ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The sweat is pouring from his face over his shoulder and chest tattoos (one is a pair of manacled hands clasped in prayer; the other says "Fix up look sharp" â?? the name of his first top 20 hit), and down the cluster of scars close to his heart. They aren't the only scars â?? he shows me one on his arm, one on his back and one in his groin close to his femoral artery. He was 19 and had just won the Mercury prize for his first album, Boy In Da Corner, when he was stabbed six times while in the Cypriot holiday resort of Ayia Napa. Both the Mercury and the stabbing transformed his life, but you sense the latter had the more lasting impact.
Even if 150 years of hard natural science and decades of electrified street light have helped to drain the owl of much of its menace, note how the stock metaphor for danger in television dramas is still either the sound or the brief glimpse of an owl landing on a tree just outside the scene of the crime. Over that same period owls have gradually been clasped tighter and tighter to the national bosom in the form of T-shirts, cushions and ornaments, Beatrix Potter's innocently blinking Old Brown or a score of wise-looking bespectacled owls in Disney cartoons. These birds are also the stars in Legend of the Guardians, a 3D animated film that hits cinemas next month.
Small details are given with each sketch in the hope that they may help to jog someone's memory. A middle-aged man who died of a heart attack at Euston station in 1989 had a tattoo on his lower left arm of two clasped hands under a union flag; a woman in her late 20s struck by a train at Victoria tube station in 1975 had a wart on her left cheek; and the man struck by a train last year in Cornwall was wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket and gloves and had a plastic wallet containing an old pound note, a postcard of New York, a multi-tool and a small key.

Sidhu! The man whose hand I clasped As I walked
Sidhu! mężczyzna, którego rękę uściskałem, Ponieważ szedłem

Ash bought the brooch for Ellen. The clasped hands. Here in Whitby.
Ash kupił broszkę dla Ellen, tu w Whitby, wiemy o tym.