(the process of going into solution
"the dissolving of salt in water")
rozpuszczenie się
synonim: dissolution
rozpadnięcie się
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
A red shirt leader later called on supporters to pull back to the main protest sites. The protesters, meanwhile, were upping the stakes in their public statements against the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva. "We are changing our demand from dissolving parliament in 15 days to dissolving parliament immediately," one leader, Veera Musikapong, told demonstrators. "And we call for Abhisit to leave the country immediately."
I have to say though, that I didn't expect leaving Morecambe to be such a wrench. If you should read a "top 10 hotels with great sea views" that doesn't include the town's Midland Hotel â?? an art-deco swirl of stone all alone on the front â?? it's not much of a list. In the morning I drew the curtains to gaze on what looked like a thousand islands dissolving into a blazing Irish Sea, but turned out to be a huge sweep of Cumbrian coastline and some cleverly placed sea mist.
The interaction between diminished parties trying to appeal to the centre, a powerful populist media and Britain's highly centralised constitution has been toxic to good government. Blair and Brown completed what Thatcher began â?? the concentration of power at the centre in order to control the news agenda. No 10 has grown into a new royal court, complete with courtiers and factions. Government press officers have grown by 10 times and now number 3,200, a total that the coalition government, for all its rhetoric, will struggle significantly to reduce. The spinning of a media that itself spins is inevitable, but it progressively undermines the legitimacy of politics. For its part, the House of Commons is now more in thrall to the party leaderships than ever before. MPs' expenses claims for moat-cleaning, duck-houses and clock-towers â?? not to mention the occasional pornographic video â?? underlined the loss of democratic purpose and vocation among the foot soldiers of the political class. Tony Blair's disregard for the House of Commons was complete: he dropped in for only 5% of the votes, and did not even stay to listen to the Iraq debates. Many laws are barely scrutinised before receiving the royal assent. Political reform has not so much invigorated British democracy as redistributed power from central to local elites in Cardiff and Edinburgh, and sideways to life peers in the House of Lords and judges. The opportunity for more ambitious reform has been squandered. All this is placing core British values in flux. If Britishness once meant a combination of kindness, instinctive liberalism, deference before well-understood social values, belief in fairness, respect for parliamentary democracy, inquisitive internationalism and an understated sense of national purpose, it is dissolving before our eyes. If anything, kindness and liberalism have become objects of scorn. The public domain is now dominated by the tabloid bully, the professional mocker, the seeker of celebrity and the xenophobe.
Mr Justice Floyd had earlier upheld the claim by RBS for breach of contract against Hicks and Gillett after they attempted to block the sale last week by dissolving the board, contravening an agreement signed as a condition of refinancing last Aprilthat also led to the appointment of Broughton. The QC representing Hicks and Gillett had said in court that the pair accepted their time as owners of Liverpool had come to an end but that they believed the club was worth more than it was being sold for.
But the pollution in your lake, it's dissolving our barge.
Ale zanieczyszczenia z waszego jeziora, zżerają naszą łódź.
The good news is that the bones stopped dissolving.
Dobra wiadomość jest taka, że kości przestały się rozpuszczać.
This is the spirit dissolving in the music carrying up to God...
To jest duch napełniający muzykę... niosący Boga...
But the dissolving power of rainwater has other, much more dramatic effects underground.
Ale rozpuszczająca moc wody deszczowej... powoduje inne, dużo większe skutki pod ziemią.
We're all just one step away from dissolving into the primordial ooze.
Jesteśmy wszyscy tylko krok od rozłożenia się w prymitywną maź.
Well, the pilot said... that all the rubber on the plane was dissolving.
Cóż, pilot mówił... że cały plastik z samolotu zaczął znikać.
Hermes' skin is so saturated with it that it's dissolving the bad robot.
Skóra Hermesa jest tym tak przesycona, że zły robot zaczyna się topić.
All those relationships dissolving before your eyes.
Miałeś przed oczami te wszystkie rozpadające się związki.
We were dissolving our personal relationship.
My właśnie rozwiązywaliśmy naszą osobistą relacje.
Your eyeballs dissolving in a teaspoon of lye!
Oczy rozpuszczające się na łyżeczce z ługiem!
It's dissolving too fast to track.
Rozpuszcza się zbyt szybko, żeby go namierzyć.
Like powder dissolving in a liquid.
Jak proszek rozpuszczany w cieczy.
However, it is not by dissolving the multilateral framework, but by strengthening it, that we will succeed in better organising this aspect of globalisation.
Sposobem zapewnienia lepszej organizacji tego aspektu globalizacji nie jest jednak eliminacja ram wielostronnych, lecz ich wzmocnienie.
By dissolving her party, the National League for Democracy, winner of the last elections, the military junta is trying to eliminate a whole section of the opposition before the elections this coming October.
Sacharowa, znajdująca się od lat w areszcie domowym. Poprzez rozwiązanie jej partii, Narodowej Ligi na rzecz Demokracji - zwycięzcy w ostatnich wyborach, junta wojskowa usiłuje wyeliminować całą grupę opozycji przed nadchodzącymi wyborami październikowymi.