ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Kiley is "mad keen" to get the job done, but even when the experiences he records are terrifying, the writing is always comfortably unthreatened, except by clich?©s which are often, as they say in the military, danger-close. "The air fizzes and crackles with bullets. There seems to be no space between them as if they are being poured from a hose. Rounds are smacking into the ground; the dust is leaping around their feet. Des can hear the fizzing sound made by bullets which are within a foot of his ear. He can feel the hot whip of them on his face." Junger is as experience-dependent as Kiley but his prose ("he saw a line of bullets stitching towards him in the dirt . . .") works like one of Lenny Nero's virtual trips, sealing us within the experience he describes.
The show includes intimate and moving portraits as well as other ways of representing the self. Many patients have opted for making boxes which are potent metaphors for memory â?? receptacles filled with jewels, coral, birds, babies, a leaping dolphin. There are recycled books here too â?? decorated with haunting phrases (I loved the "how much longer envelope"). As I looked, it struck me that collage is the perfect art form for people suffering neurological damage because it works with the broken, reconstitutes it and makes it whole. Caton puts it like this: "The power of collage is the freedom of choice, the rebuilding of a story that may tell us something about the patients' lives. It may also reflect the fragmentary nature of their memories."
I didn't have much time to worry about it as I slogged my way towards the end, leaping up and over the Anaconda as I went. There was just time for one more crippling hill climb, one more slide in the mud, and one more soaking in filth before I rounded the corner and made a break for the finish line. The relief was immense, but so was the sense of achievement. Yohimb?©!
Next up, we're off to the polo grounds to join in with the club's weekly practice chukkas, the polo equivalent of a kick around. A chukka is a seven-and-a-half-minute period of play, which is generally agreed to be about the right amount of time for a pony to be galloping around - although real pros often change pony several times within a chukka, leaping nimbly from saddle to saddle without touching the ground.
It is a misleading title in other ways too. The urban jumper does much more than simply jump. He scouts buildings. He studies security arrangements. He reads the weather (strolling the darkened pavements Witchalls discharges in his wake a trail of small folded bits of paper, his wind tell-tales). He also breaks in: we gained access to our chosen rooftop disguised as Village People-esque builders; later, faced with a potentially catastrophic locked door, Witchalls somehow levered himself through a window 10ft off the ground and roughly the size of a letterbox. And so here we are at last, brooding above the night-time skyscape, only one of us with any thought whatsoever of taking the stairs back down. Up here Witchalls reminds me briefly of another London legend: Spring Heeled Jack, a mythical Victorian prankster-cum-outlaw said to have been seen leaping from roof to roof after dark.
This was pretty much how base jumping started out, an underground hobby formalised for the first time in 1978 when a Californian called Carl Boenish made a documentary film of his wife and two friends leaping off a rock in Yosemite national park. Before long Boenish and his friends were jumping off bridges and electricity masts. They coined the guiding acronym. Word began to spread, undimmed by Boenish's own death in 1984 jumping off a bridge. Some headline moments followed: in 1985 the James bond film A View to a Kill brought base its first big screen appearance, a villainous chase-scene leap from the Eiffel Tower. Five years later the sport made waves in the UK when an Englishman called Russell Powell jumped from the Whispering Gallery inside St Paul's, a mind-bogglingly short drop. Two years ago Herv?© Le Gallou and an unnamed man from Darlington jumped off Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world (Le Gallou was caught trying to repeat the jump and was detained by police for three months).
One of the world's most beloved cultural icons, Mario is as much a series of attributes as a character: moustache, dungarees, hat, springy jump. Created by debut designer Shigeru Miyamoto for the 1981 arcade classic Donkey Kong - and managed lovingly by his parent ever since - the leaping hero, initially known only as "Jumpman", soon won a following and a name. Almost 30 years on, he's now featured in more than 100 titles, including some of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed games in history.
19th over: Pakistan 64-5 (Kamran Akmal 1, Umar Akmal 5) One lovely shot from Umar Akmal, leaping back very quick on his feet and cutting very hard for four just backward of point. He looks like he really wants to attack the spinner today - and who knows maybe one of these batsmen can go out there and just play with a kind of open-minded freedom and give us something to remember Pakistan by warmly. I'm not sure if that was a deliberate over-spinner from Swann but it's certainly very confusing for the batsman. That ball went straight on. The first one to Kamran Akmal turns viciously. David Carslake wonders:"Are there really honest punters out there who want to bet on such pointless, arcane details as when a no-ball is bowled? If I were a bookie, I'd smell a rat if anyone wanted to put money on something like that. "What do they know, that I don't"?, I'd wonder."
Muybridge's great achievement was conceptual: he made time visible in space. His studies of locomotion atomise duration into instants. He demonstrates, for instance, what water looks like, second by second, as it is hurled from a bucket by a bizarrely naked female model. With a battery of cameras tripped by electrical switches he captures minute metamorphoses too quick for the blinking human eye. What we see as a sloppy, slurping mess is a rainbow of gravity-defying droplets, then a looped ribbon that twists around itself, next a leaping fish or a slippery mermaid. He seems to have trapped a spirit, compelling wet ectoplasm to solidify in the air â?? and of course, like many of his Victorian contemporaries, he could do that as well: when photographing the house of a Californian patron, he included the double-exposed ghost of the owner, patrolling the premises to keep an eye on his wife.
Baumgartner has been plotting his space jump for four years, Fournier for 20, and this autumn both projects are coming to a head â?? 50 years exactly since anyone even came close to leaping from such heights or plummeting at such speeds. That was Colonel Joseph Kittinger, a test pilot, who completed a series of high-altitude jumps from a helium balloon in August 1960, part of an equipment-testing project for the agency that would become Nasa.

People in the past must not learn about time leaping.
Ludzie z przeszłości nie mogą sie dowiedzieć o przemieszczaniu się w czasie.

At the bull leaping, you said that the ground shook.
Mówiłeś, że na arenie, ziemia zadrżała.

Your mother sent you an urn with two leaping dolphins.
Twoja matka wysłała ci urnę z dwoma skaczącymi delfinami.

Heard talk about leaping over buildings and killing people.
Słyszałem, że skaczą po dachach i zabijają ludzi.

Fish leaping in the lake, cycling with the wind in your hair.
Ryba skacząca w jeziorze, jazda na rowerze i wiatr we włosach.

And that shark leaping there, if you look carefully, has anantenna.
Tamten skaczący rekin ma, jeśli popatrzycie uważnie -antenkę.

You, who never thinks of leaping off buildings?
Ty, która nigdy nie myślisz o skakaniu z budynku?

Leaping from the world's tallest trees is not for the faint hearted.
Skakanie z najwyższych drzew świata nie jest dla tych ze słabym sercem.

Leaping into the lake is an act of desperation - impala can barely swim.
Skok w jezioro to akt desperacji - impala prawie nie umie pływac.

When opened for us... there were flames leaping out ofthe stage.
Kiedy wystąpił przed nami, na scenie były płomienie.

There's one thingI hate more than running, leaping.
Jest coś, czego nienawidzę bardziej niż biegania, to skakanie.

Everyone thinks about leaping off buildings.
Każdy myśli o skakaniu z budynku.

Three days later I'm going to Leaping Tiger Cliff to give it to him.
Za trzy dni udam się nad Zbocze Skaczącego Tygrysa, żeby mu to dać.

Thoughts leaping from brain to brain.
Myśli przechodzące z mózgu do mózgu.

If it isn't the Leaping Dwarf.
Czy to nie jest skaczący karzeł.

That was Leaping Anthony and his Bouncing Betty.
Wystąpił przed państwem Wspaniały Anthony i jego skacząca Betty.

leaping and dancing before the Lord”.
Podskakiwał i tańczył przed Panem.