(Noun) Maria;
[ [(pl. Maries)] ] im. Maryja
Maria f pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Involved from the beginning was Florence Rogers, chief executive officer at the Federal Employees Credit Union, a co-operative banking system. That morning, in preparation for an audit of her bank, she called a meeting for 8.30 in her office on the third floor. "I remember to this very day a girl called Claudette Meek saying: 'Look at all the primary colours we're wearing today, we look like a basket of Easter eggs.' So I remembered what they were wearing, and had no idea how important that would be when it came to indentifying the bodies." One of which was that of Claudette Meek. At 9.01, says Rogers, "I had just read an item off the list and turned â?? and bang â?? I could see clearly through the far wall. The floor had gone clean away, down into what we called the pit, leaving me alone on 18in of floor that had held. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought 'Oh my God, this is like a bad movie, and when it's all over, I get out of here.'"
"Today's miserable and brutal stand-off in the Middle East requires new political initiatives," he writes in the Guardian. "The EU is Israel's biggest trade partner and the largest provider of development assistance to Palestine yet it has been content to play a largely very quiet third fiddle to the US. It is true that the US has the primary external role in the region, and that any peace settlement will require Israel's willing agreement. But none of this justifies the EU's present nervous self-effacement. This policy gives Israel carte blanche. It makes Europe complicit in outrageous and illegal acts." Patten calls for the UN to be tasked with preventing weapons entering Gaza while the EU should take the initiative with Turkey and the Arab League to re-establish a national unity government of Fatah and Hamas for the West Bank and Gaza. Britain says it has no plans to end its ban, backed by the Quartet, on contact with Hamas.
Consultant psychiatrist Tim Kendall, director of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, which drafts NHS guidance on the drugs, said: "Antidepressants are offered too frequently in primary care because the waiting lists for alternative treatments are too long. Doctors need to think hard about putting people on these drugs because they can be hard to get off and have significant side-effects."
"What this is doing is selectively punishing disadvantaged women for being disadvantaged, instead of recognising that their addiction problems have arisen because of issues around their social marginalisation," says Dr Mary Hepburn, consultant obstetrician at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who has worked with vulnerable women for more than 20 years. "Women may be good or bad parents for lots of reasons, and most want to have children. There is no group in society that we try to prevent from having children."
Hall, now 28, says she doesn't understand why everybody always wants to talk about her dad. It was her mum who was her primary carer, whose achievements were the more amazing, of whom she was in awe. "Her story is insane," Hall says. "She came from working-class Detroit, no education so to speak, had a freakily large voice, won a bunch of competitions, ran off at 18, and by 23 she was an international opera singer." Ewing is a one-woman cauldron of cultures. "Her mother was Dutch, her father half Native American Sioux Indian and half black of some unknown origin."
9.52am: Liam Fox is delivering his first major speech as defence secretary. He promised a "clean break from the military and political mindset of the cold war." And he said the Ministry of Defence would be reorganised into three units: one dealing with strategy and policy; one dealing with the armed forces; and one dealing with policy and procurement. I have not seen the text - it's not on the Ministry of Defence's website yet - but I'll write a proper summary later this morning when I've read it.
Made by a team of scientists led by Evgenii Narimanov of Purdue University in Indiana, the result of this metamaterial is something that reflects almost no light, meaning it looks very, very black. Why would you want such a material? Narimanov tells New Scientist that the primary application of his type of material is likely to be military, specifically in building equipment invisible to radar.
The FBI documents reveal relatively little about the 1969 accident at Chappaquiddick Island, off the Massachussetts coast, in which a young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, died. Kennedy was driving when the car left a bridge over a pond. He swam to safety, leaving his 28-year-old companion who was not found until 10 hours later.
Matador Christian Hernandez, bedecked in traditional livery and bearing a customary red cape, narrowed his eyes as the bull lowered its head.
Often, the greater the geographic proximity in which these languages are spoken, the greater the tension. But where Flemish culture is concerned, the primary threat is not really French but American culture and the English language. A quick look at what Belgians go to watch at the cinema illustrates this perfectly. In 2007, the top 10 most popular films in Belgium were:
When we were watching you and Mary, he held me.
Kiedy patrzyliśmy na ciebie i Mary, on mnie trzymał.
I came a long way just to see you, Mary.
Przebyłem kawał drogi tylko po to, żeby Cię zobaczyć Mary.
If you are just friends, what he said about Mary?
Skoro tak, to, co powiedział Ci o Marii?
How long have you known that my name wasn't Mary?
Jak długo wiesz, że nie mam na imię Mary?
I do not exactly know, but before he married Mary.
Nie wiem dokładnie... ...ale zanim poślubił Mary.
Mary, think about what it would mean for the movie.
Pomyśl ile to by znaczyło dla filmu.
So you're going to report sister Mary to the police?
Czyli zgłosi ją siostra na policję?
Mary, why is my husband James in the press secretary's office?
Mary, dlaczego mój mąż James jest w biurze sekretarza prasowego?
I want you to join me in the program, Mary.
Chcę, byś dołączyła do mojego projektu, Mary.
If you knew that was your decision, why put Mary through it?
Skoro wiedziałeś, co zdecydujesz, czemu kazałeś Mary przez to przechodzić?
No, actually Mary, she knows what is best for me.
Nie wie, co dla mnie najlepsze.
For what it's worth, you and Mary have a lot in common.
Warto spróbować. Ty i Mary macie wiele wspólnego.
Mom, if Mary came here to play, would that be all right?
Mamo, jeżeli Mary przyjdzie się pobawić, czy nie będzie to w niczym przeszkadzać?
I bet the last woman you had down here was Mary.
Założę się, że ostatnią kobietą jaką tu sprowadziłeś była Mary.
You even imagine how happy Mary would be about this?
Nawet nie masz pojęcia jaka szczęśliwa byłaby Mary wiedząc o tym?
That's something you bring up on a first date, Mary.
Mogłaś coś wspomnieć na pierwszej randce.
That's exactly what Mary said, then she makes her big mistake.
To samo powiedziała Mary, ale wtedy popełniła wielki błąd.
You're trying to get back at me, but Mary's not the way.
Rozumiem. Próbujesz wrócić na szczyt, ale dzięki Mary do tego nie dojdzie.
But you can still feel a little tension between Mary and her sister.
Ale ciągle czuć drażliwość, pomiędzy Mary Elisabeth i jej siostrą.
Like the fact that Mary never told you she was pregnant.
Jak fakt, że Mary nigdy ci nie powiedziała, że była w ciąży.
I have to go to this boring party because of you and Mary?
Muszę iść na to nudne przyjęcie z powodu ciebie i Mary?
No? if she does not know that Mary had a lamb.
Nie? że nie wie, że Mary miała owieczkę.
There's a church that she wants to show Mary nearby.
W pobliżu jest kościół, który ona chce pokazać Mary.
I don't want you to be another sad story, Mary.
Nie chcę, żebyś była kolejną, smutną historią Mary.
When Mary heard this, she got up and hurried out to meet him.
Skoro zaś tamta to usłyszała, wstała szybko i udała się do Niego.
People swore he would never mary, but I knew better.
Ludzie mówili, że nigdy się nie ożeni, ale ja wiedziałem lepiej.
Me and Mary made our way to the secret meeting place, the old chapel.
Ja i Mary poszliśmy naszą drogą do miejsca sekretnych spotkań, do starej kaplicy.
I know it's hard to lose somebody you care deeply about, Mary.
Wiem jak ciężko jest stracić kogoś na kim bardzo ci zależy, Mary.
Mary, what level are you at to becoming a surgeon?
Mary, jak dużo brakuje ci by zostać chirurgiem?
Mary, let me know the minute you make contact with the pilot.
Nie możemy... stracić ich z oczu. Daj znać, jeśli pilot się odezwie.
Whatever it is, it'll be quite safe over there, with sister Mary.
Cokolwiek to jest, będzie bezpieczne u siostry Mary.
Oh! talk to mary if you want to know anything about old polly.
Niech pan pogada z Mary, jeśli chce pan coś wiedzieć o starej Polly.
Come to feed on the guts of your little Mary.
Przybywa, by żywić się wnętrznościami twojej małej Mary
Mary read the stuff and she was laughing out loud.
Mary czytała ją i śmiała się na głos.
I will always have the death of mary kelly on my conscience.
Już zawsze będę miał śmierć Mary Kelly na sumieniu.
Mary, what happened to your boots? Are you a true blonde?
Mary, co się stało z twoimi butami? jesteś blondynką czy farbujesz?
My mary beth, god rest her soul, was just like you.
Moja Mary Beth, panie świeć nad jej duszą, była dokładnie taka jak pani.
Peter turned off the lights and hid. Mary tried to find him.
Peter zgasił światło. i ukrył się, Mary próbowała go znaleźć.
Mary, look, I don't want you to get murdered again.
Posłuchaj Mary, nie chcę, żebyś znowu została zamordowana.
She even found the medallion of little Mary on him.
Znalazła nawet medalion małej Mary u niego.
Mary, please send someone to give my friend a dry hat.
Mario, przyślij kogoś z suchym kapeluszem dla mojego przyjaciela.
You needn't steal my journal to get to know me, Mary.
Nie musiałaś kraść mojego dziennika, żeby mnie poznać, Mary.
Do you expect us to believe that you're going to the prom with Mary?
Myślisz, że ci uwierzymy, że idziesz na bal z Mary?
Mary Hatch, why in the world did you ever marry a guy like me?
Mary Hatch... ...dlaczego ty wyszłaś za takiego faceta jak ja?
Do you ever hear from Mary or see her?
Czy słyszałeś coś od Mary, spotkałeś ją?
Mary would like to see you in her office.
Tak, jestem. Mary chciałaby zobaczyć cię w swoim biurze.
Lady Mary says one of the bathroom keys isn't working.
Lady Mary mówi, że jeden z kluczy do łazienki nie działa.
Mom, you told me that Mary has been having acupuncture.
Mamo, powiedziałaś mi, że Mary miała akupunkturę.