Słownik finansowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

zamknięty ~ market zamknięty rynek

Słownik prawniczo-handlowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

adj. zamknięty locked market rynek zamknięty

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Police officer Keith Simonds was among them, anxious to give his impact statement after the verdict. Officer Simonds of the Oklahoma Swat team had clocked on for duty at 7am on 19 April 1995 and was answering a call north of the city when he heard the explosion, saw the plume of smoke and rows of his colleagues' cars parked near the federal building. He took a radio call "from the east side of the building: 'We've got wounded here,' it said. 'I'm in the basement. You need to shut off the water, it's flooding down here.'" After failing to persuade a fireman to accompany him or give up a flashlight, Simonds descended into the water: "It was a wreckage, the whole thing had come down, and we were crawling over debris to our victim, a lady called Sharon Littlejohn, trapped. Tyres were exploding, the water rising, and I said to my colleague, you take the legs, I'll take the upper torso. The water had been ankle-deep, now it was knee-deep. As we reached the surface I told her, 'Can you see the light, ma'am? It's going to be OK', and her arm suddenly hit me â?? I'd been holding onto exposed bone."
But get past those objections â?? all voiced forcibly by people who handled mine â?? and you have something rather remarkable: a portable, backlit, colour high-definition screen with decent battery life which is equally at home with music, video, text, graphics, photos and hyperlinks. The browser is extremely fast, the maps are gorgeous, the sound tolerable. "Better to consume on than create?" Possible, but once I'd linked it up via Bluetooth to a portable keyboard and found out how to download word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software it looked not quite so locked up as first appearances suggested.
At the time Blair and Mowlam, who has since died, were locked in the intensive negotiations between unionists and nationalist that ultimately led to the Good Friday agreement of 1998.
The Guardian disclosed recently that Stirrup had also blocked criticism of the way the aftermath of the Iraq invasion was handled in a report for the Chilcot inquiry drawn up by a senior army officer, Lt Gen Chris Brown.
These talks have been deadlocked for years.
The grassroots interest in all things Latin is in no doubt. Hollywood follows the money, and has no fewer than eight classically themed movies in production. Minimus â?? the textbooks that introduce primary-school kids to Latin, has clocked up its 110,000th British sale. Yet whereas the majority of the Lib-Con cabinet benefited from a classical education, we're in danger of denying this opportunity to modern Britain.
Once you lose your home and financial support, the priority is to find somewhere safe to sleep. Abdi has three places he sleeps regularly, and he rotates them according to weather conditions. The first is in a mosque in a suburb of Birmingham, particularly useful when there was heavy snow. To stay there, you need to go to last prayers, join the worshippers for a while and then slip away and shut yourself in a toilet cubicle. Shortly afterwards the lights are switched off and the building locked up, and there is a secure place for the night.
Hartnett sat down with representatives of the "big four" accountancy firms 27 times. He ate with KPMG 10 times and went to one reception. He also accepted hospitality from PricewaterhouseCoopers seven times, Ernst & Young four times and Deloitte three. Last September he clocked up four dinners, two lunches and two breakfasts paid for by, among others, unnamed private equity chief executives, PWC and KMPG. On 17 September he had breakfast courtesy of the now merged City firms JP Morgan and Cazenove, followed by lunch the same day with accountants from BDO Stoy Hayward.
Once you lose your home and financial support, the priority is to find somewhere safe to sleep. Abdi has three places he sleeps regularly, and he rotates them according to weather conditions. The first is in a mosque in a suburb of Birmingham, particularly useful when there was heavy snow. To stay there, you need to go to last prayers, join the worshippers for a while and then slip away and shut yourself in a toilet cubicle. Shortly afterwards the lights are switched off and the building locked up, and there is a secure place for the night.
There was another "terrifying" reason why Mohammad was not allowed out of the house: sexual abuse. Everyone knew stories about young boys abducted by the Taliban. "I was locked indoors, I was not allowed out." It is hard to imagine what that captivity in his own house must have been like â?? the cabin fever for a teenage boy. All he did was read. He knew not to rebel. It was not merely fear holding him back, it was imagining the "shame" abduction would bring to his family. A neighbour warned: "You are a handsome young boy. Be carefulâ?? don't stand outside your home. I hear things." He did not tell his mother what she had said. But he understood her well enough.

The first is that they run the risk of being locked up or killed.
Pierwszy polega na ucieczce przed ryzykiem utraty wolności lub życia.

We're getting locked out and we can't even answer the question.
Bo jesteśmy zablokowani i nie możemy odpowiedzieć na pytanie.

These guys will be locked up for a long time.
Ci goście trafią za kratki na bardzo długo.

The whole house was locked and we were home all night.
Jak? Dom był pozamykany, a całą noc byliśmy w domu.

I have been locked in a house for three months.
Jestem zamknięta w jakimś domu już od trzech miesięcy.

She's locked in a room on the other side of the building.
Jest zamknięta w pokoju, po drugiej stronie budynku.

I guess no place is good if you're locked in.
Myślę, że żadne miejsce nie jest dobre, jeśli jesteś w nim zamknięta.

Tell me' do they often leave you locked up down here?
Powiedz mi czy oni często tak cię zamykają na dole?

They should have him and his wife locked down by now.
Powinni już ukryć w nim premiera i jego żonę.

Your husband kept you locked in the house for two years?
Trzymał was zamkniętych w domu przez dwa lata?

You've kept him locked away from people his whole life.
Trzyma go pani w zamknięciu przed ludźmi przez całe życie.

A record he kept locked away for nearly 30 years.
Wersji, którą trzymał w zamknięciu przez niemal 30 lat.

She left the boy behind alone and locked the house.
Zostawiła chłopca samego i zamknęła dom.

But you have the key and keep them locked up?
Ale ma pan klucz i trzyma je zamknięte?

The moment you locked the door, and everything has started.
ChwiIi, w której zamknąłeś drzwi, i wszystko się zaczęło.

And you want to be locked up for two weeks!
I chcesz być zamknięty przez dwa tygodnie!

And you locked up the true son of your first wife.
I zamknąłeś prawdziwego syna, którego dała ci twoja pierwsza żona.

They should have locked you away a long time ago.
Już dawno temu powinni cię zamknąć.

I'm just not used to being locked up the whole time.
Po prostu nie mogę być cały czas w zamknięciu.

We've spent every day for the past two weeks locked in each other's arms.
Spędziliśmy każdy dzień przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie zamknięty w ramionach nawzajem.

Since the new government took over in January 2007 more than 250 000 people have already been locked up.
Od kiedy nowy rząd przejął władzę w styczniu 2007 r., ponad 250 000 ludzi zostało już zamkniętych.

But it would not be me who was locked up.
Ale osobą zamkniętą nie miałam być ja.

And you're sure this door was locked when you went to bed?
A ty jesteś pewien, że to door był zamknięty kiedy poszliśmy do łóżka?

God, I've already been locked in here for two months.
Cholera, zostałem tutaj zamknięty... już przed dwoma miesiącami.

Right, but it does seem like he could be locked up.
Dokładnie. Ale wygląda na to, że można go w czymś zamknąć.

If they had anything on him, he'd be locked up already.
Gdyby coś na niego mieli, już by go zapuszkowali.

When we got there, he heard us coming and locked the door.
Kiedy tam doszliśmy, usłyszał nas i zamknął się w domu.

When we got home, she went into her room, locked herself in.
Kiedy wróciliśmy do domu, udał się do pokoju I był zamknięty w środku.

We can't keep him locked in like this for long.
Nie możemy go za długo trzymać w zamknięciu.

The issue is, can any one be locked up like this?
Problemem jest, czy ktoś może być więziony w ten sposób?

Sit inside a locked house for the rest of their lives?
Siedzieć zamknięci w domu przez resztę życia?

The 15-year-old can spend half an hour alone in her locked house.
Tak. 15-latka może sama spędzić pół gódziny we własnym zamkniętym domu.

That was before I locked him up for a couple of weeks.
To było zanim go uwięziłem na kilka tygodni.

How are people to use these things if they're locked behind glass?
W jaki sposób ludzie używają tych przedmiotów jeśli one są za szkłem?

He locked himself in the kitchen and didn't want to come out.
zamknął się w kuchni i nie chciał wyjść.

We locked them up, but things didn't get any better.
Zamknęliśmy ich, ale to nic nie dało.

She's locked herself in her room and won't talk to anyone.
Zamknęła się w pokoju i nie chce z nikim rozmawiać.

You can't keep me locked up next to that thing!
Nie możecie mnie trzymać zamkniętej obok tego czegoś!

She says it's been locked up ever since they first moved in.
Powiedziała, że był zamknięty od kiedy się wprowadzili.

To spend my last weeks or days locked up In here.
Z pewnością, ale nie chciałbym spędzić moich ostatnich tygodni albo dni zamknięty tutaj.

You don't want me to feel I'm locked up here?
Chyba nie chcesz żebym się czuł zamknięty w tym domu.

Four women locked in a room without a single magazine.
Cztery kobiety zamknięte w pokoju bez żadnego czasopisma..

The French police think that better you are locked up.
Francuska policja twierdzi, że jest lepszy od LaMarque.

And then eventually, we wouldn't have to keep him locked up.
I w końcu nie musielibyśmy go nawet zamykać.

Oh, and another thing. They locked me in my room.
Och i inna rzecz, Oni zamknęli mnie w moim pokoju,

Except this lot did nothing to get locked up for.
Tyle, że ta grupa nie zasłużyła sobie na zamknięcie.

He's locked in his room and won't answer the door.
Zamknął się w swoim pokoju i nie otwiera drzwi.

But they never, ever, told us why that room was locked.
Ale nie powiedziały nam, czemu ten pokój został zamknięty.

How do you expect me to feel, being locked up with that?
Jak mam się czuć zamknięty z tym...? To szumowina.

Are you quite sure that it was locked in the first place?
Jesteś całkiem pewien, że było zamknięte na początku?