Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.

(zob.) lean

Uniwersalny słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Andrzej Kaznowski)

zob. lean -

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

At least 500 activists are expected to be at the site for the so-called 'day of direct action' against the bank, who they say has leant money to oil giants involved in exploring highly-polluting tar sands in Canada.


Dressed as inconspicuously as possible, I was in the Co-op when a hideous man in a pink shirt leant over and asked: "Excuse me .


"I sat down and one of them leant over and said: 'There is a guy in the toilet at the moment and he is going to come out in a minute and he might cause a bit of a fuss but don't panic, it is fine, it will be under control.


That's a good shot, Amir's line drifted over towards leg and Cook leant over and galnced the ball through mid-wicket for four.


My mother leant herself to the photograph.
Mama nachyliła się do fotografii.

I might have leant on it.
Mógłbym oparzeć się na nim.

His Highness has played everything, but leant... very little... anywhere.
Jego książęca wysokość próbował wszystkiego, lecz... niewiele się... nauczył.

Well, finally, he leant towards me.
Wreszcie pochylił się nade mną.