Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) świadomie; umyślnie; trzeźwo; przytomnie;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

10.52am "Can vouch that hite (sic, not capitalised) is eminently drinkable," says Rob Moline. "Especially if it's all there is. Worked on a Korean boat for a couple of weeks in 2004, usually they're dry but this one had both hite beer and Korean whisky on board, so very civilised. Couldn't pick up the can without the mind subconsciously reading 'Shite' on the side of it. But nice to quaff a couple at the end of a 12-hour shift. Fixed a fibre-optic telecoms cable, broken by a cargo ship's dragged anchor a few kilometres off Taipei in Taiwan. Korea Telecom run the only cable repair ship in NE Pacific region, so do all the work. Never had Quilmes, Mythos, or Nigerian Guinness, so no comment there. Except yes, Guinness is rancid filth. What were you doing drinking Quilmes at school? Did you grow up in Argentina? Surely it wasn't what you'd buy down the offie?"
Normally when presented with other actresses' work I tighten my fake smile and try to poison their tiny dog but I have to make an exception for The Killer Inside Me, which is a good film. It is also a misogynistic film â?? but why shouldn't it be? I would argue that something dark is lurking between the sexes and that it is seeping out into cinema. The film expresses misogyny not simply in the actions of the central character â?? deputy sheriff Lou Ford, played by Casey Affleck â?? but also in its overarching ethos, as it denies the women involved enough characterisation to allow an audience to bond with them and consequently feel their pain, humiliation and degradation. In wanting to see women put in positions of sexual and physical disenfranchisement, film-makers such as Michael Winterbottom or Lars von Trier (who directed last year's equally controversial Antichrist) seem to be unconsciously expressing something that is not unique to them.
The work could have implications for how the brain unconsciously perceives other parts of the body and may help explain the underpinnings of certain eating disorders in which people's body image becomes distorted.
Wylie's work is best understood in the context of conventional art history, which she studied at the Royal College of Art from 1979 to 1981, because her art is, like most art, about art. She paints as an escapee from the academy, who has returned to untaughtness in an effort to recapture spontaneity, though everything she does is the tribute of a wayward pupil to that academy. When she paints a figure and labels it "in the manner of Signorelli", it may look to the untrained eye nothing like Signorelli, but someone who knows what makes Signorelli different from other members of the Tuscan school will get what she means. Wylie's grasp of composition is complete, which is why she will often alter the shape of the canvas; it is also surreptitious. When I visited her in Kent, I asked her whether she was consciously rebellious. She slightly pulled a face and said: "Not consciously." We both laughed. We talked about ageing, about how ageing frees the inner girl, and how bad that girl can be. There is anger in her work, anger about the kind of art teaching that makes most kids give up making art, or turns their individual ways of seeing into A-levels.
The revelation that alarm systems on the rig at the centre of the disaster were disabled â?? and that key safety mechanisms had also consciously been switched off â?? came in testimony by a chief technician working for Transocean, the drilling company that owned the rig.
In the process of investigating you'll demonstrate that you too can be experimental. He may be finding your focus on his body objectifying (men experience that as well as women), so he could be trying to deflect that by suggesting erotic play that puts the focus back on you. The "novelties" may seem more appealing once fully discussed. Safety considerations are often the biggest barrier, so negotiation is vital. Anal sex, threesomes and toys all involve trust; he may be unconsciously asking you to do just that.
He stressed that the appointment of Diamond meant that the "board is consciously ensuring continuity in management, strategy and our focus on delivering for customers, clients and shareholders". Even so, the bank has been generating more than two thirds of its profits from the investment banking arm run by Diamond, who has no experience of running high street banking businesses.
In a hilariously combative interview in the London Evening Standard last March, the best-selling author Lee Child argued the superiority of thrillers over any other kind of fiction. The problem with the literary novel was that it was too easy. He could run up a Martin Amis in three weeks. The only literary writer for whom he had any respect was Ian McEwan, because McEwan was at least trying to "put a suspense dynamic into an intelligent, intellectual novel". So-called serious writers "don't quite get it" because they're usually too fastidious to accept how simple the formula is. "You ask or imply a question at the beginning of a book and you absolutely self-consciously withhold the answer. It does feel cheap and meretricious but it absolutely works."
Do you feel that the whale consciously put itself in front of the harpoon to protect the other whales?
"It's very dangerous when companies start building," Murdoch says. It's a curious notion, yet one that makes sense for a business that still has the feel of a muscular young streetfighter looking to take on all comers â?? rather than that of a long-established and self-consciously cultured set-up like the BBC, whose Broadcasting House looks like an art deco ocean liner carved in stone. "We don't want to build monuments," says Murdoch, "but we've tried to ask what would be the building Sky would build?"

But I can teach you to control your power consciously.
Mogę nauczyć cię, jak świadomie kontrolować tę moc.

That also means consciously standing up and advocating what you believe in.
Oznacza to również świadome bronienie i propagowanie tego, w co się wierzy.

And the shape of the face is determined consciously by the brain.
A kształt twarzy ustalany jest przez mózg.

There must be no political and social pressure on parents in Europe to consciously decide against having a disabled child.
Nie wolno wywierać w Europie ani politycznych, ani społecznych nacisków na rodziców, aby świadomie podejmowali decyzję przeciwko posiadaniu niepełnosprawnego dziecka.

Imagine you're designing a building You consciously create each aspect.
Wyobraź sobie planowanie budynek. Tworzysz każdy aspekt w umyśle.

I'm not saying that I really consciously wanted to use people as guinea pigs.
Nie mówię , że naprawdę świadomie chciałem użyć ludzi jako królików doswiadczalnych.

Notice how consciously this unconscious woman holds onto her bed.
Zauważmy, jak przytomnie ta nieświadoma kobieta trzyma się łóżka.

This practical involvement, however, is not consciously forthcoming, for whatever reasons.
Z pewnych powodów to praktyczne zaangażowanie nadchodzi z pewną nieświadomością.

It wasn't meant to be accessed consciously, but merely to guide you.
Nie miałeś mieć do nich świadomego dostępu. Miały cię tylko prowadzić.

Anyone who, at the same time, demands the abandonment of nuclear power is consciously closing his eyes to reality.
Każdy, kto jednocześnie domaga się rezygnacji z energetyki jądrowej, świadomie nie chce przyjąć do wiadomości rzeczywistej sytuacji.

I mean, she dragged us into this spell, consciously or subconsciously.
Wciągnęła nas w to zaklęcie, świadomie czy nie.

But I have never consciously looked at a girl
Ale ja nigdy bym świadomie nie spojrzał na dziewczynę

If, for example, I'm hungry, lam consciously aware of that.
Jeśli, na przykład, jestem głodny. Jestem tego świadomy.

But you do consciously know it. You just said it.
Ale zdajesz sobie z tego sprawę, sam mówiłeś.

If you're listening consciously, you can take control ofthe sound around you.
Jeśli słuchacie świadomie, możecie przejąć kontrolę naddźwiękiem wokół Was.

When we make it consciously, the meaning's clear.
Jeżeli jest zrobiony świadomie, jego znaczenie jest oczywiste.

The person running amok doesen't always choose his target consciously.
Osoba, która wpada w szał, nie zawsze świadomie wybiera swój cel.

I don't consciously offend big men like this.
Nigdy świadomie nie obraziłbym takiego wielkiego faceta.

It is absolutely crucial to ensure that consumers are able to consciously make more environmentally friendly choices.
Bezwzględnie kluczowe znaczenie ma zapewnienie, aby konsumenci mogli świadomie dokonać wyborów bardziej przyjaznych dla środowiska.

Those who provide such services and those who use them consciously should also be faced with sanctions.
Ci którzy świadczą takie usługi i ci, którzy świadomie z nich korzystają, powinni być karani.

You would almost forget that people consciously choose illegality and deliberately misuse social services in Europe.
O mało co zapomnieliście, że ludzie świadomie decydują się na postępowanie niezgodnie z prawem i celowo wykorzystują systemy usług socjalnych w Europie.

Consciously or not, Eve is protecting herself, like a chameleon adapting to its surroundings.
Świadomie lub nie Ewa broni siebie. Jak kameleon dostosowuje się wobec otoczenia.

My consciously acting like a swine has cleansed you.
Świadomie zachowałem się jak świnia, żeby was oczyścić.

Very few people consciously perpetrating the domination agenda.
Bardzo niewielu ludzi świadomie uczestniczy w programie osiągnięcia dominacji.

I live consciously in my head.
W mojej głowie kłębią się myśli.

I think you did it consciously.
Myślę, że zrobiłeś to świadomie.

I was consciously trying to avoid overrunning.
Świadomie chciałem uniknąć przekroczenia limitu czasowego.

I used to be consciously naive.
Byłam nieprzytomnie naiwna.

No, you cannot acces this data consciously.
Nie będziesz miał świadomego dostępu do tych danych.

At the same time, I would like to point out that many women consciously and freely choose to work in the home on behalf of the family.
Jednocześnie pragnę zauważyć, że wiele kobiet świadomie i z własnej woli wybiera pracę w domu na rzecz rodziny.

That's because, consciously, I'm lazy and disorganized.
Dlatego, że świadomie jestem leniwa.

Clearly, neither the Commission nor the Council has any intention of considering this request and they therefore consciously intend to violate the treaty.
Widać wyraźnie, że ani Komisja, ani Rada nie mają zamiaru rozpatrywać tego wniosku i w związku z tym pragną świadomie naruszyć postanowienia traktatu.

Besides, he consciously makes reference to the experience of democracy and of those who fought for democracy in Central Europe.
Świadomie zresztą nawiązuję do tego, co było doświadczeniem demokracji czy tych, którzy walczyli o demokrację w Europie Środkowej.

had consciously forced myself to be homosexual.
Musiałbym wciąż zmuszać się do bycia homoseksualistą.

When a producer consciously uses the CE marking, he is saying that he abides by EU rules.
Jeżeli producent świadomie wykorzystuje oznaczenie CE, twierdzi, że przestrzega przepisów UE.

This country has only one problem and that is President Klaus, who has seriously damaged his country by consciously and deliberately undermining this successful Presidency.
Kraj ten ma tylko jeden problem i problemem tym jest prezydent Klaus, który poważnie zaszkodził temu krajowi, świadomie i celowo podkopując sukcesy tej prezydencji.

This demonstrates that the European Union is consciously assuming its extremely important role as an exporter of basic human rights which, unfortunately, have been deliberately violated at the moment in many countries in the world.
Byłoby to dowodem na to, że Unia Europejska świadomie bierze na siebie swoją niezwykle istotną rolę "eksportera” podstawowych praw człowieka, które niestety są obecnie rozmyślnie naruszane w wielu krajach świata.

If this is true, the situation is serious, because an apolitical concept, such as the intercultural dialogue, is consciously politicized for obscure reasons, thus damaging the image of a European Union Member State.
Jeżeli to jest prawda, to sytuacja jest poważna, ponieważ apolityczna koncepcja dialogu międzykulturowego jest świadomie upolityczniona z niejasnych przyczyn, szkodząc w ten sposób wizerunkowi państwa członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej.

It is a central question whether we should support the initiatives of these European political parties in the interests of encouraging citizens to participate consciously in the democratic life of the Union, and in its creation.
Kluczowym pytaniem jest to, czy powinniśmy popierać inicjatywy tych partii politycznych w celu zachęcenia obywateli do świadomego uczestnictwa w demokratycznym życiu Unii i jej tworzeniu.

That should be very consciously borne in mind in the debate, along with the CIA's overflights, the secret prisons and the disastrous consequences of the US campaigns thus far in the Middle East.
Należy o tym pamiętać w trakcie debaty, a także o przelotach CIA, tajnych więzieniach i katastrofalnych skutkach dotychczasowych kampanii Stanów Zjednoczonych na Bliskim Wschodzie.

draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. - (DE) Mr President, to celebrate the occasion, as you see, I have consciously taken the place of Mr Zahradil.
sprawozdawca komisji opiniodawczej Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych. - (DE) Panie przewodniczący! By uczcić to wydarzenie, jak państwo widzą, świadomie zająłem miejsce pana posła Zahradila.

At the forthcoming European Council, the leaders of the Member States of the European Union should think deeply about the advisability and the consequences of consciously by-passing the will of the citizens whom they represent.
Podczas najbliższego szczytu Rady przywódcy krajów Unii Europejskiej powinni głęboko zastanowić się nad celowością i konsekwencjami świadomego omijania woli obywateli, których reprezentują.

This is not because I feel that the term concerns me - the reverse is true - but because, for the umpteenth time, a legitimate political discourse against further mass-immigration and for a firm adjustment policy is being consciously bound up with extremism and violence.
Nie dlatego, że w moim odczuciu mnie to nie dotyczy - wręcz przeciwnie - ale dlatego, że po raz enty świadomie łączy się z ekstremizmem i przemocą w pełni uzasadnioną politykę przeciw dalszej masowej imigracji i na rzecz zdecydowanego uregulowania sytuacji.

It is equally noticeable that the European Investment Bank is preparing consciously for the European Union's post-2014 financial perspective, with the opportunity of joining in the financing of macro-regional strategies and by supporting rural development, new energy sources, green investments and infrastructure development.
Równie widoczne jest, że Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny świadomie przygotowuje się do perspektywy finansowej Unii Europejskiej po roku 2014, zapewniającej możliwości uczestniczenia w finansowaniu strategii makroregionalnych oraz we wspieraniu rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, nowych źródeł energii, zielonych inwestycji i rozbudowy infrastruktury.