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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The Labour government invested hundreds of millions of pounds in "talking therapies", in an effort to help jobless people with chronic problems get back into work and couples negotiate relationship difficulties. The Lib-Con coalition has promised to continue prioritising such treatments. But Byrne disputed claims about long waiting times.
But someone such as Emily is in no position to make serious, life-changing decisions. Shouldn't Harris be encouraging her to have drug treatment instead of buying her fertility? "We could spend all the money we have on drug treatment but the women would still be out there having babies." She sighs. "For every drug-exposed child we can prevent from being conceived, that's millions of dollars that can be used for drug treatment."
Meanwhile locals in this sleepy town, set among rolling bushveld plains and small hills in the north-west of the country, stood in their gardens and on street corners to witness the spectacle of the Three Lions roadshow. The occasion appeared to give a healthy shake to preconceptions on both sides. England fans spoke of South Africa as a beautiful and friendly country that defied its reputation for violent crime. South Africans said they were impressed by the behaviour of England's once-notorious following.
Back in Britain, streets around the country fell quiet as millions crammed into bars and pubs or congregated around TV screens in their front rooms to watch the game. Those in sight of the London Telecom Tower, formerly the BT Tower, kept up with events on a 60m-long screen attached to the top of the building, which was visible for miles around.
BP shares have fallen by 40% since the explosion and could be hit again if the company decides to suspend its quarterly dividend payout. The company is the biggest dividend-payer in the UK and has been expected to pay more than Â?7bn over the year. Private companies, councils and public bodies have invested hundreds of billions of pounds of their pension funds into the company because it is normally considered a safe bet.
Such racing ambition deserves to be laid out in rich detail for the benefit of the wider sporting public. It's one obvious way of broadening the appeal of an often insular business for the horses themselves cannot sustain a compelling storyline. At the height of their powers they are retired to stud as the millions they can generate in the bloodstock business always outweigh the purity of sport. Stoute admits that he feels a growing responsibility to engage more with the media and public in an attempt to offset racing's deepening problems.
8.30am: For what it's worth, I'm not so opposed to them as every journalist I meet seems to be - one British tabloid hack, who shall remain nameless, has even bought a Â?250 pair of Bose noise-reduction headphones which he reckons "is the best investment he has ever made" - and I guess they at least give drab games an atmosphere. However it's a dominant, perhaps even bullying, noise that blocks out everything else: on Saturday, for instane, I was at Argentina v Nigeria and I couldn't hear the 8,000 Argentine fans at all. Yesterday, towards the end of the Slovenia v Algeria, the vuvuzelas suddenly stopped and there was a soulful rendition of 'Shosholoza' - the South African workers' theme song - which was a millions times more tuneful and beautiful than the swarm-of-bees sound the vuvuzelas produce.
Previous spacecraft investigations have pointed to the possible presence of an ancient ocean, with supporters for the idea that there is still a substantial amount of water under the surface as liquid or ice. Climate change over millions of years might have led to the disappearance of the atmosphere, which would mean that any water on the surface would boil away.
And he said: "Our experience with reintroducing white-tailed eagles to Scotland shows how much their presence boosts the local economy through tourism opportunities worth millions of pounds a year.
All of us should pause and reflect. This crisis will wreak long-term environmental damage. It has dealt a hugely damaging blow to a successful British company, in which many people's savings are invested and on which thousands of jobs depend. It will cost BP billions that could have been invested in renewables and low-carbon fuels of the future.

You know, they used to make people fight with lions.
Wiesz, że zmuszali ludzi do walki z lwami?

There's a few things you should know about these lions.
Jest kilka rzeczy które powinieneś wiedzieć o tych lwach.

Lions always turn and look back after taking five steps.
Lwy zawsze patrzą co pięć kroków w tył.

Will he be one of the last wild lions on Earth?
Czy będzie jednym o ostatnich dzikich lwów na Ziemi?

Lions lead by one with 15 seconds to go in the game.
Lions prowadzą jednym punktem i pozostało 15 sekund do końca meczu.

It has been said that you have brought me lions.
To zostało powiedziane to ty przynieś mi lwy.

Well, this certainly is the best opportunity those lions have had to kill you.
Tak, to w zasadzie jest najlepsze wyjście te lwy muszą cię zabić.

I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood.
Jesteś pewna? W tym lesie jest wiele lwów.

The lions will have to take a risk, change their tactics.
Lwy będą musiały podjąć ryzyko, zmieniając swoją taktykę.

We ask you, lord, what is a group of lions?
Pytamy cię panie, czym jest grupa lwów?

I think it's because a pride is what they call a group of lions.
Myśle że duma to jest to czym nazywają grupę lwów.

I know this may sound hard to believe, but apparently, lions don´t dance.
To może wydać się dziwne, ale podobno lwy nie tańczą.

It says I'm supposed to lock up the lions or they'll eat me.
Tu jest napisane, że mam zamknąć lwy, bo mnie zjedzą.

They use it as a protective barrier between themselves and the lions.
Używają jej jako ochronnej bariery pomiędzy nimi a lwami.

If you want to see the lions today, you must go to America.
Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć te Lwy dzisiaj, musisz jechać do Ameryki.

How long these last 20,000 lions survive will depend entirely on us.
Jak długo przetrwa te 20 tysięcy lwów, zależy wyłącznie od nas.

The lions of the 8 countries are strong and powerful
Lwy z 8 krajów są silne i potężne.

So in this version, there are two lions with the white ape?
Więc w tej wersji, są dwa lwy z białą małpą?

If you love lions, you wouldn't want it to live in your home.
Jeśli kochasz lwy, wolałbyś żeby nie mieszkały w twoim domu.

My friends want to throw you to the lions.
Moi przyjaciele chcą, żebym rzucił cię lwom na pożarcie.

Our lions are well prepared to fight with your dragons in the Square!
Nasze lwy są dobrze przygotowane do walki z twoim smokiem na placu!

If she stays to fight, the male lions will kill her cubs.
Jeśli pozostanie, samce lwów zabiją jej młode.

This is a story of some of the last wild lions on Earth.
Jest to opowieść o kilku z ostatnich dzikich lwów żyjących na Ziemi.

The young lions will go hungry a little longer.
Młode lwy będą musiały być głodne trochę dłużej.

I really want to see lions or a lion.
Naprawdę chciałbym zobaczyć pumy, lub chociaż jedną pumę.

Well, nothing has happened bad, Fought with something lions. .
Dobrze, nic nie zdarzyło się źle, Walczył z czymś lwy. .

It's a good job Bobby was here with his man-eating lions.
Dobrze , że Bobby był tu z jego lwami ludojad.

Keenan's always looking for an excuse to throw one of us to the lions.
Keenan zawsze szuka pretekstu żeby rzucić któregoś z nas na żer sępom.

Described as ravening lions to the soul and body of the world.
Opisuje je jako lwy, pożerające duszę i ciało świata.

I have heard that these lions are much bigger than normal
Słyszałem, że te lwy są dużą większe niż normalnie.

My father's father saw them slaughtered at the circus and ate to the lions.
Ojciec mego ojca oglądał ich zarzynanych na arenie i rzucanych na pożarcie lwom.

And we'il live with the lions and sleep in trees.
I żylibyśmy wśród pum i spali pośród drzew.

Like that machine that makes wax lions at the zoo.
Jak ta maszyna, która robi woskowe lwy w zoo.

There are no Mountain lions in these woods.
W tych lasach ich nie uświadczysz.

They always come in like lions and go home like worn-out goats.
Zawsze przybywają jak lwy, i wracają do domu jak wyczerpane kozy.

There are no pacts between lions and men.
Lwy i ludzie nie zawierają układów.

But lions can't be captives their entire lives.
Lwy nie potrafią żyć w zamknięciu całe życie.

They dislike the scent of lions, and they don't hesitate to attack.
Nie lubią zapachu lwów i nie wahają się atakować.

He went to the sauna at lions hotel.
Poszedł do sauny w Hotelu Lions.

Particularly at a state hospital like Lions View.
A zwłaszcza w państwowym szpitalu jakim jest Lions View.

And there's a block. And a fast break opportunity for the Lions.
Mamy blok, szybka kontra i możliwość zdobycia punktów dla Lions.

I've heard that this defeated thousand of lions for the gold medal
Słyszałem, że tym pokonał tysiąc lwów dla złotego medalu.

This is a very experienced hunter, like lions.
To bardzo doświadczeni łowcy, tak jak lwy.

You put my son in a cage with lions, Christopher Browning.
Zamknąłeś mojego syna w klatce razem z lwami, Christopherze Browning.

The lions of east dillon are not roaring.
Lwy z East Dillon nie ryczą.

He said that they were only lions.
Mówił że to tylko lwy.

Bears, horses, lions, every goddamn creature on this Earth.
Niedźwiedzie, konie, lwy, każde cholerne stworzenia na Ziemi.

The mountain lions eat most of them.
Górskie lwy wyżarły większość z nich.

There would be lions, insects and thick, glutinous mud.
Będą lwy, owady i grube, kleiste błoto.

Fifty years ago 450,000 lions lived here.
Pięćdziesiąt lat temu, żyło tu 450 tysięcy lwów.