Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) wzburzony (o morzu), pluskający; krzepki;

(Noun) wzburzenie; pluskanie morza; krótka fala; krojenie, siekanie;
chopping knife - nóż kuchenny, duży nóż do siekania;
chopping board - klocek, pniak rzeźniczy, pieniek do rąbania; deska do krojenia;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I was horrified by The Shining. The whole story frightened me, and I do remember the scene where he's chopping through the door absolutely terrified me. Then I read what a terrible time [Shelley Duvall] had making it, and that made it worse. I'm not very good at watching scary films. I think I'm a very visual person, I find pictures very powerful, and as a kid my mind ran riot. Caravaggio's paintings trouble me and stay with me for 20 years, so you can imagine the impact of a very vivid film.
Shaun He had considered calling the police, but ruled it out. He realised afterwards that was the wrong decision. If he'd killed this lady and then rung the police that's one scenario. If you wait until morning and then tell them that's another. Chopping the body up and disposing of it is as bad as it gets as far as sentencing.
Shaun He had considered calling the police, but ruled it out. He realised afterwards that was the wrong decision. If he'd killed this lady and then rung the police that's one scenario. If you wait until morning and then tell them that's another. Chopping the body up and disposing of it is as bad as it gets as far as sentencing.
The news shook the juggalo community to its core. While some fans claimed they'd actually had an inkling, having deciphered some of the hidden messages in several songs, others said they felt deeply betrayed and outraged: they'd been innocently enjoying all those songs about chopping people up and shooting women, and it was Christian rock?
The amount of top-grade ham Spain can produce is limited by its dwindling stock of acorn-producing holm oaks, many of which are hundreds of years old. There were more than 11m of these evergreen oaks at the beginning of the 20th century, but only 2.5m remain due to farmers chopping many down in the 1930s and 1940s. Of the trees that survived the felling, a 10th are now dying of disease.
Or change your name to Neville Brody. If you were Neville Brody you could join a London-based magazine called the Face in 1981 and transform its rather predictable design to such a degree that your impact would be felt not just on the look of magazines but on books, music, and many aspects of commercial product design for decades to come. If you were Neville Brody, you could set up a design business called Research Studios with offices in five countries and rework the retail look of high-end fashion and perfume brands, and take up the post of head of communication, art and design at the Royal College of Art. You could give your typefaces monumental names like Typeface Four or Typeface Six and you could continue to wear a ponytail long after everyone else in the design world had been ridiculed into chopping theirs off.
Fortunately, I've got some cold beef left over from Gravy Week, so I use that in Hugh's recipe, chopping it, as he instructs, fairly coarsely: "this makes the finished pie robust and satisfying". I add the pea-sized pieces of meat to a chopped onion, garlic clove and carrot which have been gently softening in a large pan with a dash of oil, and fry them until "nicely browned". As they're pretty brown to start off with, having been roasted for an hour and a half a few days before, this doesn't take long. I then pour in a small cup of leftover gravy, half a glass of red wine, 1 tbsp tomato ketchup and 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, and simmer the whole thing for half an hour until the meat is tender, adding a little water at the end to eke out the gravy. Topped with mash, it then goes into the oven for 40 minutes, until browned on top, and slightly bubbling. As a way of using up leftovers, its only rival is the mighty roast beef and horseradish sandwich, but there's no denying that the meat is slightly dry and chewy.
In Jane Grigson's opinion, the invention of the mincing machine was the beginning of the end for the cottage pie. "Originally," she explains in English Cookery, "mincing meant chopping something with a knife. With meat, it helped to make the less noble parts edible without prolonged cooking. Fair enough. But with the first mincing-machines, prison, school and seaside boarding house cooks acquired a new weapon to depress their victims, with watery mince, shepherd's pie with rubbery granules of left-over meat, rissoles capable of being fired with a gun."
It's no surprise, then, that she is in favour of mincing or chopping the meat at home instead, suggesting chuck or shin of beef, or a lean cut of lamb. I choose shin, which is gratifyingly good value, chop it up into Hugh's pea-sized pieces, and pit it against some top quality butcher's mince, as specified in Nigel Slater's recipe. I'm startled to find I much prefer the texture of the shin, which, even after 10 minutes simmering and nearly an hour in the oven, retains a slight solidity which works nicely with the soft, fluffy mash. The mince is less assertive, and thus less satisfying to eat â?? it feels like invalid food by comparison.
Cut the top and bottom off the orange and stand it on one of the cut ends on a chopping board. Work your way around it, cutting off the skin, pith and membrane, then cut out the segments. Squeeze the juice from the segmented orange into a small bowl.

Sure, but only if you say no more chopping up.
Jasne, ale tylko jeśli powiesz, że koniec już z rąbaniem.

I just left the key on the table while he was out chopping wood.
Zostawiłam mu klucz na stole, kiedy poszedł rąbać drewno.

Isn't chopping of a thief's hand legal punishment in many countries?
To nie do krojenia z ręki złodzieja kara prawnych w wielu krajach?

Tonight if you start snoring again, I'm chopping of your nose.
Jak dziś znów będziesz chrapać odrąbię ci ten nos.

What does a lady see in a guy who runs around chopping up pigeons?
Co kobieta może widzieć w facecie, który morduje gołębie?

Brad, I thought about chopping your head off with a machete many times.
Brad, myślałem wiele razy, by ci odrąbać głowę maczetą.

All right, Sam, now remember, it's just like chopping lumber, but not.
Dobrze, Sam, pamiętaj że to jak rąbanie drewna, tylko to nie drewno.

I saw you chopping him. You've got nowhere to run
Widziałem jak go rąbałeś. I nie masz, dokąd biec.

Do anything that involves a lot of chopping, deep knee bends.
Robić coś, co wymaga dużo siekania... uginania kolan... żadnej nagości.

He rode hard into battle, chopping off heads at full gallop.
Wjeżdżał w sam środek bitwy, ścinając głowy w pełnym galopie.

Running little errands for your cousin? Stealing cars and chopping them up?
Na małe przestępstwa dla swojego kuzyna, kradzież aut i cięcie ich na złom?

You start talking or I start chopping off all the bits that stick out.
Ty zaczniesz gadać, albo ja zacznę odcinać ci kończyny.

I'm getting really good at chopping wood too.
Staję się również coraz lepszy w rąbaniu drewna.

But if you don't give it to him, he gonna start chopping on Junior.
Ale jeśli mu tych pieniędzy nie dasz, potnie Juniora na kawałki.

She's psychotic, but she's not capable of chopping your head off.
Jest psychopatką, ale nie jest w stanie odciąć ci głowy.

I don't remember chopping your balls off, too.
Nie pamiętam też, bym uciął ci jaja.

They said, like all Basques, you were only fit for chopping wood
Powiedziały, że jak wszyscy Baskijczycy, nadajesz się tylko do rąbania drewna.

Where were they when Dan and me were chopping trees in this gulch?
A gdzie oni byli, gdy Dan i ja ścinaliśmy drzewa w tym kanionie?

Chopping the bodies at San Marcos was sending a message to share.
Rzeźnia na San Marcos była wiadomością, by się podzielili.

No, I watched my brother chopping wood.
A nie, to był mój brat.

Nobody likes to be the bad guy, Bill. But here I am, chopping heads.
Nikt nie chce być tym złym, ale ja jestem i leję po tyłkach.

Look, honey, the nice people are chopping shallots.
Spójrz kochanie. Ładni ludzie siekają cebulę.

They attained power by overthrowing their father, Kronos, chopping him into little pieces.
Doszli do mocy po obaleniu własnego ojca. Kronos. Poćwiartowali go na małe kawałeczki.

His case is pending for chopping cars.
Jego sprawa dotyczy cięcia samochodów.

They're not chopping my brain in half, Leanne.
Nie rozwalą mi głowy na pół, Leanne.

That chopping cotton's for white trash and niggers.
Ścinanie bawełny jest dla białych śmieci i dla czarnuchów.

Like chopping yourself in the arm?
Jak ucięcie sobie ręki?

Your chopping days are over.
Wasze dni na szrocie się skończyły.

He's busy right now, chopping wood.
Jest teraz zajęty, rąbie drewno.

You think chopping wood impresses women?
Myślisz, że cięcie drewna robi wrażenie na kobietach?

Your old-fashioned finger chopping is worthless.
Twoje odcinanie palców jest staromodne i gówno warte.

Chopping wood for camp, that's funny.
Rąbią drewno na ogień. Zabawne.

Blades chopping straw.
Ostrza tnące słomę.

We don't feel right, chopping down trees, but... ...enough fall down by themselves.
Nie czujemy się dobrze, ścinając drzewa, ale... starcza drzew, które same padają.

Bamboo chopping... the milk & water position...
Ścinanie bambusa... pozycja mleka i wody...

Wow, Luis, You're Really Good At Chopping Vegetables.
Wow Luis, jesteś naprawdę dobry w siekaniu warzyw.

This constant chopping and changing is also incomprehensible, as this will surely not gain us a good reputation or make a good impression on our Turkish partners in dialogue.
Te ciągłe wahania i zmiany także są niezrozumiałe, gdyż z pewnością nie przysporzą nam sławy ani nie wywrą dobrego wrażenia na naszych tureckich partnerach w dialogu.

I wish the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria the rapture that I personally experienced in chopping down the border gate on 22 December 2007, when Slovakia became part of the Schengen area.
Życzę obywatelom Rumunii i Bułgarii tego zachwytu, którego osobiście doświadczyłam, przekraczając granicę 22 grudnia 2007 r., kiedy Słowacja przystąpiła do obszaru Schengen.