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Friends suggested she and Burris seek marital counselling. Instead, the Carpenters prepared to leave for Europe and South America. Itchie went along to keep Karen company. In reality, however, according to Itchie, "Laxatives were her major companion. When we were in Paris we made quite a scene in a pharmacy across the street from our hotel about her needing to buy more laxatives. I suggested natural food groups that might relieve her 'constipation' but she always won those arguments."
Arriving at Levenkron's office at 16 East Seventy-Ninth in Manhattan, Karen weighed in at an alarming 5st 8lb. A week into their daily sessions, Karen admitted to Levenkron she was taking a large number of laxative tablets â?? 80-90 Dulcolax a night. This did not surprise Levenkron. In fact, it was a common practice for many anorexics. "For quite some time, I was taking 60 laxatives at once," admits Cherry O'Neill. "Mainly because that was how many came in the boxâ?? I would ingest the entire contents so as not to leave any evidence."
On 16 November Karen visited Steven Levenkron for the last time and presented him with a farewell gift, a framed personal message in needlepoint. The large green-threaded words "you win â?? I gain" served as tangible proof of the long hours Karen had spent alone in the hospital. Learning of her plan to leave, Levenkron reminded Karen she was abandoning the program much too soon, and that treatment takes at least three years. He suggested a therapist in Los Angeles so that she might continue a routine of some sort upon her return home, but she declined. She promised to call him and swore she would not take any more laxatives or diuretics. Agnes and Harold (Karen's father) met up with her at Levenkron's office that day. The couple had flown to New York City to bring their daughter and her 22 pieces of luggage home. It was obvious to most that Karen's treatment was inadequate and ending too soon.

Rocky peed on his stupid windmill, so then he gave our dog chocolate laxatives.
Rocky nasikał na jego głupi wiatrak, więc potem dał naszemu psu czekoladki przeczyszczające.

I'm replacing his vicodin stash with laxatives.
Zastępuję Vicodin z jego tajnej skrytki środkami przeczyszczającymi.