Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) technika urządzenie zamykające; budownictwo zwornik w sklepieniu; mówca zamykający przebieg obrad;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Słownik techniczny angielsko-polski

1. urządzenie zamykające, napęd łącznika
2. zwornik m, kamień zwornikowy

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City â?? visited by McVeigh â?? the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.
Birmingham-based Surestop needs scientifically skilled developers and experienced marketing staff to keep new models of its patented invention flowing into the building and plumbing trades. Vurlan wants to see measures from the next government to support apprenticeships, closer links between job centres and business, and better ties with universities to introduce more graduates to the attractions of a manufacturing career.
Kev Kharas of the influential blog No Pain in Pop believes that new music is purer as a result. "There is no pressure to conform to any kind of scene etiquette," he says. "It frees up people to get closer to something they want to do, rather than making music that's responding to staid ideas." While the music industry has been panicking over lost record sales from file-sharing and free downloads, a quiet creative revolution has been taking place behind the scenes.
With my friend having turned possibility into reality, I found myself at about two o'clock in the morning chatting alone with a backpacking hippy in his late-30s. Suddenly I became overwhelmed with the need to retreat home, a 20-minute walk outside the village. I mumbled excuses and lurched away down the main road. As the village ended, I got the idea that the hippy might be following me. I deduced that he was going to attack me and started to panic. Loss of motor control meant every urgent step took me closer to the ground, until I was literally crawling on the road. He must be getting closer. I had a plan. I'd roll into the ditch and he'd walk past.
Deepwater Horizon disaster costs for clean up and damages had been previously estimated at closer to $5bn
The sum dwarfs many analysts' previous estimates, shared by BP, that put the cost of the clean-up effort and payment of damages to affected communities, such as fishermen, closer to a total of $5bn.
10.31am Meanwhile Vinod Ganesh offers a dissenting voice: "Regarding the World Cup being rubbish, I don't think so at all," he writes. "I think the close games just suggest that teams are a lot closer than expected and so, the group stages are going to be very unpredictable. Anything could happen and I have no doubt that this will lead to some massively exciting games in the second and final rounds of the group stages! Also, the 0-0s and 1-0s, where a single kick can change the result, are beautiful in their own right." I take it you weren't at Slovenia v Algeria, Vinod?
Yossi Benayoun has moved closer to a Liverpool exit after agreeing terms on a four-year contract with Chelsea, although the clubs have yet to finalise a fee for the Israel international.
Kurtley Beale made one slicing midfield break and came closer than anyone to crossing the try-line but both sides found the ball slippery and phase-play elusive. Two penalties apiece for Charlie Hodgson and Barnes made it 6-6 at half-time and a third successful kick from Barnes in the 53rd minute briefly threatened to condemn England to more strife.
Tasked with looking after the retirement cash of 289,000 teachers, the fund is no stranger to snapping up British assets â?? it already owns almost half of Bristol airport, is buying Camelot (which runs the National Lottery), owns a chunk of Northumbrian Water and recently bought special-needs education and fostering provider Acorn. Closer to home, it part-owns an ice hockey team â?? the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The closer you come to one who make the better.
Bardziej zamkniêty przychodzisz do jednego kto robi lepszego.

You'll be one step closer to all I have for you.
Będziesz o jeden krok bliżej do wszystkiego, co dla ciebie mam.

I want to take a closer look at what happened.
Chcę przyjrzeć się bliżej temu, co się wydarzyło.

Must be getting closer to the centre of the city.
Musimy się zbliżać do centrum miasta.

We're no closer now than we were an hour ago.
Nie jesteśmy bliżej, niż byliśmy godzinę temu.

Come a little bit closer so I can actually hear you.
Podejdź trochę bliżej, tak, bym mógł cię słyszeć!

How can the second shot be closer than the first?
W jaki sposób drugi strzał mógł być oddany z odległości bliższej niż pierwszy?

But meeting them made me feel closer to human kind.
Ale spotkanie z nimi, pozwoliło mi poczuć się bliżej rodzaju ludzkiego.

Can I get the two of you guys closer together?
Czy wy dwaj możecie stanąć bliżej siebie?

Like I was trying to get closer to her or something.
Tak starałem dostać się bliżej niej, czy coś.

We want to help them to be closer to us.
Chcemy im pomóc zbliżyć się do nas.

I've never been closer to anyone and I don't know you at all.
Nigdy nie byłam z nikim bliżej... a w ogóle cię nie znam.

I didn't want to say anything until we got closer to home.
Nie chciałem ci nic mówić zanim nie wrócimy do domu.

We got closer to him a year ago than we've ever been.
Rok temu byliśmy bliżej niego, niż kiedykolwiek.

You know,and this whole thing has just brought us closer together.
I wiecie, cała ta sprawa tylko nas do siebie zbliżyła.

When they're ready to give up,you call in a closer.
Kiedy będą gotowi się poddać, dobijecie targu.

Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?
Możesz się przyjrzeć bliżej, by upewnić, że to byli oni?

Maybe it's time to say things to someone closer to you.
Może czas, byś zaczął rozmawiać z kimś ci bliższym.

Bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light.
Przykro mi, może mógłbyś przybliżyć to trochę, potrzebuję choć trochę światła.

But we fear they could be needed closer to hand.
Ale obawiamy się, że będą nam bardziej potrzebne na inne sprawy.

He gets up, comes closer, and takes you in his arms.
On wstaje, podchodzi do ciebie i cie obejmuje ramionami.

I need you to keep getting closer to your sister.
Potrzebuję cię, żebyś zbliżyła się do swojej siostry.

Perhaps that is something we could have a closer look at.
Może to jest coś, czemu moglibyśmy się lepiej przyjrzeć.

But it's one step closer to doing what I really want to do.
Ale jest ważnym krokiem do zdobycia pracy, którą chcę wykonywać.

But at that moment, you are closer to him than anyone else on earth.
Ale w tym momencie jesteś mu bliższy niż ktokolwiek inny na ziemi.

Well, then he's probably using your mom to get closer to you.
Na pewno wie. - Więc używa twojej matki żeby się zbliżyć do ciebie.

I mean, no one has ever been closer to me than this young man.
Nikt nigdy nie był mi bliższy niż ten młody człowiek.

And once we get any closer, I won't be able to go near you.
I im bliżej będziemy, tym trudniej będzie mi się do ciebie zbliżyć.

This guy didn't come any closer to her than he had to.
Trzymał się od niej tak daleko jak tylko mógł.

This makes sense, because they are closer to the local problems and issues.
Jest to uzasadnione, ponieważ są one bliżej lokalnych problemów i spraw.

It would be a good idea to take a closer look at what we have done.
Warto głębiej przeanalizować nasze działania.

But I've never felt closer to anybody in my life.
Ale ja z nikim wcześniej nie czułem się aż tak blisko.

But I thought war was meant to bring people closer together.
A ja myślałam, że wojna miała zbliżyć ludzi do siebie.

It's something that I think will bring us closer together.
Jest to coś, co myślę, że przybliży nas do siebie.

Can we keep a closer eye on them in future, please?
Możemy na przyszłość mieć je bardziej na oku ?

After 9 years of marriage, we were closer than ever.
Po dziewięciu latach małżeństwa byliśmy sobie bliscy, jak nigdy.

Which means we're one step closer to finding what is.
Co oznacza, że jesteśmy bliżej odkrycia, co z nim jest źle.

The closer I get to you, the worse it gets.
Im bardziej się do ciebie zbliżam, tym bardziej cierpię.

It's closer, in case you want anything. Right next to the office.
Jest tu blisko, na wypadek, gdyby pani czegoś potrzebowała.

I don't know, maybe we need to be closer to it.
Nie wiem, może musimy się do niego zbliżyć?

Those lights aren't going to come any closer than they are.
Te światła nie będą bliżej, niż są teraz.

Let's get closer so you can see his last breath.
Chodźmy bliżej, żebyś mogła zobaczyć jego ostatnie tchnienie.

Every problem is an opportunity to get closer to your goal.
Każdy problem jest przeciwnością żeby zbliżyć się do ciebie.

He's not my brother, but blood couldn't make us any closer.
On nie jest moim prawdziwym bratem, ale on jest mi bardzo bliski

Yes, but you're much closer to it than he is.
Tak, ale ty jesteś bliżej tego niż on.

It was a use to get me closer to my goals.
Była użytkiem, który zbliżył mnie do moich celów.

For them, things need to literally be closer to home.
Dla nich liczy się to, co dosłownie dotyczy ich samych.

He thinks I'm some way to get closer to my dad.
Myśli, że jestem dobrym sposobem na zbliżenie się do mojego ojca.

It is our policy to draw school and home closer together.
Naszym założeniem jest, by zbliżyć do siebie szkołę i dom.