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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Banks also explored the psychology of plaid for his book, which was partly inspired by a surge in the number of New Yorkers wearing tartan in the months following 9/11 (reported at the time in the New York Times). "We wanted to explore the historical, psychological and emotional views of tartan; we spoke to psychiatrists, theologians, everyone." So with all that wealth of knowledge, does it ever annoy him that so many tartan lovers today have little idea of the cloth's history? "Not at all. You just have to let them enjoy it. People love tartan because it's beautiful."
Because [husband] Sean and I write psychological thrillers, we talk a lot about violence. What is it for? How realistic should it be? It mustn't be comic, it mustn't be naff, it shouldn't be pornographic and yet neither should it be too casual, too easy â?? as if violence didn't really matter and a life was cheap, just a clue on the floor for the clever detective to solve. Winterbottom has made a film about a sexual psychopath, where sex and violence have fused and the act of murder is shown with the kind of hyper-realistic tenderness of an erotic scene. He's crossed a line and taken the violence that is part of film noir and blown it up, making it bigger, slower, louder, longer, brighter, crueller, so that it overwhelms the entire film. His psychopath â?? a clean-cut Texan charmer with cold eyes who calls women "ma'am" and lifts his hat â?? makes his lovers into objects. He takes their beautiful, velvety bodies and blemishes them. He mutilates their faces and snuffs out their voices. He pulps them. Some critics have called The Killer Inside Me misogynist, but it seems brutally moral and indeed feminist to me. He's showing sexual violence as it is: appalling, obscene, messy, inhuman, with not a trace of glamour about it. More troubling is the fact that his victims are willing: he seduces them by thrashing them into pleasure, and as his fists hammer down on his first victim she manages to tell him she loves him still.
The British coffee shop market has become increasingly dominated by Starbucks, Costa and â?? to a lesser extent â?? Caff?¨ Nero. Intense competition spilled over into a bitter row this year when Starbucks complained to the Advertising Standards Authority. It objected to a Costa campaign which boasted "Starbucks drinkers prefer Costa" and "Seven out of 10 coffee lovers prefer Costa". The ASA last month upheld Costa's claims, ruling they were based on independent blind-tasting tests.
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I fell in love, of course. Not just with the Bridge and the harbour it spanned with such unsubtle majesty, but with my colleagues (on the right side of the fence), with their children and their bush houses and their swimming pools, with the cleverness of Australians, with their sense of humour, their affability, their sentimentality and their recklessness, with the friends I made and, inevitably, with a student. I was too stimulated not to fall in love. I was a boy from a cold northern city who had been educated in a cold East Anglian town. Anywhere with a glimmer of light and a ray of sunshine would have turned my head, but Sydney was glamorous â?? growing into a great and dangerous metropolis, but still exquisitely poised between that and a gentle, overgrown country town populated with Greek and Italian market-gardeners. In half an hour from where we lived we could be on a harbour beach or an ocean beach, washing scallops down with riesling, watching lovers kiss and surfers tumble and children play as though Sydney were a giant kindergarten without a worry. No worries. The phrase originated here. And on top of this I was enjoying fame as a young Turk lecturer saying outrageous things and enjoying pouring fuel on an already inflammable institution. How could I not fall in love?
I've worked for the paper from the days when I regarded it as a bourgeois, SDP-loving crapsheet. In some ways nothing has changed, except that nowadays the SDP-lovers would be considered far too leftwing. There is a kind of innate unruliness in a cartoon that disrupts the carefully laid-out and authoritative design lines of the modern newspaper. It has to be autonomous and speak for itself, floating on a sea of text, but more often than not directly contradicting that which surrounds it. It can be read in an instant or digested at length. It can cause paroxysms of laughter, love and loathing â?? or comment simply and eloquently without any words at all.
Christmas was the lowest ebb. All that snow, all the lovely children with faces shiny like apples. I couldn't be near them, but couldn't be alone. I trailed around the house after my poor wife like a small dog with internal bleeding. I slept eight hours in four nights. On 23 December, I went for an emergency meeting with my psychiatrist who shook his head and said, "I'm sorry it's turned out this way." Afterwards, in the thickening twilight and with the first vapours of sedation gathering, I felt my wretchedness in the joy of others: the shoppers and their gift bags; the lovers giggling; the young man on the tube engrossed in a book. I wish I was him, I thought. I wish I was engrossed in a book on the tube.
In high art, too, the symbolical power of the kiss has often expressed itself. The Kiss was the title Auguste Rodin gave to his iconic celebration of love's meaning â?? two people in the ultimate embrace of embraces, physical sex and mental emotion transcendentally united in erotica. Gustav Klimt famously painted The Kiss, too, but in his version the lovers had actually become part of the kiss themselves, transformed by its golden sensuality.
Tony marvels at how amicably his parents and ex-lovers got on. "When you think how people, in this age, gouge the life out of their ex-partners, it seems extraordinary." Lee and Roland were well known for the m?©nage ?  trois (between 1942-44) with Life magazine photographer David Scherman in Hampstead. But the happiest days, according to Tony, were at Farley Farm whenever Man Ray was staying. "Lee was always so happy when Roland and Man Ray were together. The shared love of Lee Miller was important. And there was no rivalry between them." He adds: "People don't think of Man Ray as funny. But he was full of American one-liners. And he was very kind to me as a kid and a teenager. He would take time out to be with me." Tony seems to have had an eye for father figures too.
Turning up last weekend to introduce her pet project, the children's opera, her long glittery nails and large diamante hoop earrings flashing in the sun, Katharina passionately outlines her mission to win a new generation of Wagner enthusiasts. "It's our duty to the world of opera. We have to be actively recruiting new opera lovers as it's no good if they have to wait for 10 years for tickets," she says. "And after all, Richard was all for making the festival more accessible."

What is right and wrong? Are you two lovers but here.
Co jest dobrem i złem? jesteś dwoma kochankami ale tu.

It said she had three different lovers in one month.
Napisane było, że miała trzech kochanków w ciągu jednego miesiąca.

I understand now how people sometimes want to kill their lovers.
Rozumiem teraz, dlaczego ludzie czasami chcą zabić swoich kochanków.

Do you think your wife doesn't know you've had lovers?
Sądzisz, że Twoja żona nie wie że miałeś kochanki?

You can still be lovers until the lights go on.
Wciąż możecie być kochankami póki jest światło.

And true love doesn't grow with the number of lovers.
A prawdziwa miłość nie rośnie wraz z liczba podbojów.

I would not be surprised if she had two lovers.
Nie zdziwiłbym się, gdyby miała 2 kochanków.

I think that my mom and your dad have become lovers.
Wydaje mi się, że moja mama i twój tata zostali kochankami.

If they were lovers and took photos together, so what?
Jeśli byli zakochani i robili sobie zdjęcia, no to co?

You're neither the first nor the last of her lovers!
Nie jesteś pierwszym ni ostatnim z jej kochanków!

We were lovers for a long time, but you became a political prisoner.
Byliśmy bardzo długo kochankami... a ty zostałaś więźniem politycznym.

It is not the English way for ladies to have two lovers.
Angielskie damy nie miewają dwóch kochanków jednocześnie.

When my wife took her lovers, she tried to poison me.
Moja żona jak brała sobie kochanków, chciała mnie otruć.

What about all this forbidden lovers, you and me against the world stuff?
A co z tą zakazaną miłością, ty i ja przeciwko całemu światu?

Joy, for professional reasons, you and I cannot be lovers.
Joy , z powodów zawodowych, ty i ja nie możemy być kochankami.

Four marriage proposals didn't believe that you and I are lovers.
Cztery razy nikt nie uwierzył, że ty i ja się kochamy.

Do you think lovers can be friends, or vice versa?
Myślisz, że kochankowie mogą zostać przyjaciółmi, albo vice versa?

I have an archive with pictures morning all my lovers.
Mam archiwum ze zdjęciami wszystkich moich porannych kochanków.

Here we have two great lovers from the past.
Tutaj mamy dwóch wielkich kochanków przeszłości.

There may be different lovers and only one love.
Miłość bywa jedna, a kochanków może być wielu.

And our two lovers have perfect weather for their first public outing.
A naszych dwoje zakochanych ma idealną pogodę na pierwsze publiczne wyjście.

And many of us feel it in love when lovers feelfused.
Wielu z nas to czuje w miłości kiedy kochankowie czują siępołączeni.

You know, violins playing, all her lovers come back in a beautiful scene.
Grały skrzypce, a wszyscy jej kochankowie wrócili w pięknej scenie.

There's always a minute for old friends and lovers.
Zawsze jest minuta dla starych przyjaciół i kochanków.

Those lovers were trying to kill us back there.
Te kochasie próbowały nas tam zabić.

I like my lovers to make a little noise.
Lubię, gdy moi kochankowie robią trochę hałasu.

I've had seven lovers in my life, three of which were one-night stands.
Miałam siedmiu kochanków w moim życiu, trzy, z które były jedna - noc stojakami.

I imagine they lie down for you like lovers.
I kody... nie mają dla ciebie tajemnic. Jak kochankowie.

Sometimes, fate throws two lovers together, only to rip them apart.
Czasem przeznaczenie łączy dwóch kochanków tylko po to, aby ich rozdzielić.

There's also a lovers' tiff, and I need to work.
I nadąsani kochankowie. A ja mam pracę.

I had family and friends, lovers, And the virus took that away from me.
Miałam rodzinę i przyjaciół, ukochanych, a wirus mi to wszystko zabrał.

Even then, they talked so much about love and passion, lovers and men.
Poza wszystkim innym, mówili dość dużo o miłości i pasji, kochankach i mężczyznach.

I even allowed you to take lovers so you could get pregnant again.
Pozwalałem ci nawet mieć kochanków, byś mogła ponownie zajść w ciążę.

Ag, he wasn't just her psychology professor. They were lovers.
Słuchajcie, on nie był tylko jej profesorem. od psychologii, byli kochankami.

Our picture on the front page. The tragic lovers.
Nasze zdjęcie na pierwszej stronie; Tragiczni kochankowie

When summer came he looked young lovers who cornfield dunk.
Gdy nadeszło lato, spostrzegł kochanków wymykających się na pole kukurydzy.

I have had lovers... but that is not a crime.
Miałam kochanków... ...ale to nie zbrodnia.

When summer came, he noticed young lovers would sneak into the cornfield.
Kiedy nadeszło lato, zobaczył, jak młoda para wkrada się na pole kukurydzy.

And in my fantasies, lovers always behave like that.
I w moich fantazjach, kochankowie zawsze tak się zachowują.

Or lovers who killed each other for love.
Lub parka, co zabiła się z miłości.

Didn't you talk about us to your lovers?
A czy ty nie opowiadałeś o nas swoim kochankom?

We are not lovers, but we know the truth.
Nie jesteśmy wiemy, jaka jest prawda.

You said I was one of three lovers.
Powiedziałaś, że byłem jednym z trzech.

They don't call them lovers in high school, Leland.
W liceum nie nazywa się ich kochankami.

This doll was found in the coffin of one of your lovers.
Tę lalkę znaleziono w trumnie jednej z twoich kochanek.

Because it's so beautiful... when lovers are together for a lifetime.
Bo to takie piękne... kiedy kochankowie zostają ze sobą do końca życia.

We even had a secret wedding ceremony here like young lovers
Nawet mieliśmy tu tajemną ceremonie... taką jak młodzi kochankowie.

Journeys end in lovers meeting, every wise man's son doth know.
Dobiegł koniec spotkania kochanków, każdego mądrego człowieka syn to wie.

And all men are either lovers or husbands.
A wszyscy mężczyźni są albo kochankami albo mężami.

My mother says that lovers are like buses.
Moja mama mówi, że kochankowie są jak spóźnione autobusy.