ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

New report paints depressing picture despite spending increases aimed at creating a healthier nation
Although Alistair Darling, the previous chancellor, accused the coalition government of "scaremongering" about the seriousness of Britain's fiscal position, Osborne's comments were seen at Westminster as evidence that plans for a package of spending cuts and tax increases will be announced a week today.
Her vision for climate bonds, which she describes as the "carbon market on steroids", involves investors lending money to power companies from developed nations to go into developing nations and build clean energy plants - preferably ones that are carbon negative because they capture carbon from the atmosphere for uses such as petrol production. She is convinced there is demand from investors, developing countries and energy companies, who find it hard to finance projects in such nations in traditional ways. "Here is the pitch: You want to invest in something that leads to more economic growth, more exports for our nation and changes the world economy towards a greener place because it decreases carbon emissions. That's a good pitch and I want to sell it globally."
Osborne vowed to press ahead with increases in capital gains tax in tomorrow's emergency budget, despite acknowledging the moves would be deeply unpopular with core Conservative supporters and many industry lobby groups. "What's controversial with some in my party is raising CGT," the chancellor told the BBC's Andrew Marr show yesterday. "Here is a tax where at the moment we see massive income tax evasion, we see people shifting their income â?? and that's not fair given the current situation, so we'll deal with that." The move is understood to be a key win by the Lib Dems in the coalition.
In the US, there have been two attempts at tracking the relationship between spending and popularity. Both showed that increases in public spending actually reduced votes for the incumbent. And a survey across the OECD found no evidence that looser fiscal policy is related to longer political tenure.
Eat your heart out Geoffrey Howe. Take a back seat Norman Lamont. Austerity has a new champion and his name is George Osborne. Today's budget was billed as tough but that failed to do justice to a package that made Sir Stafford Cripps look like a soft touch. Not content with the Â?73bn of tax increases and spending cuts inherited from Alistair Darling, Osborne added an extra Â?40bn of tightening of his own.
Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day decreases the risk of developing certain cancers, a study suggests
Huhne said it was also vital that Britain was better protected from any "big shocks" arising from huge increases in the price of oil, as companies such as BP were forced into increasingly environmentally sensitive areas.
They are misleading because as anyone with any familiarity with the field knows, the basic consensus is almost universally accepted. That is, the planet is warming, that human activities are contributing to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (chiefly, but not exclusively CO2), that these changes are playing a big role in the current warming, and thus, further increases in the levels of GHGs in the atmosphere are very likely to cause further warming which could have serious impacts. You can go to any standard meeting or workshop, browse the abstracts, look at any assessment, ask any of the National Academies etc. and receive the same answer. There are certainly disputes about more detailed or specific issues (as there is in any scientific field), and lots of research continues to improve our quantitative understanding of the system, but the basic issues (as outlined above) are very widely (though not universally) accepted.
Officials in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia, which all have significant, if increasingly unreliable, rainfall, do acknowledge Egypt's huge dependence on the Nile and its right to a large part of its flow. But they say it is unreasonable to ask them to leave a valuable resource untouched, as the demand increases due to the changing climate and, especially, population growth. Egypt's population of 79 million is expected to reach 122 million by 2050, according to the Population Reference Bureau . But in the upstream states the growth is even faster. There are 83 million Ethiopians today, but in 40 years there will be 150 million. In Uganda, where the average number of children per woman is 6.7, one of the highest in the world, the population is due to more than triple over the same period to 97 million. For Uganda, the priority for now is electricity, and it wants to build more dams.

He looks pregnant, I like these creases.
Wygląda jak w ciąży. Podobają mi się te fałdki.

She has creases and crevices and folds I'il never know in my lifetime!
Ma bruzdy, zmarszczki i fałdy których nie poznam w całym życiu!