Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

adj. położony

Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

adj. położony

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Also up on the third floor that morning, "where my bank was", was Ted Wilson, pastor at Grand Boulevard Baptist church and part-time chaplain to the Oklahoma Fire Department, now ministering full-time to fire officers who, he says, "are still coming, after 15 years, suddenly traumatised, their brains finally processing this information, after all this time". Wilson is also a qualified intermediate paramedic, and objected to "the bodies of the children being laid out in their playground â?? a bad omen for later. They said they had to be close by the building, but we did move 'em to a parking lot." Before long, Wilson had "gotten in through a skylight to be working to release a trapped woman, still alive, on the third floor where my bank was. I was working with a tall state trooper, and the scare came for a second bomb and for us to evacuate the building. The trooper said he wasn't leaving the lady, and I said, 'Well, if you're not going, I ain't either.' So we kind of had the place to ourselves â?? and I located the lady's purse on top of the desk. Now there's two things a lady needs to be accounting for, her hair and her purse. Well, her hair was pretty messed up, but I said: "Ma'am, you needn't worry 'bout your purse, and you needn't worry about yourself either.' We became friends after she was released from hospital, Nancy Ingrams by name â?? she passed away just last year."
The scene: The first of the great geographically located scenes, quickly followed by Brum Beat in Birmingham. In Liverpool, an active skiffle scene and the infiltration of American rock'n'roll through the port led to the creation of a new sound.
"Further inquiries have revealed that a substantial number of tickets allocated to Robbie Earle for family and friends have been passed to a third party, in breach of Fifa rules."
The Autonomous Centre for Culture Medika is located in the vast spaces of a former medical factory. After months of striving to make this squat suitable for different cultural and educational events, Medika Initiative (an association of organisations and independent collectives) finally reached an agreement with Zagreb's city council. In doing so, it became the first legalised squat in the city. This place offers an open-door policy for anyone who wants to share their art, or organise educational workshops and flea markets. Art exhibitions, movies, theatre and contemporary dance take place here, as well as parties, concerts and club nights. The complex has a large number of different rooms, so when you come here for a night out, expect at least two music/dance floors. Beer, rakija and wine are cheap.
"If we drive down the welfare bill, that allows more money to be allocated to departments," a government source said.
The headquarters of the powerful intelligence agency is located in a neighbourhood of government offices overlooking the sea, flanked by the state television building and a branch of the transport ministry.
In Kazakhstan, Friends of the Earth is worried about the environmental, social and health effects caused by the development of the Kashagan oilfield. The consortium behind the project includes companies such as ExxonMobil, Shell and Italy's ENI. Friends of the Earth said thousands of people have already been relocated in the region because of sulphur emissions and other highly poisonous chemicals such as mercaptans, which are present at high levels in northern Caspian oil. All the companies deny they have behaved irresponsibly.
One of the state's newspapers, Extra Alagoas, said in an editorial: "The scenes are devastating. It looks like a war zone."In Uniao dos Palmares, one of the worst-hit towns, 500 people were reported to be missing after floods swept through the city, located around 43 miles from the state capital, Maceio.
The sticking point between the two groups is a question going back to colonial times: who owns the Nile's water? Kitra's answer â?? "It is for all of us" â?? might seem obvious. But Egypt and Sudan claim to have the law on their side. Treaties in 1929 and 1959, when Britain controlled much of the region, granted the two states "full utilisation of the Nile waters" â?? and the power to veto any water development projects in the catchment area in east Africa. The upstream states, including Ethiopia, source of the Blue Nile, which merges with the White Nile at Khartoum, and supplies 86% of the river's eventual flow, were allocated nothing.
In 1959, Egypt and the newly independent Sudan signed a deal that gave them "full utilisation of the Nile waters". Using the river's annual average flow of 84bn cubic metres of water, it was agreed that Egypt had the right to use 55.5bn cubic metres a year, with Sudan's share at 18.5bn cubic metres. The other 10bn cubic metres was reserved for seepage losses and evaporation in Lake Nasser, behind the Aswan dam. Upstream countries were not allocated a share.

And what makes you think I haven't located it yet?
I dlaczego myślisz, że sama go nie znalazłam?

People don't want anything, any kind of social help located anywhere near them.
Ludzie nie chcą żadnych pomocy społecznych zlokalizowanych blisko nich.

But if it helps, I do remember where the service was located.
Ale jeśli to może pomóc, pamiętam, gdzie się znajdowała.

We haven't located him yet, but you probably saved his life.
Jeszcze go nie znaleźliśmy, ale najprawdopodobniej ocalił mu pan życie.

We had already located other equal two in the Soviet union.
Mieliśmy już dwa inne z miejsc katastrofy w Związku Radzieckim.

I put it in my memory, which he hasn't located.
Włożyłem go do mojej pamięci, której nie może zlokalizować.

I think that only evil forces located inside our bar.
Myślę, że tylko zło sił znajduje się wewnątrz baru.

However, having said that, where is the demographic problem in Europe located?
Jednak, biorąc pod uwagę powyższe, gdzie należy umieścić problem demograficzny Europy?

I may have located the digital tape you're looking for.
O? ja mogłem był lokować się cyfrowy kaseta ty szukasz.

Modern Europe is located at the centre of continent nations.
Nowoczesna Europa znajduje się w samym środku narodów kontynentalnych.

If it is located in a bad host, will grow rapidly.
Jeśli znajdzie się w złym gospodarzu, szybko będzie się rozwijała.

You didn't want the crew located once they abandoned ship.
Nie chciałeś, żeby zlokalizowali załogę, po tym jak opuścili statek.

We located the car, but no sign of the kid or your fugitive.
Znaleźliśmy samochód, ale brak śladów dziecka ani Waszego zbiega.

The experimental reactor was located deep inside this power plant.
Eksperymentalny reaktor znajdował się w tej oto elektrowni.

Well, I want to speak with him as soon as he's located.
Chcę porozmawiać z nim jak go znajdziecie.

Togusa. The system has located one of the missing children.
Togusa. System znalazł jednego z brakujących dzieci. Tak?

We located them at home, but neither of them knows anything.
W ich domu, ale nic nie wiedzą.

We located an energy source in the centre of this planetoid.
Zlokalizowaliśmy źródło energii w centrum planetoidy.

As you can see behind me, authorities have now located
Jak państwo widzą za mną, władze zlokalizowały

Sir, we've located one of the cyborgs inside the medical center main hall.
Sir, zlokalizowaliśmy jednego z cyborgów wewnątrz głównego holu centrum medycznego.

They are located so close I feel under supervision.
Są tak blisko siebie, że czuję się jakbym była podglądana..

They were dead for two weeks... before my uncle finally located me.
Nie żyli od dwóch tygodni... nim mój wujek w końcu mnie znalazł.

It is of little consequence, because I have located the codex.
To nic nie znaczy, bo ja zlokalizowałem Kodeks.

I have tapped into the metro surveillance system And located her.
Włamałem się do kamer ochrony metra i zlokalizowałem ją.

B is located on the edge of the network.
B jest ulokowane na krawędzi sieci.

Intruder cloud has been located on the monitors for 27 minutes.
Chmura intruza została zlokalizowana na monitorach przez 27 minut.

Intel has located a hidden signal under the primary channel.
Nasz wywiad odkrył ukryty sygnał pod głównym kanałem.

Alpha 1, is located up and get ready to stop the goal
Wiemy gdzie jest i wykorzystamy okazję. Alfa 1, przygotować się do zatrzymania celu.

And they're located at the end of their tentacles.
I umieszczone są na końcach ich macek.

It can tell us where the relics are located.
Powie nam gdzie relikwie się znajdują.

Reconnaissance located an island 3 kilometers northeast of our current position.
Radary zlokalizowały wyspę. Trzy kilometry na północny wschód od naszej obecnej pozycji.

This support force could be located in high-risk countries and be ready for action from the summer of 2008.
Te pomocnicze siły powinny stacjonować w krajach o wysokim stopniu zagrożenia pożarami i być gotowe do akcji począwszy od lata 2008 r.

You will be aware, for example, that this equipment is capable of finding explosives located on, but not in, the body.
Pewnie wiedzą państwo na przykład, że urządzenia te są w stanie wykryć materiały wybuchowe umieszczone na ciele, ale nie w nim.

If anyone ask where you're located, just say 'Chicago'.
Jeśli ktoś spyta gdzie się znajdujecie, mówcie po prostu 'Chicago'.

She's in one of these two passages located underneath the main pipe tunnel.
Ona jest w jednym z tych dwóch przejść osiedlony pod głównym tunelem rury.

Sir, we've located the signal's source, but it's a child.
Proszę pana, zlokalizowaliśmy źródło sygnału, ale... To...

We have never debated where this museum should be located and what it should look like.
Nie omówiliśmy tego, gdzie powinno znaleźć się to muzeum, i jak powinno wyglądać.

Halcon's main computer should be located in the center.
Główny komputer Halconu powinien znajdować się w centrum.

But the police located the signal or whatever and... he's sending them from here.
Policja zlokalizowała sygnał czy coś, ale... Wysyła je stąd.

The Institute should be located in a new Member State.
Instytut powinien zostać ulokowany w nowym państwie członkowskim.

It is in cities that the great majority of jobs, companies and centres of education are located.
W miastach mieści się znacząca większość przedsiębiorstw i ośrodków edukacyjnych.

What is more, Iran is located in one of the most sensitive areas on the planet.
Co więcej, Iran położony jest w jednym z najbardziej wrażliwych regionów świata.

Related to this is the highly critical question of so-called orphan works, whose authors cannot be located.
Wiąże się z tym niezmiernie ważna sprawa tak zwanych utworów osieroconych, tj. takich, których autorów nie można odnaleźć.

Or, for example The Tempest located somewhere in the space.
Albo na przykład Tempest znajdujący się gdzieś w przestrzeni.

We've sent our patrols. We already located their starship in the swamp.
Wzmocniliśmy naszą ochronę, zlokalizowaliśmy ich statek na bagnach.

Uniforms located the stolen car that ran him down, but got bupkis.
Mundurowi zlokalizowali kradziony samochód, który go potrącił, ale laboratorium nic nie znalazło.

Please note that funds for culture are mainly directed towards centres located in cities.
Proszę zauważyć, że środki na kulturę kierowane są w zasadzie do ośrodków wielkomiejskich.

10% is located in the region I come from - namely the west and the midlands.
10% znajduje się w regionie, z którego pochodzę - a mianowicie regionu środkowo-zachodniego.

I've located a family living just outside Indianapolis.
Znalazłam rodzinę żyjącą poza Indianapolis.

Is located in a neighbourhood that attracts the bare minimum of window shoppers.
Jest położony w sąsiedztwie, które przyciąga tylko absolutne minimum oglądaczy witryn.