Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) mnóstwo;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Streams of taxis have deposited countless loads of people and luggage at the first checkpoint. Once through that, there is a long and frustrating process, with the Egyptians determining who and how many are permitted to cross the border.
Easiest trend to digest? Green is the new black. From khaki Burberry trenches to a lovely Prada jade top via the picnic-inspired green gingham at D&G â?? you've carte blanche to find the green tone that works for you. Next are clothes with their sleeves sliced off: best are cardigans at Missoni (their knits are on fire) and a utility-style gilet at Bottega Veneta with loads of pockets. You don't need gym arms; just layer up.
"As well as having profound implications for the families with a member who has Huntington's disease, the stigma has negatively affected research, particularly studies that have sought to investigate epidemiology and, most especially, prevalence... Huntington's disease is the only genetic condition for which the insurance industry loads those at risk. The stigma â?? to the insurance industry's eternal shame â?? is not only societal but also actuarial," he says.
She was wrong. We waited. And waited. It took 40 minutes to deliver a goat's cheese mousse with Parma ham and peas from the set price menu and a salad of black pudding, apple and soft-poached egg from the bar menu. There are loads of things I can do in 40 minutes. I could have put these two dishes together, done the washing-up and still had time left over for a crafty fag, if I smoked. Which, Mother, I don't. Much. They weren't bad. Nor were they great. There were broad beans in among the peas, which were chalky. The salad was too much underdressed fris?©e with crumbled black pudding. It was food. We ate it. We were hungry.
I've got loads of them: three in the room with me at the moment. I got my first one in 1968, in Glasgow. Another guitar broke, and I got it second-hand for either 45 or 75 quid â?? I can't remember now. I wasn't a good enough player to say, "Oh, I really like this." I just picked it, and got used to it.
Andrea was born to a loving but troubled mother who had been in a number of violent and mentally abusive relationships. With her long blond curls and small, slender frame, Julie McCallum looks like a young woman from a distance, but up close her face is etched with lines. "I took the kids to live in refuges loads of times to get away," she says, admitting that it was terrifying for her and the children to be living under the constant threat of more violence. Still, she struggled to keep the family together.
Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said he feared the CPS's plans were just a snapshot of what was currently happening across Whitehall. "Plans are being drawn up with no thought for the devastating effects on public services," he said. "Our public prosecution service is a crucial part of the justice system, and cuts on this scale, coupled with plans to close more than 100 magistrates courts, make it virtually impossible for the staff that remain to adequately deal with workloads and prosecute cases effectively."
"As a kid I bred hamsters," she remembers. "I'd get one of them pregnant and she'd have loads of little ones and they'd be running around in the bath. They'd quite regularly die â?? the mother would eat them, or they'd get squashed under something, or the cat would break in and pull the cage down, and we'd come back and there'd be a decapitated hamster on the floor. I'd probably seen a bit more of that than most people."
Andy thinks it could be the desire for uncomplicated companionship, rather than loneliness, that is driving the growth in friend-hire. "It's not about striking up a relationship," he says. "People don't want to have loads of close friends because it completely ties up your life." He's both perceptive and articulate, although I can't help feeling the person who's paying shouldn't be doing so much listening. We should really be talking about what I think.
There's just lloads of unexpected mileage left in a maxi dress. For autumn, Marc Jacobs revived the grunge/glamour look that made his name. All you need add to your floral floor sweeper is a cheeky little jumper and possibly a waist-cinching belt. Totally next season and almost totally free.

So, what am I supposed to do with these loads?
To co ja mam zrobić z tymi ładunkami?

I didn't know you had to follow up a good idea with loads more.
Nie wiedziałem, że dobry pomysł ma rodzić następne pomysły.

We've got loads going at the moment and this is easy money.
Teraz się trochę u nas kręci i to jest naprawdę łatwa kasa.

If you want to bring a girl there, I know loads of better places.
Jeśli chcesz tam zabrać dziewczynę, znam, mnóstwo lepszych miejsc.

There was loads of them, I just couldn't catch any.
Bo było ich dużo, tylko nie mogłem żadnego złapać.

People is trying to jack my loads here in Miami.
Ktoś próbuje ukraść moją forsę w Miami.

My husband's outside and says there are loads of cops.
Mój mąż tam jest i mówi, że na ulicy jest pełno policji.

Not that you go round to loads of men's flats.
Nie chodzisz tam przecież, po to żeby chwalić ich mieszkania.

Loads of people have phoned to ask if they can come and see you.
Ludzie dzwonią i pytają, czy mogą cię odwiedzić.

They simply don't have enough trucks to handle all those loads.
Nie mają wystarczającej ilości ciężarówek, by poradzić sobie z takim ładunkiem.

He can lift 400-pound atomic loads all day and night.
Potrafi dźwigać 200-kiIowe ładunki cały dzień.

They'll be having loads of fun once some heads starts to roll.
Będą mieli zabawę kiedy głowy zaczną się toczyć.

Which is strange, really, because loads of my heroes are Jewish.
Co jest dziwne, naprawdę, ponieważ masa moich bohaterów to Żydzi.

Fin's great and I'm sure you've got loads of other stuff in common.
Fin jest świetna i jestem pewien, że macie wiele innych wspólnych rzeczy.

You do loads of things. What are you talking about?
Robisz mnóstwo rzeczy. co ty chrzanisz?

She's been with loads more people than I have.
Była ze znacznie większą ilością ludzi niż ja.

I could only stay a second. I still have loads to do.
Mogę zostać tylko chwilkę, bo mam jeszcze rozładunek do zrobienia.

Tell me, are small loads less of a risk?
Powiedz mi, z takim kiepskim załadunkiem ryzyko napadu jest mniejsze.

You'll have loads to talk about while you're here. As for you
Macie czas na rozmowy. a co do Ciebie..

The navy's planes are small. They carry light loads and have a short range.
Nie mogą zabrać zbyt dużo ładunku i mają za mały zasięg lotu.

Ask Bansi to bring loads of milk for my son.
Poproś Bansi, żeby przyniosła mleko dla mojego syna. Będzie go potrzebował.

I called you loads of times to tell you to buy bread.
Dzwoniłam do ciebie, żebyś kupiła chleb, bo już nie ma.

Mauro, there are loads of people on vacation like your parents.
Mauro, masa ludzi jest na wczasach jak twoi rodzice.

You've been in the papers too, loads of times.
Jesteś teraz w gazetach, wiele razy.

But you've still got loads to offer to the right... person.
Ale nadal masz dużo do zaoferowania właściwej... osobie.

Loads of people lose their partners to this disease.
Mnóstwo ludzi traci partnerów z powodu choroby.

Cause how you drop loads, I don't like, so maybe this don't work.
Nie podoba mi się, jak działacie. Więc może to nie wypali.

They can even pick up and deliver loads within a Member State other than their country of origin.
Mogą nawet odbierać i dostarczać ładunki w państwach członkowskich innych, niż ich kraj pochodzenia.

There are loads of rich young men around.
Przecież jest teraz wielu młodych bogatych facetów, mnóstwo...

I told you it takes loads of practice.
Widzisz? Mówiłam, że to wymaga mnóstwa ćwiczeń.

How many loads do you carry a day?
Ile ładunków nosicie w ciągu dnia?

You'll soon have loads of time to sleep!
Niedługo będziecie mieć dużo czasu na sen!

One in three loads per car being caught.
Stracisz 1 na 3 partie przewożone samochodem.

They can carry immensely heavy loads. Their tears have healing powers.
Mogą przenosić największe ciężary, a ich łzy mają uzdrawiająca moc.

I can lighten your loads, if you want.
Mogę się ich pozbyć, jeśli chcesz?

He must be charging you loads for this.
Musi cię za to obciążać.

It puts what she loads in other animals.
Włóżcie jej ładunek na inne zwierzęta.

The electric box gives you loads of money!
To elektroniczne pudełko daje ci mnóstwo forsy!

Then you'll carry loads better than a mule.
Będziesz nosił ładunki lepiej niż muł.

Hey, gets a loads of that ugly ship.
Hej, zabierajta ten ohydny statek.

He can't hit anything but loads well.
Nie może trafić, ale dobrze ładuje.

I bet there's loads of people who would testify how incredibly...
Założę się, że jest mnóstwo ludzi, którzy zeznaliby jak bardzo...

They can carry heavy loads, bring up babies, cook dinner...
Mogą nosić ciężkie ładunki, wychowywać dzieci, gotować obiad...

To your political future and loads of money
Za twoją przyszłość polityczną i górę pieniędzy.

Cos I bet you've had loads of boys doing it and...
Bo założę się, że wielu chłopaków już ci to robiło i...

Loads of people can't read or write.
Mnóstwo ludzi nie umie czytać i pisać.

I met this bloke who runs a hotel, brothel. Loads of contacts.
Znam faceta, który ma hotel, burdel i świetne kontakty.

You've told me that loads of times.
Mówiłeś mi to mnóstwo razy.

Cartels don't use wrong people to carry loads.
Kartele nie używają własnych ludzi do transportu.