(Noun) perswazja, namawianie, nakłanianie; przypochlebianie się, przymilanie się w celu nakłonienia kogoś do czegoś;
(Adjective) perswadujący, namawiający; zapraszający, kuszący; wabiący, łagodnie namawiający;
(flattery designed to gain favor)
synonim: blarney
synonim: soft soap
synonim: sweet talk
przetrenowanie n
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Explanations for the spike in attacks range from social dysfunction caused largely by poverty to more prosaic theories. Kevin Everard of the Be Safe project, which trains anti-knife crime handlers to work with schools, said the increase could be because of a hotter summer coaxing more young people to hang out on streets for longer.
She looks surprisingly relaxed for someone under enormous electoral pressure, coaxing in her speech rather than jabbing with a pointed politician's finger. She presents herself as your big sister rather than an Iron Lady.
The implications of Loring's breakthrough are clear for those trying to save endangered animals. If the technology is perfected and IPS cell cultures can be established for many of the species held in the Frozen Zoo, then conservationists will not just have to rely on preventing extinction by coaxing a few remaining individuals to breed. Instead, cell lines preserved in the Frozen Zoo can be added to the possible gene pool, increasing the chances of healthy reproduction.
A personal shopper helped me to pick out a suitably stylish outfit for the day, coaxing me into a minimalist peachy vest, skinny khaki trousers and brown high-heeled hiking boots (much nicer and less ridiculous than they sound). She upped the style stakes, accessorising with the sort of scarf I would never previously have considered but over the course of the day became surgically attached to, as well as a dangly necklace that persuaded me that jewellery is not necessarily pointless after all.
I didn't realise that you were good at coaxing kids.
Nie myślałam, że będziesz tak Dobry w namawianiu dzieci
Only one that needed a little coaxing was the German.
Jedynym, który potrzebował odrobiny zachęty, był ten Niemiec.
You have to keep the big stick in reserve, but preferably reach a solution through coaxing and self-regulation.
Musi pan trzymać ten gruby kij w zanadrzu, ale najlepiej znaleźć rozwiązanie w drodze perswazji i samoregulacji.
April, without some coaxing from your ability,
April, bez twojej zdolności,
Coaxing, tormenting... like the moods of my beloved
perswadując, dręcząc... jak nastroje mej ukochanej
Coaxing means that people prefer to do something because they see the benefit of it and I think that the Commissioner has achieved exceptional success in this.
W wyniku takiego namawiania ludzie chętniej podejmują działanie, gdyż dostrzegają jego korzyści. Uważam, że pan komisarz odniósł w tym przypadku wyjątkowy sukces.
Naturally, the situation in Belarus still remains serious, but we need to recognise that one way of coaxing Belarus towards the European Union is to recognise and respond to Mr Lukashenko's overtures.
Naturalnie sytuacja w Białorusi wciąż jest poważna, ale trzeba przyznać, że jednym ze sposobów przekonania Białorusi do Unii Europejskiej jest uznanie gestów pana Łukaszenki i reakcja na nie.