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~ (of) gum - żucie gumy

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Baseball: Badda-baddaâ??..Shwiiiiiiiiiiiingâ??..badda-badda. It's the bottom of the ninth, you need two runs for victory and there's a gum-chewing schmuck on the pitching mound with some curve-balls up his sleeve. Swing for the sweet-spot.P45 Rating ****
â?? We've said it before and we'll say it again: it would be nice to end the week on an upbeat note. Unfortunately, what stuck out yesterday was Kamila Shamsie's article about the floods in Pakistan. As KTBFFH put it elsewhere on the website: "Crikey! A lot of people seem to sit up late at night chewing crab apples and washing them down with vinegar . . ."
8) Finally, Russell Crowe breaks Banks out of jail and then dangles her upside down out of a moving car. Will she survive? Well [spoiler alert], if the French film The Next Three Days is based on is any indication, she does and goes on to live incognito with Russell Crowe in El Salvador. Then again, since this is a Paul Haggis film it could end with (another spoiler alert) Elizabeth Banks chewing off her tongue in the most depressing way possible. Then again, since this is a Russell Crowe film, it could end with (spoiler alert) however Body Of Lies ended. I don't know. I haven't actually seen it.
The Schramm machine is now being dismantled from its foundation at the Minera Ines de Collahuasi and will be shipped hundreds of kilometers south to offer assistance at the San Jose mine. Volunteers and the 20 person crew are set to begin the second rescue hole by the end of next week. As the world's largest producer of copper, Chile has a plethora of technological tools for drilling, boring and chewing away mountains of rocks.
Once we've visited an infants school and the gleaming Bristol Metropolitan Academy, Balls (50/1 at Bet365) pauses for breath â?? and another radio interview â?? outside a rum-looking hotdog stand. By way of talking up his empathy with Labour's activists, he thinks back to Gordon Brown's time at Number 10 and recalls regularly clashing with conservative elements who apparently formed a misery-spreading cordon around the PM: "People saying, 'We're quite worried about editorials in the Times.' " He piles into the idea that the Brown government's demise was down to Labour's supposed problems with Middle England: "Go to Southampton, go to the Medway Towns, go to Stevenage. Why did we lose? Because low-income voters thought we weren't on their side." Inevitably, we also spend a lot of time chewing over his close association with the Brown clique's reputation for the more brutal aspects of the political game: internecine nastiness, off-the-record "briefings", you name it.
Once we've visited an infants school and the gleaming Bristol Metropolitan Academy, Balls (50/1 at Bet365) pauses for breath â?? and another radio interview â?? outside a rum-looking hotdog stand. By way of talking up his empathy with Labour's activists, he thinks back to Gordon Brown's time at Number 10 and recalls regularly clashing with conservative elements who apparently formed a misery-spreading cordon around the PM: "People saying, 'We're quite worried about editorials in the Times.' " He piles into the idea that the Brown government's demise was down to Labour's supposed problems with Middle England: "Go to Southampton, go to the Medway Towns, go to Stevenage. Why did we lose? Because low-income voters thought we weren't on their side." Inevitably, we also spend a lot of time chewing over his close association with the Brown clique's reputation for the more brutal aspects of the political game: internecine nastiness, off-the-record "briefings", you name it.
Ali Hussain's sun-beaten face cracked into a broad smile, revealing a set of ferociously rotten, red-stained teeth corroded by years of chewing tobacco and betel nut. He had been asked his opinion of this year's flood.
And hence it came. First up, @danfobo recommended "lovely local lass" Beth Jeans Houghton, whose lilting country wisps kept me foot-tapping from London to Peterborough. Next it was the inimitable Jimmy Nail, as suggested by @mrdavidwhitley and @biglittlethings, with his smash hit (sic) Aint No Doubt. YouTube describes him as a "man like an Easter Island statue chewing razor blades", but my, he could sing like a wounded harp. Then things got a little emotional with Maximo Park's superb By the Monument, thanks to @rossjankin and @megpickard, before @snowyshoes and @sonnypike brought the house down. Take it away, Knopfler:
Plath was, unquestionably, a mesmerising, perhaps even slightly mad, figure who was only too willing to play her part in any drama. "She wrote her early poems very slowly," Hughes once said of their early days together in the 1950s. It was, he said, "as if she were working out a mathematical problem, chewing her lips, putting a thick dark ring of ink round each word that stirred her on the page of the thesaurus".
I began to wonder about the calmness exuded by so many of the "sisters" and "brothers". Not all; these are human beings we're talking about. But many. And on my visit to Iran this September, the washing, kneeling, chanting recitations of the prayers at the mosques I visited reminded me of the west's view of an entirely different religion; one that is known for eschewing violence and embracing peace and love through quiet meditation. A religion trendy with movie stars such as Richard Gere, and one that would have been much easier to admit to following in public â?? Buddhism. Indeed, the bending, kneeling and submission of Muslim prayers resound with words of peace and contentment. Each one begins, "Bismillahir rahmaneer Raheem" â?? "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate" â?? and ends with the phrase "Assalamu Alaykhum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh" â?? Peace be upon you all and God's mercy and blessing.

Say something to David instead of always chewing on me.
Dlaczego nie pogadasz z Davidem zamiast wyżywać się na mnie?

I'm no doctor, but it looks like something's been chewing on him.
Nie jestem lekarzem, ale on wygląda, jakby coś go przeżuło.

The way he sat there, chewing his food like an idiot.
Sposób w jaki siedział, żuł jedzenie jak idiota.

He was chewing on the lid of his coffee cup.
On- On- On- żuł wieczko kubka po kawie.

Patient's a little old to be chewing paint off the walls.
Pacjent jest trochę za stary, żeby zlizywać farbę ze ścian,

That amount is just like the price of chewing gum for me.
Taka kwota dla mnie to jak splunąć gumą.

Smoke the rest of that joint, James, you can start chewing on the box.
Wypal do końca tego jointa, James, to może zaczniesz żuć pudełko.

Are they all chewing gum, or have I gone deaf?
Czy oni wszyscy żują gumę, czy ja głuchnę?

Chewing can look bad when you're trying to look good.
Przeżuwanie może wyglądać źle kiedy starasz się dobrze wyglądać.

There's a world of money chewing grass on those plains, Jack.
Wielkie pieniądze gryzą trawę na tych równinach, Jack.

Take that chewing gum off your feet before you start dancing.
Zabierz tą gumę do żucia spod twoich butów, zanim zaczniesz tańczyć.

I left him on the sidewalk like a piece of chewing gum.
Zostawiłam go na chodniku jak kawałek gumy do żucia.

Our best friend is at home chewing her elbows and you're horse shopping?
Nasza najlepsza przyjaciółka jest w domu, przeżuwając sobie łokcie, a ty kupujesz stajnię?

Yes, but you say that about chewing to fast!
Ale to samo mówisz o zbyt szybkim przeżuwaniu.

We start chewing now, we can finish before the sun comes up.
Jeśli zaczniemy żuć teraz, to skończymy zanim wstanie słońce.

No, they'il hear him chewing and then we're done for.
Nie, jeśli reszta usłyszy jak on żuje to wtedy wszyscy będą chcieli.

Far less proud. Locking himself up night and day chewing on his own mistakes.
Mniej dumnie. Zamyka się dniem i nocą i przeżuwa własne błędy.

That's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's disgusting.
Tak to jest jak się bez przerwy żuje gumę, to obrzydliwe.

He pulls permits out of his back pocket like they're chewing gum.
Nosi pozwolenia w tylnej kieszeni, jak paczkę gum do żucia.

You think it's 100 feet away,and it's chewing on your liver.
Myślisz, że jest 50 m od ciebie a nagle gryzie twoją wątrobę.

Chewing tobacco. Practically everyone in my unit did it.
Żuli praktycznie wszyscy w oddziale, poza mną.

Eddie Marconi that used to come over and give us chewing gum?
Eddie Marconi który przychodził i dawał nam guzy do żucia?

Thank you for not chewing me out for forging your signature.
Dziękuję za nie odsunięcie mnie od przypadku z powodu podrobienia podpisu.

And he got cancer from chewing fluorescent bulb glass ?
I ma raka od żucia fluorescyncyjnego szkła?

That money is only chewing gum money to me.
Dla mnie taka kwota jest jak splunięcie gumą.

Before you know it, you're chewing codeine with breakfast.
Zanim się spostrzeżesz, żujesz na śniadanie kodeinę.

Lex, what has chewing gum got to do with the secrets of the universe?
Lex, co ma żucie gumę dostaną zrobić z sekretami wszechświata?

Chewing up tissue paper. (Always thinking of her.
Gniotąc chusteczki do nosa (Ciągle o niej myślę.

The dogs was chewing all on her ass.
Gryzły ich po tyłkach...

We spend eight hours a day in offices like this, chewing tobacco, eh ?
Spędzamy osiem godzin w takich biurach jak to żując tabakę, eh?

I always use chewing gum on these rides.
Zawsze w takich razach żuję gumę.

He keeps peeing all over the place and chewing up all the furniture.
Cały czas sika w całym mieszkaniu i gryzie wszystkie meble.

Have you been chewing on my books?
Czyżbyś gryzł moje książki?

I'm talking about the gum you're chewing to replace smoking as an oral fixation.
Mówię o gumie, którą pan żuje zamiast palić, to oralna obsesja.

Half of these people aren't even chewing their hors d'oeuvres to a safe consistency.
Połowa z tych ludzi nie żuje nawet swoich zakąsek do bezpiecznej konsystencji.

I found Wilfred chewing on it last night.
Wilfred gryzł to zeszłej nocy.

Bright side... them chewing up my meat-suit ought to buy you a few seconds.
Jak będą rozrywać moje ciało, kupi wam to kilka sekund.

What's Chul-jong and that old man chewing on?
Co Chul-jong i twój mąż żuli?

But I smelled whiskey, chewing tobacco, bad breath, bad diets.
Ale wyczułem whiskey, tytoń do żucia i śmierdzący oddech.

Aunt Didde talks about illness and has difficulty chewing.
Ciocia Didde lubi mówić o chorobach i ma kłopot z przeżuwaniem.

minutes, most of it spent chewing, talking about the weather.
minut, w większości poświęconych życiu i rozmowom o pogodzie.

One minute you're chewing on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat.
W jednej chwili żujesz sobie hamburgera, a w następnej jesteś już martwy.

Atomic is chewing on his face again!
Atomic znowu obgryza mu twarz!

I see a lot of gum chewing.
Widzę dużo gumy do żucia.

It's just gonna be silence and then people chewing.
Zapomnielismy o zespole! Będzie cisza i wtedy ludzie będą żuć.

Like chewing them up like an afternoon snack.
Jak dawanie mu wycisku na podwieczorek.

If I ever catch you chewing that in class, I'il kill you.
Jeśli kiedyś złapię cię na żuciu gumy w klasie, zabiję cię.

My dad calls them chewing gum plays.
Mój tata nazywał je trikami gumy do żucia.