Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) mnóstwo;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Of course, there are lots of valuable revenues flowing from print, too. But it will be the behaviour of readers â?? and whether they begin adopting the iPad and other such devices â?? that will determine the future of the printed page. That's why Murdoch was right last week: this is a glimpse of the future.
9.35am: Meanwhile Neil Brennan has also been enjoying the mood in Cape Town. Been here for a week, and it's amazing how much it's come alive in the past few days," he emails. "Thanks mostly to the Uruguayans. French keeping a low profile. As they should be. LOTS OF AMERICANS. Which is great."
7.25am: So, what's the idea of this live blog? To provide all of the following: breaking news, predictions, pontifications, colour from our 13-strong team in South Africa, plus lots of pointing outwards; to your comments below the line, to the best things we've seen on the web, to various World Cup randomania.
What really counted was talking to people. I had to do lots of chatting, negotiating, entertaining, discussing and questioning. Travelling forced me to engage with strangers in a way that I had never done before, and I learnt to be far more self-reliant. Strangers, I discovered, could be very helpful and endlessly fascinating. They could also be dangerous, boring and stupid, or any combination of those three â?? it was up to me to evaluate and decide. I wrote it all down, which was a very good idea, but subsequently lost the notebook â?? which was not so clever. My advice is simple: avoid travel agents, tour groups and rabid animals, embrace the unexpected and enjoy the unplanned. Kevin Rushby is a writer for the Guardian's Travel section
"What this is doing is selectively punishing disadvantaged women for being disadvantaged, instead of recognising that their addiction problems have arisen because of issues around their social marginalisation," says Dr Mary Hepburn, consultant obstetrician at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who has worked with vulnerable women for more than 20 years. "Women may be good or bad parents for lots of reasons, and most want to have children. There is no group in society that we try to prevent from having children."
You don't know the individual's circumstances, Hepburn points out. "Maternal addiction is not incompatible with adequate childcare. There are lots of other mothers who have parenting difficulties. Why is she selecting people with addiction issues?"
OMG I've just turned 40! What shall I do? I know, I'll spew out some Sex And The City-style nuggets of worldly wisdom (and the random recipe here and there) with lots of pink typeface and jaunty cartoons in the style of every Sophie Kinsella book ever.
Assistant chief constable Andy Holt, leading a contingent of 12 British police officers liaising with South African colleagues, said before the game: "It's very good natured, we've not had any arrests or incidents reported to us involving British fans. There are lots of US and England fans having a drink together."
Welcome to day four of the guardian.co.uk's daily live World Cup blog, wherever you are in the world ... Our hope is that this blog will provide all of the following: breaking news, predictions, pontifications, colour from our 13-strong team in South Africa, plus lots of pointing outwards; to your comments below the line, to the best things we've seen on the web, to various World Cup randomania.
Revalenta Revalenta: "Blame the broadcasters and their microphones! SAboytjie's got it right. My middle-aged and seriously conservative vicar has been to both the Cape Town matches and tells me that the sound in the ground is a great one, not too loud at all, and with lots of variation that mirrors the action on the field - nothing like the desperate drone on the TV."

They go to school in town and have lots of friends.
Chodzą do szkoły w mieście i mają mnóstwo przyjaciół.

I have little time and lots to talk to you about.
Mamy mało czasu a musimy dużo sobie powiedzieć.

Lots of people are doing things at the same time.
Wiele ludzi robi rzeczy w tym samym czasie.

I want you to give her lots of love too.
Chcę, abyś dała jej równie dużo miłości.

He had lots of money and a young, beautiful wife.
Miał mnóstwo pieniędzy, młodą piękną żonę.

On your own, you are free to do lots of things.
Na własnym rachunku, możesz robić do woli wiele rzeczy.

Now, I know you have lots of important questions for me.
Teraz, domyślam się, macie do mnie mnóstwo ważnych pytań.

We have lots of work to do, you and I.
Ty i ja mamy dużo do zrobienia.

I have lots of questions for you, but no time to ask them.
Mam mnóstwo pytań, ale za mało czasu by je zadać.

But I have heard he has money, lots of it.
Ale słyszałem, że on ma pieniądze, dużo pieniędzy.

We just want her to know she's got friends, lots of them.
Chcieliśmy, żeby wiedziała, że ma przyjaciół i to wielu.

Lots of people have it their whole lives and never even know.
Cierpi na to wielu ludzi, nawet o tym nie wiedząc.

There are lots of women I never made love to!
Istnieje wiele kobiet, z którymi się nie kochałem.

There are lots of good people in the world, including me.
Jest wielu dobrych ludzi na tym świecie, włącznie ze mną.

Women make love to men for lots of different reasons.
Kobiety zakochują się z wielu różnych powodów.

I've told her lots of times not to do it.
Mówiłam jej tysiąc razy, żeby tak nie robiła.

I asked lots of people, but no one knew where you'd gone.
Pytałem różnych ludzi, ale nikt nie wiedział co się z tobą dzieje.

You saw your friends every day, and there were lots of them.
Widziałeś twoich przyjaciół każdego dnia, i byli dużo ich.

I know you're going to have fun and make lots of good friends.
Wiem, że będziesz się dobrze bawił i poznasz mnóstwo świetnych ludzi.

How do we know? Because lots of people would like this job.
Z kąd wiemy, ponieważ dużo ludzi, lubi tę pracę.

There are lots of things Your father doesn't know about.
Jest wiele rzeczy, o których twój ojciec nie wie.

Now, you'll have lots of special people in your life.
Lisa, będziesz miała wielu wyjątkowych ludzi w swoim życiu.

I've got lots of time, Is there anything you want to do with me?
Mam mnóstwo wolnego czasu czy jest coś co zechciałabyś zrobić ze mną?

Lots of men from our department are involved in it.
Wielu ludzi z naszego Wydziału jest w to zamieszanych.

You want lots of people? I don't see any problem there.
Chcesz dużo ludzi nie ma z tym żadnego problemu.

I've just had lots of time to practice, I guess.
Mam dużo czasu, żeby ćwiczyć.

Don't you know us bar girls meet with lots of guys?
Nie wiesz, że takie dziewczyny jak my, spotykają się z mnóstwem facetów?

There could be lots of other people on the island.
Tutaj może być cała masa innych ludzi.

There are lots of men in this country who look like me.
Wielu ludzi w tym kraju jest podobnych do mnie.

To meet lots of people, tour the world, and work for great men.
Zawierać znajomości, podróżować po świecie, i pracować dla wielkich ludzi.

There's lots of girls my size if you're really looking.
Jeśli dobrze poszukasz, to jest wiele dziewczyn mojego rozmiaru.

You can trust me. I talk to lots of dead people.
Możesz mi zaufać, ja rozmawiam z dużą ilością martwych.

Then I just started to teach myself lots of things.
Potem sam zacząłem uczyć się różnych rzeczy.

The secret is to make them with lots of love.
Sekret polega na tym, że należy je robić z dużą dozą miłości.

I mean, people grow to love each other, so we got lots of time.
Ludzie z czasem zaczynają się kochać. Mamy dużo czasu.

It's a small place but there are always lots of jobs to do!
To małe miejsce, ale zawsze było tam mnóstwo do zrobienia.

Okay, but there are lots of other places you could sit.
Dobra, ale tu jest dosyć miejsca, żebyś mógł usiąść.

I love you, but there's lots of reasons to have sex.
Marshall, kocham cię, ale jest mnóstwo powodów by uprawiać seks.

And lots of children, for many reasons, can't go to school.
Wiele dzieci z różnych powodów nie może uczęszczać do szkoły.

Lots of people used to come to take the waters.
Wielu ludzi korzystało z niej przed wejściem do wody.

It's lots of time to catch up on my reading.
Mam dużo czasu na czytanie.

Sex work, like lots of things in London, is about class.
Robienie w seksie, jak wiele innych rzeczy w Londynie, dotyczy klas.

I mean, lots of families live in much worse than this.
Wiele rodzin żyje w dużo gorszych warunkach.

There are lots of kids your age in our neighborhood.
W naszym sąsiedztwie jest mnóstwo dzieciaków w twoim wieku.

He always wanted lots of kids, but I was unable.
Zawsze chciał mieć dużo dzieci, ale ja jestem bezpłodna.

But there are lots of other issues for the fishing industry.
Jest jednak wiele innych spraw związanych z przemysłem rybnym wymagających rozwiązania.

The social consequences, especially, are giving us lots to deal with.
Wiele trosk przysparzają nam zwłaszcza jego następstwa społeczne.

We have had lots of contact with civil society during this year.
Wielokrotnie kontaktowaliśmy się ze społeczeństwem obywatelskim w ciągu tego roku.

There are lots of other examples, which I know you have heard.
Jest też mnóstwo innych przykładów, które Państwo znacie.

I had lots of time to learn how to shoot with my left.
Miałem dużo czasu, aby nauczyć się strzelać lewą.