me to give you this, if he didn't make it out.
Michael prosił, bym ci to dał, na wypadek, gdyby mu się nie udało.

Michael, I was telling them to start when you turn toward the audience.
Michael, powiedziałem żeby zaczęli, gdy odwrócisz się do publiczności. Może być?

But, Michael grew up here, so this his is home too.
Ale Michael tu dorastał, więc to też jego dom.

Amy was trying to tell Michael where to find her.
Amy próbowała powiedzieć Michaelowi gdzie może ją znaleźć.

Michael, your mama ever read either one of those books to you?
Michael, twoja mama czytała ci kiedyś którąś z tych książek?

He must have been a great man, this Michael fellow.
Musiał być wielkim człowiekiem, ten Michael.

I don't like seeing the doubt in your eyes, Michael.
Nie lubię widzieć wątpliwości w twoich oczach, Michael.

Listen, Michael, if this was some foreign government, you might be right.
Słuchaj, Michael, gdyby to był jakiś zagraniczny rząd, może miałbyś rację.

What you do with the remote is your decision, Michael.
To, co robisz z pilotem, jest twoją decyzją, Michael.

When you're want the real thing, Michael, let me know.
Jak będziesz chciał czegoś prawdziwego Michael, daj mi znać.

Michael has no idea what it means to be a parent.
Michael nie ma pojecia, co to znaczy byc rodzicem.

Michael, I don't understand why you would want to feel stupid.
Michael, nie rozumiem dlaczego chcesz czuć się głupio.

Michael's father was going to kill me over computer software?
Ojciec Michaela chciał mnie zabić dla oprogramowania?