Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) ograniczający swobodę, krępujący ruchy, utrudniający; uciskający;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.

krępujący, uciskający

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Eclectic is too constricting a word for nominations including the Castells, the human towers up to six nervous levels high - with the lightest child the pyramid builders can find on top - of Catalonia; Mexican food; the Turkish oil wrestlers who compete for the Kirkpinar Golden Belt smeared and massaged until they resemble human oil slicks; the Mediterranean diet, jointly proposed by Greece, Spain, Italy and Morocco; Flamenco dancing; and falconry.


94bn) for crude oil this summer, increasing its business with Tehran as the international community implemented some of the toughest sanctions yet aimed at constricting the Islamic republic's economy and its lifeline oil business.


There's an admirable directness to Allen's prose and she summons up with great precision the constricting world in which Concetta lives.


Echoing a warning made earlier this week by Nick Clegg, who said the government would not "stand idly by" if "offensive" bonuses were paid, Cable told the BBC: "If banks are saying to us they have got lots of money to spread out on bonuses and indeed dividend payments at a time when they are constricting credit to small and medium enterprises, then the government may have to use some form of taxation to change their behaviour.


Lucy, what do we do to prevent constricting edema?
Lucy, co robimy, by zapobiec obrzękowi ograniczającemu?

It's completely constricting my central nervous system.
Całkowicie blokuje mój system nerwowy.

It was too constricting.
To jest zbyt ograniczone.

Trapped in a Treaty of Nice that is too constricting, from which it cannot escape, Europe is not ready for further enlargement.
Uwięziona w traktacie nicejskim, który jest zbyt ograniczający, od którego nie może uciec, Europa nie jest gotowa na dalsze rozszerzenie.