Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) pocieszający;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The play is also staged with simple ingenuity. John Napier's designs, based on projected drawings and photographs, effectively usher us from the watery charm of peacetime Amiens to the scarred emptiness of the wartime landscape. And the performances throughout are good. Ben Barnes conveys the essential loneliness of Stephen kept in ignorance of the child he has fathered. Genevieve O'Reilly as his lost lover, Zoe Waites as her consoling sister and Nicholas Farrell as a pipe-smoking, Thucydides-reading captain also invest their roles with the right weight. This is not the whole of Faulks's book; nor can it be. But, in the space of three hours, it gives us an effective summation of the story and captures both the pain and the pity of a war that almost defies comprehension.
There is a substantial moral difference between a programme that imagines Bush or Blair or Benedict XVI on trial â?? a consoling fantasy for their detractors of something that in reality will never happen â?? and a fiction depicting a tragedy that is a plausible risk. One of the reasons Death of a President seemed so questionable was that real footage was redeployed with what might be taken as gloating coldness: news clips of the first lady and Dick Cheney in dark clothes at the funerals of Presidents Reagan and Ford was presented as their attendance at the state obsequies of Bush.

We'll see if your faith succeeds in consoling you!
Zobaczymy, czy twoja wiara zdoła cię pocieszyć!

It's so consoling to find that when they suffer, they don't feel!
Jakież to pocieszające. Kiedy cierpią, nic nie czują.

You're weeping, I'm consoling you and you turn on me.
Płaczesz, ja cię pocieszam a ty mnie atakujesz.

She was just upset, and I was consoling her.
Była po prostu roztrzęsiona, a ja chciałem ją pocieszyć.

You know, just consoling me when I was afraid,
Pocieszał mnie, kiedy się bałem, wspierał mnie, kiedy byłem słaby.

Oh, and by the way, consoling a newly divorced friend...
A tak na marginesie, pocieszanie świeżej rozwódki?

Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me?
Hej! Dupku! Czy ty przypadkiem nie masz mi doradzać?

Somehow, Hugh, that is not very consoling.
Hugh, jakoś mnie to... nie pociesza.

The legal wife consoling the mistress.
Legalna żona pocieszająca kochankę.

You were not consoling her.
Nie pocieszałeś jej.

Why should I need consoling?
Po co miałbym potrzebować pocieszenia?

You should be consoling me...
Powinnaś mnie pocieszać...

(CS) Ladies and gentlemen, we have been yet again essentially consoling ourselves with the fact that the rise of extremism reflects a deteriorating economic situation and unemployment.
(CS) Panie i panowie! Zasadniczo, po raz kolejny pocieszamy się tym, że wzrost ekstremizmu odzwierciedla pogorszenie się sytuacji gospodarczej i wzrost bezrobocia.