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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

This is two weeks ago in CCP in Coventry, who build parts for Bentleys and so on.
Dwa tygodnie temu w firmie CCP w Coventry w Anglii, która produkuje między innymi części do Bentleya.


Would he then be reminded how the EU subsidised jobs out of the Ryton Plant in Coventry?
Czy mogę mu zatem przypomnieć, jak UE zniszczyła dotacjami miejsca pracy w zakładzie Ryton w Coventry?


University of Coventry
University of Coventry


Our region has had its own Warsaw, its own Coventry, its own Oradour-sur-Glane, and it is time to build on our common rejection of war and destruction.
Nasz region miał swoją Warszawę, swoje Coventry, swoje Oradour-sur-Glane i nastał czas, by budować przyszłość na wspólnym wyrzeczeniu się wojny i zniszczenia.


"It is a hidden problem," says Penny Walker, who runs the night shelter in Coventry as part of a housing co-operative. "As a rule, they don't beg, they don't commit crime. These people try to remain invisible all day. They don't want to be loitering; they don't want anyone to see them and wonder whether they are about to rob them. There is this huge emptiness, huge uncertainty."
"It is a hidden problem," says Penny Walker, who runs the night shelter in Coventry as part of a housing co-operative. "As a rule, they don't beg, they don't commit crime. These people try to remain invisible all day. They don't want to be loitering; they don't want anyone to see them and wonder whether they are about to rob them. There is this huge emptiness, huge uncertainty."
Tickets for the football, taking place at a range of venues including the City of Coventry stadium, Hampden Park, the Millennium stadium, Old Trafford, St James Park and Wembley, will start at Â?20 for the preliminaries.
Appearing at Coventry magistrates court this morning, she admitted to the first charge. The second charge was dropped.
In February 2007, 19-year-old Coventry man Dayne Gilbey had a full English breakfast tattooed on his head, complete with eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, and even a knife. The deeper significance of this unique tattoo is yet to be deciphered. Gilbey's own response to getting the tattoo was: "Mum's threatened to throw me out."

What if this is a trap to draw you out of Coventry?
A co jeśli to pułapka? Mająca na celu wywabienie cię z Coventry?

Coventry City last won the English football cup in what year?
W którym roku Coventry City wygrało po raz ostatni puchar Anglii?

The future of Coventry is in your hands.
Przyszłość Coventry jest w waszych rękach.

I opened the door to Coventry before, so I can do it again.
Otworzyłam już raz drzwi do Coventry, więc mogę to zrobić jeszcze raz.

They could be the saviors of Coventry, and could restore the light.
Mogłyby ocalić Coventry i przywrócić mu światło!

The history of Coventry Island, written between 12am to 4am, when I couldn't sleep.
Historia wyspy Coventry Napisany między północą, a 4 rano. Gdy nie mogłam spać.

We have to get to Coventry, fast.
Musimy się dostać do Coventry, szybko.

No one in Coventry would be safe.
Nikt w Coventry nie byłby bezpieczny.

The future of Coventry depends on you.
Przyszłość Coventry zależy od was.

A truly self-centered personwould have run from Coventry, kind of like I did.
Nie, naprawdę egocentryczna osoba uciekłaby z Coventry, tak jak ja to zrobiłam.

All of Coventry is counting on me,
I całe Coventry liczy na mnie,

He had the power, Coventry, you.
Miał moc, Coventry i ciebie.

But Coventry wasn't always that wonderful.
Ale Coventry nie zawsze było takie cudowne.

Coventry City have never won the English Football Cup.
Coventry City nigdy nie wygrało pucharu Anglii.

We've gotta get you to Coventry.
Musimy zabrać cię do Coventry.

I'm going to Leicester, and then to Coventry.
Pojadę do Leicester, a potem do Coventry.

Should I insist that Alex return to Coventry?
Powinienem namówić Alex na powrót do Coventry?

Cam, uh, this doesn't look like Coventry.
Cam, to nie wygląda na Coventry.

Coventry wouldn't exist without you.
Coventry by bez ciebie nie istniało.

Of course we're in Coventry.
Oczywiście, że jesteśmy w Coventry.

Would he then be reminded how the EU subsidised jobs out of the Ryton Plant in Coventry?
Czy mogę mu zatem przypomnieć, jak UE zniszczyła dotacjami miejsca pracy w zakładzie Ryton w Coventry?

And all of Coventry is...
I całe Coventry jest...

Our region has had its own Warsaw, its own Coventry, its own Oradour-sur-Glane, and it is time to build on our common rejection of war and destruction.
Nasz region miał swoją Warszawę, swoje Coventry, swoje Oradour-sur-Glane i nastał czas, by budować przyszłość na wspólnym wyrzeczeniu się wojny i zniszczenia.